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Setting Up Development Environment
High-Level Systems
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Double Precision Coordinates
Bounds-Related Classes
Controls-Related Classes
Core Library
Engine-Related Classes
GUI-Related Classes
Node-Related Classes
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
Utility Classes
Внимание! Эта версия документация УСТАРЕЛА, поскольку относится к более ранней версии SDK! Пожалуйста, переключитесь на самую актуальную документацию для последней версии SDK.
Внимание! Эта версия документации описывает устаревшую версию SDK, которая больше не поддерживается! Пожалуйста, обновитесь до последней версии SDK.

Preprocessor Macros for Rebuilding the Engine

USE_OPENGL Build the binary with the OpenGL rendering system.
USE_DIRECT3D11 Build the binary with the Direct3D11 rendering system.
USE_OPENAL Build the binary with the OpenAL sound system.
USE_XAUDIO2 Build the binary with the XAudio2 sound system.
USE_MEMORY Build the binary with the Unigine memory management system.
USE_PASSWORD Build the binary with a password for resources and UNG archives.
USE_D3D11_WRAPPER Build the binary with the D3D11 wrapper.
USE_D3D12_WRAPPER Build the binary with the D3D12 wrapper.
USE_GL_WRAPPER Build the binary with the OpenGL wrapper.
USE_AL_WRAPPER Build the binary with the OpenAL wrapper.
USE_CU_WRAPPER Build the binary with the CUDA wrapper.
USE_CL_WRAPPER Build the binary with the OpenCL wrapper.
USE_XA2_WRAPPER Build the binary with the XAudio2 wrapper.
USE_OPENGL_44 Build the binary with OpenGL 4.4 functionality.
USE_OPENGL_45 Build the binary with OpenGL 4.5 functionality.
USE_CUDA Build the binary with CUDA support.
USE_OPENCL Build the binary with OpenCL support.
USE_SIXAXIS Build the binary with support of a sixaxis controller.
USE_EDITOR Build the binary with support of UnigineEditor.
USE_DOUBLE Build the binary with support of double precision of coordinates.
USE_HALF_TEXCOORDS Build the binary with half float coordinates.
USE_TERMINAL Build the binary with the console available.
DONT_USE_RTTI Build the binary with support of the RTTI mechanism (C++ feature).
DONT_USE_EXCEPTION Build the binary without support of C++ exceptions.
USE_MICROPROFILE Build the binary with support of the microprofile.
USE_OPENEXR Build the binary with support of the OpenEXR format.
USE_SSE2 Build the binary with support of the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 technology (Intel SIMD).
USE_SSE Build the binary with support of the Streaming SIMD Extensions technology.
USE_OPENGL_DEBUG_OUTPUT Build the binary with the OpenGL debug context.
USE_EXTERN_INFO Build the binary with a possibility to generate the list of all external functions and variables exported to UnigineScript.
USE_MESH_FILE Build the binary with support of the following mesh formats:
  • MESH
  • OBJ
  • PLY
  • DAE
  • FBX
USE_SHADER_CACHE Build the binary with support of cache files for DirectX 11 shader.
DONT_USE_SHADER_COMPILER Build the binary without support of the DirectX 12 shader compiler.
USE_RESOURCES Build the binary with support of compiling binary resources.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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