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WidgetDialog Class

Interface for widget dialog handling. See also UnigineScript analog.

To use this class, include the UnigineWidgetDialog.h file.

WidgetDialog Class


WidgetDialog (const Ptr<Gui> & gui, const char * str = 0, int x = 0, int y = 0)

Constructor. Creates a dialog window with given parameters.


  • const Ptr<Gui> & gui - GUI, to which the dialog will belong.
  • const char * str - Window title. This is an optional parameter.
  • int x - Horizontal space between widgets in the window and between them and the window border. This is an optional parameter.
  • int y - Vertical space between widgets in the window and between them and the window border. This is an optional parameter.

Ptr<WidgetDialog> create (const Ptr<Widget> & widget)

WidgetDialog constructor.


  • const Ptr<Widget> & widget - Widget smart pointer.

Return value

const char * getCancelText ()

Returns the caption of the Cancel button. The default is Cancel.

Return value

Cancel button caption.

void setCancelText (const char * text)

Sets a caption of the Cancel button.


  • const char * text - Cancel button caption.

Ptr<WidgetButton> getCloseButton ()

Returns the button that closes an action.

Return value

Close button.

const char * getCloseText ()

Returns the caption of the Close button. The default is empty.

Return value

Close button caption.

int isDone ()

Returns a value indicating if the dialog window is closed.

Return value

Returns 1 if the dialog window is closed; otherwise, 0.

Ptr<WidgetDialog> getWidgetDialog ()

Returns a dialog pointer.

Return value

WidgetDialog pointer.

int isOkClicked ()

Returns a value indicating if the OK button is clicked.

Return value

Returns 1 if the OK button is clicked; otherwise, 0.

int isCloseClicked ()

Returns a value indicating if the Close button is clicked.

Return value

Returns 1 if the Close button is clicked; otherwise, 0.

int type ()

WidgetDialog type.

Return value

WidgetDialog type identifier.

void setOkText (const char * text)

Sets a caption of the OK button.


  • const char * text - OK button caption.

const char * getOkText ()

Returns the caption of the OK button. The default is OK.

Return value

OK button caption.

Ptr<WidgetButton> getCancelButton ()

Returns the button that cancels an action.

Return value

Cancel button.

int getResult ()

Returns a value indicating which button has been clicked.

Return value

1 if the Ok button is clicked; -1 if the Cancel button is clicked; 0 if the Close button is clicked.

Ptr<WidgetButton> getOkButton ()

Returns the button that approves an action.

Return value

OK button.

void setCloseText (const char * text)

Sets a caption of the Close button.


  • const char * text - Close button caption.

int isCancelClicked ()

Returns a value indicating if the Cancel button is clicked.

Return value

Returns 1 if the Cancel button is clicked; otherwise, 0.
Last update: 03.07.2017
Build: ()