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Unigine::Math::quat Struct

Header: #include <UnigineMathLibQuat.h>

This class represents a quaternion type. Quaternions represent a rotation. Typically, they are used for smooth interpolation between two angles, and for avoiding the gimbal lock problem that can occur with euler angles.

Quaternions add a fourth element to the [x, y, z] values that define a vector, resulting in arbitrary 4-D vectors. The following example illustrates how each element of a unit quaternion relates to an axis-angle rotation, where q represents a unit quaternion (x, y, z, w), axis is normalized, and theta is the desired counterclockwise (CCW) rotation around the axis:

  • q.x = sin(theta/2) * axis.x
  • q.y = sin(theta/2) * axis.y
  • q.z = sin(theta/2) * axis.z
  • q.w = cos(theta/2)

Usage Example#

The following example creates a quaternion for node rotation: 45 degrees per second along X axis.

It's supposed that you have already created node instance to rotate.
Source code (C++)
// AppWorldLogic.cpp file

// Declaring a pointer for a World light source node
NodePtr node;

int AppWorldLogic::init()
	/* ... */
	// Trying to find a World Node source in the current world
	node = World::getNodeByType(Node::LIGHT_WORLD);

	return 1;

int AppWorldLogic::update()
	/* ... */

	// get delta time value
	float delta_time = Game::getIFps();

	// create quat for 45 degrees per second rotation along X axis
	Unigine::Math::quat rotation_delta = Unigine::Math::quat(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 45.0f * delta_time);

	// rotate the node if it exists
	if (node)

	/* ... */

In the example above, the quaternion was initialized by using four values: 3 axis components (x,y,z) and angle (w component of the quaternion). 1 value of the X axis component shows that the rotation will be performed along X axis.

See Also#

quat Class


quat ( const __m128& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using a given __m128 variable (128-bit).
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128& v - 128-bit variable.

quat ( const mat3& m ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using a given mat3 source matrix (3x3).


  • const mat3& m - Source matrix (3x3).

quat ( const vec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using a given four-component vec4 source vector.


  • const vec4& v - Four-component source vector.

quat ( ) #

Default constructor. Produces an identity quaternion (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).

quat ( const quat& q ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion by copying a given source quaternion.


  • const quat& q - Source quaternion.

quat ( const vec3& axis, float angle ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using given rotation axis and angle.


  • const vec3& axis - Rotation axis.
  • float angle - Rotation angle, in degrees.

quat ( float angle_x, float angle_y, float angle_z ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using given angles for each axis.


  • float angle_x - Rotation angle along the X axis, in degrees.
  • float angle_y - Rotation angle along the Y axis, in degrees.
  • float angle_z - Rotation angle along the Z axis, in degrees.

quat ( const vec3& col0, const vec3& col1, const vec3& col2 ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using three given matrix columns represented by vec3 vectors.


  • const vec3& col0 - First matrix column.
  • const vec3& col1 - Second matrix column.
  • const vec3& col2 - Third matrix column.

quat ( ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion.

explicit quat ( const mat4& m ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using a given mat4 source matrix (4x4).


  • const mat4& m - Source matrix (4x4).

explicit quat ( const dmat4& m ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using a given dmat4 source matrix (3x4).


  • const dmat4& m - Source matrix (3x4).

explicit quat ( const float* q ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given pointer to the quaternion.


  • const float* q - Pointer to the quaternion.

quat ( float x_, float y_, float z_, float w_, ConstexprTag ) #

Constructor. Initializes the quaternion using given constant float values.


  • float x_ - X component of the quaternion.
  • float y_ - Y component of the quaternion.
  • float z_ - Z component of the quaternion.
  • float w_ - W component of the quaternion.
  • ConstexprTag - Auxiliary tag.

void set ( float axis_x, float axis_y, float axis_z, float angle ) #

Sets the quaternion using the given angle and axis coordinates.


  • float axis_x - X coordinate of the axis.
  • float axis_y - Y coordinate of the axis.
  • float axis_z - Z coordinate of the axis.
  • float angle - Angle value, in degrees.


Source code (UnigineScript)
quat(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 60);
Creates a quaternion (0.133, 0.267, 0.4, 0.688)

void set ( const float* q ) #

Sets the quaternion using a given pointer to the source quaternion.


  • const float* q - Pointer to the source quaternion.

void set ( const mat3& m ) #

Sets the quaternion using a given mat3 source matrix (3x3).


  • const mat3& m - Source matrix (3x3).

void set ( const vec3& col0, const vec3& col1, const vec3& col2 ) #

Sets the quaternion using three given matrix columns represented by vec3 vectors.


  • const vec3& col0 - First matrix column.
  • const vec3& col1 - Second matrix column.
  • const vec3& col2 - Third matrix column.

void set ( float angle_x, float angle_y, float angle_z ) #

Sets the quaternion using given angles for each axis.


  • float angle_x - Rotation angle along the X axis, in degrees.
  • float angle_y - Rotation angle along the Y axis, in degrees.
  • float angle_z - Rotation angle along the Z axis, in degrees.

void set ( const vec3& axis, float angle ) #

Sets the quaternion using given rotation axis and angle.


  • const vec3& axis - Rotation axis.
  • float angle - Rotation angle, in degrees.

void set ( const dmat4& m ) #

Sets the quaternion using a given dmat4 source matrix (3x4).


  • const dmat4& m - Source matrix (3x4).

void set ( const mat4& m ) #

Sets the quaternion using a given mat4 source matrix (4x4).


  • const mat4& m - Source matrix (4x4).

void get ( float* qq ) const#

Gets the quaternion: qq[0]=x, qq[1]=y, qq[2]=z, qq[3]=w.


  • float* qq - Pointer to the quaternion.

float * get ( ) #

Returns a pointer to the quaternion.

Return value

Pointer to the quaternion.

const float * get ( ) const#

Returns a constant pointer to the quaternion.

Return value

Constant pointer to the quaternion.

void get ( vec3& axis, float& angle ) const#

Gets rotation axis and angle of the quaternion and puts the values to corresponding variables: axis.x = x, axis.y = y, axis.z = z, angle = w.


  • vec3& axis - Rotation axis.
  • float& angle - Rotation angle, in degrees.

float getAngle ( const vec3& axis ) const#

Returns the rotation angle of the quaternion for a given rotation axis.


  • const vec3& axis - Rotation axis.

Return value

Rotation angle, in degrees, within the [-180, 180] range.

vec3 getBinormal ( ) const#

Returns the quaternion binormal vector with respect to orientation.

Return value

Quaternion binormal vector.

mat3 getMat3 ( ) const#

Returns the rotation matrix for the quaternion.
For the quaternion (x, y, z, w) the corresponding rotation matrix M is defined as follows:  		
    | 1 - 2y² - 2z²    2xy + 2wz      	2xz - 2wy     | 
M=  | 2xy - 2wz        1 - 2x² - 2z²    2yz + 2wx     |
    | 2xz + 2wy        2yz - 2wx        1 - 2x² - 2y² |

vec3 getNormal ( ) const#

Returns the quaternion normal vector.

Return value

Quaternion normal vector.

vec3 getTangent ( ) const#

Returns the quaternion tangent vector.

Return value

Quaternion tangent vector.

vec4 getTangent4 ( ) const#

Returns the quaternion tangent vector and binormal orientation as a four-component vec4 vector.

Return value

Four-component vector representing guaternion tangent vector and binormal orientation.

quat & normalize ( ) #

Returns normalized quaternion.

Return value

Normalized quaternion.

quat & normalizeValid ( ) #

Normalizes a quaternion, makes its magnitude equal to 1. When normalized, a quaternion keeps the same direction but its length is equal to 1. Check for the zero quaternion is performed: if the argument is a zero quaternion, then a zero quaternion is returned.

Return value

Normalized quaternion.

quat & normalizeFast ( ) #

Returns normalized quaternion, calculated using the fast inverse square root algorithm.

Return value

Normalized quaternion.

quat & normalizeValidFast ( ) #

Returns normalized quaternion, calculated using the fast inverse square root algorithm. Check for the zero quaternion is performed: if the argument is a zero quaternion, then a zero quaternion is returned.

Return value

Normalized quaternion.

const float * operator const float * ( ) const#

Performs type conversion to float void *.

const void * operator const void * ( ) const#

Performs type conversion to const void *.

float * operator float * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to float *.

void * operator void * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to void *.

quat & operator*= ( const quat& q ) #

Performs quaternion multiplication.


  • const quat& q - Quaternion.

Return value

Resulting quaternion.

quat & operator*= ( float v ) #

Performs scalar multiplication.


  • float v - Scalar value.

Return value

Resulting quaternion.

quat & operator+= ( const quat& q ) #

Performs quaternion addition.


  • const quat& q - Quaternion.

Return value

Resulting quaternion.

quat operator- ( ) const#

Performs quaternion negation. The sign of each component of the quaternion is flipped.

Return value

Resulting quaternion.

quat & operator-= ( const quat& q ) #

Performs quaternion subtraction.


  • const quat& q - Quaternion.

Return value

Resulting quaternion.

quat & operator= ( const __m128& v ) #

Sets the quaternion using a __m128 variable (128-bit) as a source.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128& v - 128-bit variable.

Return value

Resulting quaternion.

quat & operator= ( const quat& q ) #

Performs quaternion assignment. Destination quaternion = Source quaternion.


  • const quat& q - Source quaternion.

Return value


float & operator[] ( int i ) #

Performs array access to the quaternion item reference by using given item index.


  • int i - Quaternion item index.

Return value

Quaternion item reference.

float operator[] ( int i ) const#

Performs array access to the quaternion item by using given item index.


  • int i - Quaternion item index.

Return value

Quaternion item.

void set ( const vec4& v ) #

Sets the quaternion using a given four-component vec4 source vector.


  • const vec4& v - Source vector.

void set ( const quat& v ) #

Sets the quaternion using the source quaternion.


  • const quat& v - Source quaternion.

unsigned int hash ( ) const#

Last update: 2024-08-16
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