This section contains lights-related settings, such as lens flares effect, batching parameters as well as per-object limits for forward rendering pass.
Lights Settings
Lens Flares | Toggles the Lens Flares effect on and off. |
Batching Options#
Max Per Batch | Maximum number of lights rendered by a tile per batch call. With lights batching optimization, omni lights divided into tiles are rendered in batches: each tile renders the specified number of lights per batch. It makes it possible to decrease the number of DIP calls and gain performance. Notice The optimization works only for omni lights with point shape and without shadows. |
Tile Grid Size | Number of grid tiles per axis for tiled rendering optimization. During this optimization, the screen space is divided into tiles, that render lights in batches. Notice The optimization works only for omni lights with point shape and without shadows. |
Forward Per-Object Limits#
World | Maximum number of world light sources per object (for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass). |
Omni | Maximum number of omni light sources per object (for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass). |
Proj | Maximum number of projected light sources per object (for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass). |
Environment Probe | Maximum number of environment probe light sources per object (for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass). |
Voxel Probe | Maximum number of voxel probe light sources per object (for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass). |
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