Unigine::BodyRagDoll Class
Header: | #include <UniginePhysics.h> |
Inherits: | Body |
This class is used to simulate rag doll bodies. This body automatically generates a rag doll skeleton, i.e. collision shapes that are bound to the bones and joints that connect them.
BodyRagDoll Class
static BodyRagDollPtr create ( )
Constructor. Creates a rag doll with default properties.static BodyRagDollPtr create ( const Ptr<Object> & object )
Constructor. Creates a rag doll with default properties for a given object.Arguments
- const Ptr<Object> & object - Object approximated with the new rag doll.
Ptr<BodyRagDoll> cast( const Ptr<Body> & body )
- const Ptr<Body> & body
void setBoneFrameBased( int bone, int based )
Sets a value indicating if bone transformations should be based on skinned animation data or conditioned by physics.Arguments
- int bone - Bone number.
- int based - Positive value to set skinned animation-based transformations, 0 for rag doll physical animation.
int isBoneFrameBased( int bone )
Returns a value indicating if bone transformations are based on skinned animation data or conditioned by physics.Arguments
- int bone - Bone number.
Return value
Positive value if transformations are based on skinned animation, 0 if they are rag doll physical animation.const char * getBoneName( int bone )
Returns the name of a given bone.Arguments
- int bone - Bone number.
Return value
Bone name.int getBoneNumber( int bone )
Checks whether the bone with the given number exists.Arguments
- int bone - The number of the bone.
Return value
Bone number.void setBones( const Ptr<Node> & node )
Imports a set of bones from a given node.Arguments
- const Ptr<Node> & node - Node, from which the bones will be imported.
Ptr<Node> getBones( )
Exports a set of bones into a given node.Return value
Node, into which the bones will be exported.Math::Mat4 getBoneTransform( int bone )
Returns the transformation of animation bone for the current frame.Arguments
- int bone - Bone number.
Return value
Bone transformation matrix.void setFrameBased( int based )
Sets a value indicating if rag doll bones move according to the animation written in the file.Arguments
- int based - Positive number to make the bones move according to the file animation, 0 to make the movements physics-driven.
int isFrameBased( )
Returns a value indicating if rag doll bones move according to the animation written in the file.Return value
Positive number if the bones move according to the file animation; otherwise, 0.void setMass( float mass )
Sets a mass of the rag doll.Notice
If g (Earth's gravity) equals to 9.8 m/s
2, and 1 unit equals to 1 m, the mass is measured in kilograms.
- float mass - Mass of the rag doll.
float getMass( )
Returns the mass of the rag doll.Notice
If g (Earth's gravity) equals to 9.8 m/s
2, and 1 unit equals to 1 m, the mass is measured in kilograms.
Return value
Mass of the rag doll.int getNumBones( )
Returns the number of bones in the rag doll.Return value
Number of bones.void setRigidity( float rigidity )
Sets rigidity of bones movement, i.e. how much interpolated linear and angular velocities of all bones affect velocities of each separate bone.Arguments
- float rigidity - Rigidity of bones movement. Provided value is saturated in range [0;1]:
- By the value of 0, bones are independent.
- By the value of 1, bones movement is uniform, as interpolated velocity greatly changes velocities of each bone.
float getRigidity( )
Returns the rigidity of bones movement, i.e. how much interpolated linear and angular velocities of all bones affect velocities of each separate bone.Return value
Rigidity of bones movement:- By the value of 0, bones are independent.
- By the value of 1, bones movement is uniform, as interpolated velocity greatly changes velocities of each bone.
int createBones( float error = 0.2, float threshold = 0.01, int capsule = 0 )
Automatically generates a simplified skeleton from the mesh and its bones. Each bone is approximated with a convex hull or a capsule based on given parameters.Arguments
- float error - Permissible error, which is used for creating convex hulls. This is an optional parameter.
- float threshold - Threshold, which is used to detect and discard too small convex hulls. A convex hull, which volume is smaller than an average volume multiplied by the threshold, is discarded. This is an optional parameter.
- int capsule - Approximation shape. By the value of 0, convex hull is used; the value of 1 sets capsule approximation.
Return value
Created bone number.int findBone( const char * name )
Searches for a bone with a given name.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the bone.
Return value
Number of the bone in the list of bones, if it is found; otherwise, -1.Last update:
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