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A Terrain is a console tool for creating a Unigine-native terrain from a height map, and vice versa. (Created terrain objects can be loaded into the engine via the Load option.)

To invoke Terrain tool, run terrain_x86.exe (in Windows) or terrain_x86 (in Linux) from a command-line console (the 64-bit version has x64 postfix).

Command Line Options

A Terrain tool recognizes the following command line options:

  • -o NAME — name of the output file.
  • -n NAME — name of the output normal map. It is created from a height map to illuminate the terrain.
  • -s STEP — step for the terrain grid. The default is 1 unit.
  • -h HEIGHT — maximum height of the terrain. The default is 1 unit. (Make sure that you set this value as low as possible.)
  • -d DISTANCE — distance to the first LOD tile of the terrain. The default is infinity (no optimization).
  • -t THRESHOLD — flatness threshold to optimize rendering of flat areas of the terrain. The default is 0 (no optimization).

Input and Output Formats

All mesh formats that can be converted into Unigine meshes are supported. A list of such formats is available here: Supported File Formats.

The following output formats are supported:

  • Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
  • PhotoShop Document (PSD)
  • Direct Draw Surface (DDS)

The height map needs to be of a power-of-two + 1 size (such as 257 × 257 or 513 × 1025). The possible formats are the following:

  • R8 - a simple height map with 256 height gradations.
  • R16 - a height map with 65536 height gradations.
  • RG8 - a height map with 65536 height gradations.
A height map created from a terrain is of the R16 format.

The height map can have the following extensions:

  • Direct Draw Surface (DDS)
  • Targa (TGA)
  • Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
  • PhotoShop Document (PSD)
  • Portable pixmap format (PPM)
  • Portable graymap format (PGM)
  • JPEG (JPG)


On Windows the syntax would be:

  • To create a terrain from the height map:
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe heightmap.png -o terrain_name.ter
  • To create a height map from the terrain object:
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe terrain_name.ter -o heightmap.png

On Linux and Mac OS X the syntax would be:

  • To create a terrain from the height map:
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86 heightmap.png -o terrain_name.ter
  • To create a height map from the terrain object:
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86 terrain_name.ter -o heightmap.png

Step-by-Step Example for Windows

To create a terrain object form a height map, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the command-line console. For that, click Start→>Run and type cmd. Click OK.
  2. Specify a tool to be run. For Windows, it would be:
    Shell commands
  3. Specify a hight map from which the terrain will be created.
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe "D:\Raw\heightmap.tga"
  4. Specify a name and path to the created terrain.
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe "D:\Raw\heightmap.tga" -o "D:\UnigineSDK\data\my_terrain.ter"
  5. Specify a name of the normal map to light the terrain.
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe "D:\Raw\heightmap.tga" -o "D:\UnigineSDK\data\my_terrain.ter" -n "D:\UnigineSDK\data\"
  6. Now we need to specify terrain options. For example, set the grid step to 0.5 units.
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe "D:\Raw\heightmap.tga" -o "D:\UnigineSDK\data\my_terrain.ter" -n "D:\UnigineSDK\data\" -s 0.5
  7. Set the maximum height your terrain has. For example, 70 meters.
    Shell commands
    terrain_x86.exe "D:\Raw\heightmap.tga" -o "D:\UnigineSDK\data\my_terrain.ter" -n "D:\UnigineSDK\data\" -s 0.5 -h 70
Last update: 03.07.2017
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