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Configuring Projections

The functionality described in this article is not available in the Community SDK edition.
You should upgrade to Sim SDK edition to use it.

To set up projections, select Tools -> Projection Setup in the SpiderVision Setup window menu.

The Projection Setup window will open. This window makes it possible to:

Select the projection you are going to configure via the Current Viewport dropdown in the top-right corner.


The Warp tab allows you to set up geometry correction for your projections. Areas where geometry correction is required include:

  • Advanced off-axis correction where projector placement is awkward and needs an advanced mapping over the keystone function in a projector
  • Non-planar screens such a curved screens and hemispherical domes
  • Projecting one image from one projector onto more than one surface
  • Unusual projection applications onto custom designed screens



Warping is performed by modifying the displayed grid. The following options are available:

Enabled Enables or disables application of the warp grid to the rendered image.
Reset Warp Grid Resets the warp grid to the default state.
Current Viewport Select a projection in the drop-down list to set up its parameters. You can also use Page Up and Page Down buttons to switch between projections.
Multiplier The displacement step in pixels to be used when moving points with arrow keys. Use + to increase the value, or - to decrease it.

The number of control points along the horizontal and vertical axes of the grid. A 2 x 2 grid is used by default.

The maximum grid size is 32 x 32.

Visual editor enables you to set up warping for the selected projection using control points and yellow handles. These handles are displayed for each selected control point depending on its type.

You can select control points by clicking the mouse, and also switch between them using arrow keys.

Multi-selection using the mouse is performed as a common selection of multiple objects; to add or remove points from the selected group, click on them holding the Ctrl key. Multi-selection using the keyboard is possible in a chain-like way using arrow keys with the Shift key pressed.

The Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y combinations are used for the Undo / Redo actions. Shift + Ctrl + Z cancels all transformations.

Points are always moved in the screen-space coordinates regardless of image orientation (whether it is flipped or not), this means if you press left arrow, the point always goes left.
  • Drag control points and their yellow handles to warp the projection and adjust it for the required configuration. You can also move points using arrow keys with the Ctrl key pressed.

    You can see an example of a warped grid and a corresponding projection image below.

    Warped grid

    Warped grid

    Warped image

    Warped image
  • You can fine-tune projection warping by adjusting the parameters of each control point by selecting it and changing parameters via the following panel next to grid resolution settings:

    The following parameters are available:

    • Point — horizontal and vertical indices of the selected control point. Enumeration starts from the bottom left corner.
    • Position — coordinates of the selected control point along the X and Y axes.

      Coordinates for points and handles

      Coordinates for control points
    • Type — warping type for the selected control point:

      • — automatic linear interpolation (no control handles available)
      • — symmetric control handles for smooth curves
      • — asymmetric control handles (you can control each handle independently)
      • — automatic smooth curve (no control handles available)

The grid itself can also be moved inside the view space:

  • Middle Mouse Button for panning (dragging the grid vertically or horizontally)
  • Mouse Scroll for zooming in and out
  • button to undo all panning and zooming actions and make the grid fit the window

Configure the canvas for the selected projection: enable vertical and horizontal flipping.

Color and Brightness Correction#

The Color Correction tab allows you to correct color intensity, as well as to adjust color balance for the selected projection.


Per-channel color multiplier to control the intensity of:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • RGB at once

Red channel scale

Brightness for the red channel = 2

Settings that allow you to adjust the color balance per channel (as well as for all channels at once):

  • Positive values are added to the color values on the screen.
  • Negative values are subtracted from color values on the screen.

Red channel bias

Contrast for the red channel = -0.1
Brightness (corners) Settings to adjust brightness compensation for each of the projection's corners individually.
All color parameters can be reset to defaults by clicking the corresponding parameter name (by line or by column for the Color Balance set of parameters, and individually for each corner).


The Blend Zones tab allows you to configure blending in the selected area and along the edges.

Screen-Space Blending

Manages blending in the selected area. The screen-space blend area is not affected by warping.

To select the area, click Add to start creating the blending area, and in the grid, click to define one side of the area, then click to define the other side — the green line will appear. The third click shows the blending direction.

The area of the screen-space blend area is divided into two parts: the part between the blue and green lines is a solid-black area (i.e. the projected image is not displayed at all), and the part between the green and red lines is a gradient area (i.e. the projected image gradually becomes transparent).

In plain words, if you have two projectors, the green line of the blend zone in one projection should coincide with the red line of the blend zone in the other projection. For more than two projectors, the area between blue and green lines is used.

By default, each of these lines has two points marking the line limits. Using Resolution, you can increase the number of points along each line to adjust it as required by moving the points. Multi-selection of points is available.

Every blend area is adjusted using the following settings:

  • Enabled — if toggled on, enables the use of the blend area selected from the list.
  • Link to Projection — if toggled on, allows adjusting Alpha, Contrast, and Gamma for two blends simultaneously for better neighboring of two projections. Select the projection and the blend area from the drop-down lists and adjust the necessary parameters.
  • Name — the window to modify the blend area name.
  • Alpha — transparency of the whole blended area.
  • Contrast — contrast of the gradient part of the blended area.
  • Gamma — gamma correction value.

Defining a screen-space blending area

The blended area


The Masks tab allows using masks to cut out certain areas of the selected projection.

To create a mask, click Add and ensure that the Creation Mode button is enabled. Then create at least three points on the grid by clicking in the required place. The corresponding area of the projection will be cut out. The list of masks for the current projection is displayed under the grid. You can add new masks and remove existing ones using the corresponding buttons.

To add new points to the mask selected in the list, ensure that the Creation Mode button is enabled. Then you can add new points by clicking within the grid area. To insert a new point into an existing mask, select the point next to which a new point is to be added, and click to insert a new one. You can drag an existing point to move it. To remove a point, right-click it.

You can also adjust your masks precisely by specifying the coordinates of each point. Select a point on the grid (its color will turn to green) and enter the coordinates in the Position fields below.

You can change the type of a selected control point using the following icons:

  • — automatic linear interpolation (no control handles available)
  • — symmetric control handles for smooth curves
  • — asymmetric control handles (you can control each handle independently)
  • — automatic smooth curve (no control handles available)

As you select a mask in the list, its parameters are displayed on the panel next to it:

  • Enabled — enables or disables display of the selected mask. Can be used for convenience when configuring overlapping regions, when there are a lot of masks.
  • Name — mask name, can be edited.
  • Smooth — roundness of the mask edges.


The Render block of settings is located at the bottom of the Projection Setup window. These settings are designed to facilitate fine-tuning of the projection by displaying the auxiliary elements on the actual projection.

  • The Debug Color option allows you to temporarily set individual colors for different projections. This helps to visualize overlapping regions.
  • Show Grid — display the grid on the projection.
  • Show Blend Lines — display screen-space blend lines and auxiliary purple lines going from a selected point or points to the center of each side.
  • Warp Points — display points and auxiliary red lines going from a selected point or points to the center of each side.
Last update: 2024-09-02
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