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Unigine::Console Class

Header: #include <UnigineConsole.h>

Controls console-related parameters.

Adding Console Command with Several Arguments#

The Console class can be used to create custom user console commands with a different number of arguments. This section provides an example of how to create a custom console command with several arguments.

Prior Knowledge
It is supposed that you have already created an empty C++ project by using UNIGINE SDK Browser.

In the example below, we perform the following actions:

  • Define and implement AppWorldLogic instance methods for console commands.
  • Get the console instance (which has a singleton implementation) and add a new command.
1. Adding Instance Methods#

In this example, we define three methods in the AppWorldLogic.h header file: one as a callback for a console command and another two methods for actions depending on the number of arguments:

Source code (C++)
// AppWorldLogic.h

/* ... */
class AppWorldLogic : public Unigine::WorldLogic {

	/* ... */

	// choose the method
	void choose_command(int argc, char **argv);
	// perform an action if there are no arguments
	void action_no_args();
	// perform another action if an argument was passed
	void action_one_arg(const char *s);

/* ... */

  • choose_command() selects the appropriate method.
  • action_no_args() is called if there are no console arguments.
  • action_one_arg() is called if an argument was passed.

In the AppWorldLogic.cpp file implement recently defined methods:

Source code (C++)
// AppWorldLogic.cpp

// check the number of arguments and call the corresponding method
void AppWorldLogic::choose_command(int argc, char **argv) {
	for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
		Unigine::Log::message("arg[%d]: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
	// note: the first element of argv is the name of console command
	if (argc == 1) {
	else if (argc == 2) {
	// for more arguments:
	//else if (...) {
	//	// etc
// write the message into console, if there are no arguments
void AppWorldLogic::action_no_args() {
	Unigine::Log::message("first action! no arguments!\n");
// write the message into console, if an argument was passed
void AppWorldLogic::action_one_arg(const char *s) {
	Unigine::Log::message("second action! the argument is:%s \n", s);

Arguments argc and argv are used to get the arguments count and arguments vector.

The first element of argv always keeps the name of a console command. Thus, argc is always >= 1. To get the first passed argument, you should use argv[1].
2. Adding Custom Console Command#

Add custom command to the AppWorldLogic.cpp file by using addCommand() function. By adding this code into AppWorldLogic::init() function, the engine adds a new console command on AppWorldLogic class instance initialization.

Source code (C++)
// AppWorldLogic.cpp

#include "UnigineConsole.h"
#include "UnigineCallback.h"

/* ... */

int AppWorldLogic::init() {
	// get the existing singleton Console instance and add a command
		"Performs custom console action",
		Unigine::MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::choose_command)

	return 1;

/* ... */
3. Running Sample#

After building the project, run it and open the console. Write recently created command to see the result:

#if you write "console_action"
arg[0]: console_action
first action! no arguments!

#if you write "console_action arg"
arg[0]: console action
arg[1]: arg
second action! the argument is:arg

To remove the added console command, use removeCommand() method.

Console Class


Console * get( )

Returns a pointer to the existing Console instance.

Return value

A pointer to the Console instance.

void setActivity( int activity )

Opens or closes the console. By default the console is closed.


  • int activity - 1 to make the console active (opened); otherwise, 0.

int getActivity( )

Returns a value indicating if the console is opened or closed.

Return value

Returns 1 if the console is active (opened); otherwise, 0.

void setBackgroundColor( const Math::vec4 & color )

Sets a background color for the console.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int isCommand( const char * name )

Returns a value indicating if a command with a given name exists.


  • const char * name - The command name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the command with a given name exists; otherwise, 0.

const char * getCommandDescription( const char * name )

Returns the description of the console command by its name. If the name isn't specified, an empty string will be returned.


  • const char * name - The command name.

Return value

The command description if it exists; otherwise, an empty string.

const char * getCommandName( int num )

Returns the name of the console command by its number in the array of the existing commands.


  • int num - The command number.

Return value

The command name if it is found in the array of the existing commands; otherwise, an empty string.

void setErrorColor( const Math::vec4 & color )

Sets a color for error messages in the console.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void setFloat( const char * name, float value )

Sets a float value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - The variable name.
  • float value - Float value of the variable.

float getFloat( const char * name )

Returns a float value of a given variable.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

Float value of the variable.

float getFloatMax( const char * name )

Returns a maximum float value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - Variable name.

Return value

Maximum float value of the variable.

float getFloatMin( const char * name )

Returns a minimum float value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - Variable name.

Return value

Minimum float value of the variable.

int isFloat( const char * name )

Checks if the value set for the given console variable is of the float type.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable value is float; otherwise, 0.

void setInt( const char * name, int value )

Sets an integer value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.
  • int value - Integer value of the variable.

int getInt( const char * name )

Returns an integer value of a given variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Integer value of the variable.

int getIntMax( const char * name )

Returns a maximum integer value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - Variable name.

Return value

Maximum integer value of the variable.

int getIntMin( const char * name )

Returns a minimum integer value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - Variable name.

Return value

Minimum integer value of the variable.

int isInt( const char * name )

Checks if the value of the given console variable is of the integer type.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable value is int; otherwise, 0.

void setLock( int lock )

Disables or enables the console. By default the console is enabled.


  • int lock - Positive integer to disable the console; otherwise, 0.

int getLock( )

Checks if the console is disabled.

Return value

1 if the console is disabled; otherwise, 0.

void setMessageColor( const Math::vec4 & color )

Sets a color for ordinary messages in the console.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int getNumCommands( )

Returns the number of all available console commands, including the custom ones.

Return value

The number of available console commands.

int getNumVariables( )

Returns the number of all available console variables.

Return value

The number of available console variables.

void * addOutputCallback( Unigine::CallbackBase2 <const char *, int> * func )

Adds a callback function that will be executed when a text is output to the console. The function is useful when you implement a custom console, for example. The callback function must receive 2 arguments:
  • const char *text - a text that is output to the console,
  • int level - one of the LEVEL_* variables that indicate the type of the output text. The value can be important for setting a color for console messages, for example.
Source code (C++)
// the callback function
void AppWorldLogic::output_callback(const char *text, int level)
	switch (level):
		case Console::LEVEL_NORMAL:
			// logic for ordinary messages
		case Console::LEVEL_WARNING:
			// logic for warnings
		case Console::LEVEL_ERROR:
			// logic for error messages

int AppWorldLogic::init()
	// set the callback
	return 1;


  • Unigine::CallbackBase2 <const char *, int> * func - The callback pointer. The callback arguments must be: (const char *text, int level).

Return value

ID of the last added callback of the specified type, if the callback was added successfully; otherwise, nullptr. This ID can be used to remove this callback when necessary.

bool removeOutputCallback( void * id )

Removes the specified callback from the list of output callbacks.


  • void * id - Callback ID obtained when adding it.

Return value

True if the callback with the given ID was removed successfully; otherwise false.

void clearOutputCallbacks( )

Clears all added output callbacks.

void setPrompt( const char * str )

Updates the console prompt. The default prompt is Unigine~#.


  • const char * str - New console prompt.

void setString( const char * name, const char * value )

Sets a string value for a given variable.


  • const char * name - The variable name.
  • const char * value - String value of the variable.

const char * getString( const char * name )

Returns the string value of a given variable.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

String value of the variable.

int isString( const char * name )

Checks if the value of the given console variable is of the string type.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable value is string; otherwise, 0.

void setTextColor( const Math::vec4 & color )

Sets a common font color for the console.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int isVariable( const char * name )

Returns a value indicating if a variable with a given name exists.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable exists; otherwise, 0.

const char * getVariableDescription( const char * name )

Returns the description of the console variable by its name. If the name isn't specified, an empty string will be returned.


  • const char * name - The variable name.

Return value

The variable description if it exists; otherwise, an empty string.

const char * getVariableName( int num )

Returns the name of the console variable by its number in the array of the existing variables.


  • int num - The variable number.

Return value

The variable name if it is found in the array of the existing variables; otherwise, an empty string.

void setVec2( const char * name, const Math::vec2 & value )

Sets a two component vector for the console variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.
  • const Math::vec2 & value - Value of the variable.

Math::vec2 getVec2( const char * name )

Returns the two component vector console variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int isVec2( const char * name )

Returns a value indicating if the console variable is a two component vector.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.

Return value

1 if the variable is a two component vector; otherwise, 0.

void setVec3( const char * name, const Math::vec3 & value )

Sets a three component vector for the console variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.
  • const Math::vec3 & value - Value of the variable.

Math::vec3 getVec3( const char * name )

Returns the three component vector console variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int isVec3( const char * name )

Returns a value indicating if the console variable is a three component vector.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.

Return value

1 if the variable is a three component vector; otherwise, 0.

void setVec4( const char * name, const Math::vec4 & value )

Sets a four component vector for the console variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.
  • const Math::vec4 & value - Value of the variable.

Math::vec4 getVec4( const char * name )

Returns the four component vector console variable.


  • const char * name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int isVec4( const char * name )

Returns a value indicating if the console variable is a four component vector.


  • const char * name

Return value

1 if the variable is a three component vector; otherwise, 0.

void setWarningColor( const Math::vec4 & color )

Sets a color for warning messages in the console.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int addCommand( const char * name, const char * desc, Unigine::CallbackBase2 <int, const char *> * callback )

Adds a custom console command bound to a given callback function.


  • const char * name - Name of the new console command.
  • const char * desc - Short description to be displayed in the console.
  • Unigine::CallbackBase2 <int, const char *> * callback - The callback pointer. The callback arguments must be (int argc, char** argv,...).

Return value

1 if the custom command is added successfully; otherwise, 0.

void flush( )

Forces to execute all queued console commands.

int removeCommand( const char * name )

Removes a custom console command.


  • const char * name - Name of the custom console command.

Return value

1 if the custom command has been removed successfully; otherwise, 0.

void run( const char * command )

Runs the specified console command.


  • const char * command - A console command with arguments.
Last update: 27.12.2018
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