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setEnabled Setter and Getter for a value indicating if the render is enabled.
isEnabled getNumTriangles Returns the current number of rendered per frame triangles that can be seen in the viewport.
getNumSurfaces Returns the current number of rendered per frame surfaces that can be seen in the viewport (in all rendering passes).
getNumShadows Returns the current number of shadow passes rendered per frame.
getNumShaders Returns the current number of shaders set per frame.
getNumReflections Returns the current number of reflections drawn per frame that can be seen in the viewport.
getNumPrimitives Returns the current number of geometric rendered per frame primitives that can be seen in the viewport.
getNumMaterials Returns the current number of materials set per frame (during all of the rendering passes) in the current scene.
getNumLights Returns the current number of light passes rendered per frame.
getNumDips Returns the current number of draw calls used in the current scene.
getNumDecals Returns the current number of rendered per frame decals that can be seen in the viewport (during all of the rendering passes).
getHDRTextureFormat Returns the current HDR texture format to be used.
setShowFieldMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the field mask.
isShowFieldMask setShowFieldMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the field mask are used for visualization.
getShowFieldMaskBits setShowShadowMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the shadow mask.
isShowShadowMask setShowShadowMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the shadow mask are used for visualization.
getShowShadowMaskBits setShowObstacleMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the obstacle mask.
isShowObstacleMask setShowObstacleMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the obstacle mask are used for visualization.
getShowObstacleMaskBits setShowMaterialMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the material mask.
isShowMaterialMask setShowMaterialMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the material mask are used for visualization.
getShowMaterialMaskBits setShowViewportMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the viewport mask.
isShowViewportMask setShowViewportMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the viewport mask are used for visualization.
getShowViewportMaskBits setShowPhysicalMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the physical mask.
isShowPhysicalMask setShowPhysicalMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the physical mask are used for visualization.
getShowPhysicalMaskBits setShowCollisionMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the collision mask.
isShowCollisionMask setShowCollisionMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the collision mask are used for visualization.
getShowCollisionMaskBits setShowNavigationMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the navigation mask.
isShowNavigationMask setShowNavigationMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the navigation mask are used for visualization.
getShowNavigationMaskBits setShowIntersectionMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the intersection mask.
isShowIntersectionMask setShowIntersectionMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the intersection mask are used for visualization.
getShowIntersectionMaskBits setShowSoundSourceMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the sound source mask.
isShowSoundSourceMask setShowSoundSourceMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the sound source mask are used for visualization.
getShowSoundSourceMaskBits setShowSoundReverbMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the reverberation mask.
isShowSoundReverbMask setShowSoundReverbMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the reverberation mask are used for visualization.
getShowSoundReverbMaskBits setShowSoundOcclusionMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the sound occlusion mask.
isShowSoundOcclusionMask setShowSoundOcclusionMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the sound occlusion mask are used for visualization.
getShowSoundOcclusionMaskBits setShowPhysicalExclusionMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the physical exclusion mask.
isShowPhysicalExclusionMask setShowPhysicalExclusionMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the physical exclusion mask are used for visualization.
getShowPhysicalExclusionMaskBits setShowPhysicsIntersectionMask Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled to highlight the surfaces that use the specified bits of the physics intersection mask.
isShowPhysicsIntersectionMask setShowPhysicsIntersectionMaskBits Setter and Getter for value indicating which bit or bits of the physics intersection mask are used for visualization.
getShowPhysicsIntersectionMaskBits setShowQueries Setter and Getter for value indicating whether occlusion query boxes are displayed in the viewport.
isShowQueries setShowDecals Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for decals.
isShowDecals setShowScissors Setter and Getter for value indicating if scissor rectangles are displayed.
isShowScissors setShowLightmapChecker Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the Baked Lightmap Checker debug mode is enabled. isShowLightmapChecker setShowOccluder Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the buffer used for occluders is displayed in the viewport.
isShowOccluder setShowCascades Setter and Getter for value indicating whether Parallel Split Shadow Map - world shadow cascades are displayed.
isShowCascades setShowVisualizerDistance Setter and Getter for distance from the camera within which the helpers are visualized.
getShowVisualizerDistance setShowWorldShadowCasters Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for surfaces that are configured to cast shadows from the current World Light.
isShowWorldShadowCasters setShowAlphaTest Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects using alpha test.
isShowAlphaTest setShowEmission Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for materials with the Emission state enabled or connecting any data to the Emission input in the material graph.
isShowEmission setShowMeshStatics Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for static meshes.
isShowMeshStatics setShowMeshDynamics Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for dynamic meshes.
isShowMeshDynamics setShowComplexShadowShader Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for objects that cast shadows in the following way: the pixels are cut out during the shadow pass, as it's done in Alpha Test or Alpha Blend materials, materials assigned to animated Mesh Skinned, opaque materials with the enabled Depth Offset or any other effects that affect shadows.
isShowComplexShadowShader setShowSurfaceCustomTextureNotAvailable Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for surfaces the materials of which use the surface custom texture in the material graph, however the option is not enabled for the surface.
isShowSurfaceCustomTextureNotAvailable setShowSurfaceCustomTextureNotUsed Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for surfaces with the surface custom texture enabled and/or set, but not used in the material graph.
isShowSurfaceCustomTextureNotUsed setShowSurfaceCustomTexture Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for surfaces with the surface custom texture enabled.
isShowSurfaceCustomTexture setShowPhysicsIntersection Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for surfaces with the physics intersection enabled.
isShowPhysicsIntersection setShowIntersection Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for surfaces with the Intersection enabled.
isShowIntersection setShowManualMaterials Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for objects with manual materials.
isShowManualMaterials setShowNonManualMaterials Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for objects with non-manual materials.
isShowNonManualMaterials setShowClusters Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for Mesh Cluster objects.
isShowClusters setShowImmovable Setter and Getter for value visualizing the state of the Immovable option for objects.
getShowImmovable setShowDynamic Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for dynamic objects.
isShowDynamic setShowTransparent Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects.
isShowTransparent setShowAmbient Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the ambient pass buffer is displayed.
isShowAmbient setShowGeodeticPivot Setter and Getter for value indicating whether geodetic pivots are displayed.
isShowGeodeticPivot setShowLandscapeMask Setter and Getter for number of the Landscape Terrain detail mask to be visualized.
getShowLandscapeMask setShowLandscapeAlbedo Setter and Getter for value indicating if visualization of albedo data of the Landscape Terrain is enabled.
isShowLandscapeAlbedo setShowLandscapeTerrainVTStreaming Setter and Getter for value indicating if visualization is enabled for streaming of tiles of the Landscape Terrain megatexture.
isShowLandscapeTerrainVTStreaming setShowVoxelProbeVisualizer Setter and Getter for value indicating if the Voxel Probe visualizer is enabled. isShowVoxelProbeVisualizer setShowVoxelProbeVisualizerGridSize Setter and Getter for size of the grid that is used to visualize Voxel Probes. getShowVoxelProbeVisualizerGridSize setShowVoxelProbeVisualizerSphereScale Setter and Getter for scale factor of the sphere that is used to visualize Voxel Probes. getShowVoxelProbeVisualizerSphereScale setShowTextures Setter and Getter for display mode for texture buffers used by the renderer. getShowTextures setShowTexturesOffset Setter and Getter for number of the buffer to start displaying from in the full view mode.
getShowTexturesOffset setShowTexturesNumber Setter and Getter for number of buffers in a row and column displayed in the full view mode (see the setShowTextures() ). getShowTexturesNumber setShowTextureResolutionBlend Setter and Getter for value used for blending the rendered image with the color displaying the texture resolution.
getShowTextureResolutionBlend setShowTextureResolutionUVMode Setter and Getter for UV channel to be used for visualization of the texture resolution.
getShowTextureResolutionUVMode setShowTextureResolution Setter and Getter for display mode for texture resolution used by the renderer.
getShowTextureResolution setShowTriangles Setter and Getter for wireframe mode for scene triangles.
getShowTriangles setShowVertexColor Setter and Getter for value indicating whether displaying of geometry that uses the selected vertex color is enabled.
getShowVertexColor setShowNodesInteractionGrass Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled for nodes with the Grass Interaction flag enabled.
isShowNodesInteractionGrass setShowNodesInteractionClutter Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled for nodes with the Clutter Interaction flag enabled.
isShowNodesInteractionClutter setShowNodesInteractionTrigger Setter and Getter for value indicating whether the visualizer is enabled for nodes with the Trigger Interaction flag enabled.
isShowNodesInteractionTrigger setTransparentMultipleEnvProbes Setter and Getter for value indicating if the transparent multiple environment probes pass is rendered. isTransparentMultipleEnvProbes setTransparentDeferred Setter and Getter for value indicating if the deferred pass for transparent objects is enabled. isTransparentDeferred setTransparentLight Setter and Getter for value indicating if the transparent light pass is rendered. isTransparentLight setTransparentAmbient Setter and Getter for value indicating if the transparent ambient pass is rendered. isTransparentAmbient setTransparentEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if the transparent pass is rendered. isTransparentEnabled setScreenSpaceEffects Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of screen-space effects is enabled.
isScreenSpaceEffects setFieldShorelineResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldShoreline objects are rendered. getFieldShorelineResolution setFieldPrecision Setter and Getter for value indicating the precision of textures used for field objects. isFieldPrecision setFieldHeightResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldHeight objects are rendered. getFieldHeightResolution setCloudsNoiseStepSkip Setter and Getter for value of the noise step skip parameter for clouds. getCloudsNoiseStepSkip setCloudsNoiseLighting Setter and Getter for value of the noise lighting parameter for the clouds. getCloudsNoiseLighting setCloudsNoiseIterations Setter and Getter for value of the noise iterations parameter for clouds. getCloudsNoiseIterations setCloudsNoiseStep Setter and Getter for value of the noise step parameter for clouds. getCloudsNoiseStep setCloudsSoftIntersection Setter and Getter for soft intersection distance for clouds, in meters.
getCloudsSoftIntersection setCloudsSamplesCount Setter and Getter for number of samples used for clouds rendering. getCloudsSamplesCount setCloudsDownsamplingRendering Setter and Getter for downsampling rendering mode for clouds. getCloudsDownsamplingRendering setCloudsInterleavedRendering Setter and Getter for interleaved rendering mode for clouds. getCloudsInterleavedRendering setCloudsDynamicCoverageResolution Setter and Getter for the value defining the size of the square dynamic coverage resolution texture for clouds, in pixels. getCloudsDynamicCoverageResolution setCloudsDynamicCoverageArea Setter and Getter for dynamic coverage area for clouds, in units. getCloudsDynamicCoverageArea setCloudsLightingConeRadius Setter and Getter for lighting cone sampling radius for clouds lighting. getCloudsLightingConeRadius setCloudsLightingTraceLength Setter and Getter for lighting trace length for clouds. getCloudsLightingTraceLength setCloudsSamplingQuality Setter and Getter for sampling quality for clouds. getCloudsSamplingQuality setCloudsLightingQuality Setter and Getter for lighting quality for clouds. getCloudsLightingQuality setCloudsGroundShadows Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground is enabled.
isCloudsGroundShadows setCloudsEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of clouds is enabled.
isCloudsEnabled setCloudsStepAccuracy Setter and Getter for accuracy of ray marching steps. getCloudsStepAccuracy setCloudsAccurateLayersSorting Setter and Getter for value indicating if correct sorting of intersecting cloud layers is enabled. isCloudsAccurateLayersSorting setCloudDistortionTexture Setter and Getter for value indicating which texture type is used for clouds distortion at the moment. getCloudDistortionTexture setCloudsInterleavedRenderingTemporal Setter and Getter for value indicating if temporal accumulation of noises for interleaved sampling for clouds is enabled. isCloudsInterleavedRenderingTemporal setCloudsDepthBasedReconstructionThreshold Setter and Getter for depth threshold value for clouds depth-based reconstruction mode (see the setCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction() ). getCloudsDepthBasedReconstructionThreshold setCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction Setter and Getter for value indicating if clouds ray-marched depth is used for upsampling the downsampled clouds without obscuring the geometry and reprojection depending on the cloud depth. isCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction setCloudsFarClipping Setter and Getter for value indicating if far-plane clipping is used for clouds visibility. isCloudsFarClipping setCloudsRoundedPlanetRadius Setter and Getter for radius of the planet to be used for clouds curving. getCloudsRoundedPlanetRadius setCloudsRounded Setter and Getter for value indicating if cloud layers are to be curved to make them look more natural imitating planet's curvature.
isCloudsRounded setWaterAnisotropy Setter and Getter for water texture anisotropy level. getWaterAnisotropy setWaterRefractionQuality Setter and Getter for quality of water refraction.
getWaterRefractionQuality setWaterSSRQuality Setter and Getter for resolution of water SSR (Screen Space Reflections).
getWaterSSRQuality setWaterLights Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of lights on the water surface is enabled. isWaterLights setWaterVoxelProbes Setter and Getter for value indicating if voxel probes are enabled for water rendering.
isWaterVoxelProbes setWaterEnvironmentProbes Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of environment probes on the water surface is enabled.
isWaterEnvironmentProbes setWaterOpacityDepth Setter and Getter for value indicating if depth data for water is written to the opacity buffer.
isWaterOpacityDepth setWaterShafts Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of underwater shafts is enabled.
isWaterShafts setWaterShorelineWetness Setter and Getter for value indicating if the wetness effect for objects near the shoreline is enabled.
isWaterShorelineWetness setWaterSSRIncreasedAccuracy Setter and Getter for value indicating if increased accuracy for the water SSR (Screen Space Reflections). isWaterSSRIncreasedAccuracy setWaterSSR Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSR (Screen Space Reflections) effect is enabled for water.
isWaterSSR setWaterEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of water is enabled.
isWaterEnabled setTerrainGlobalAnisotropy Setter and Getter for global terrain texture anisotropy level (degree of anisotropic filtering). getTerrainGlobalAnisotropy setTerrainGlobalHoles Setter and Getter for value indicating if decal-based holes are enabled for the global terrain.
isTerrainGlobalHoles setTerrainGlobalDisplacementNormal Setter and Getter for value indicating if displacement mapping for the Global Terrain rendering uses normals.
isTerrainGlobalDisplacementNormal setTerrainGlobalDisplacement Setter and Getter for value indicating if displacement mapping is enabled for the Global Terrain.
isTerrainGlobalDisplacement setTerrainGlobalTriplanar Setter and Getter for value indicating if triplanar texture mapping is enabled for the Global Terrain . isTerrainGlobalTriplanar setSSDirtConvexityMetalnessVisibility Setter and Getter for metalness visibility value for convexities. getSSDirtConvexityMetalnessVisibility setSSDirtConvexityMetalness Setter and Getter for metalness value for convexities. getSSDirtConvexityMetalness setSSDirtConvexityExponent Setter and Getter for exponent value that determines the rate of gradual change of intensity along the radius for convexities. getSSDirtConvexityExponent setSSDirtConvexityColor Setter and Getter for color multiplier for the Albedo texture used for convexities (global wear and scratch color pattern). getSSDirtConvexityColor setSSDirtConvexityTextureSize Setter and Getter for scaling factor for the textures used for convexities. getSSDirtConvexityTextureSize setSSDirtCavityMetalnessVisibility Setter and Getter for metalness visibility value for cavities. getSSDirtCavityMetalnessVisibility setSSDirtCavityMetalness Setter and Getter for metalness value for cavities. getSSDirtCavityMetalness setSSDirtCavityExponent Setter and Getter for exponent value that determines the rate of gradual change of intensity along the radius for cavities. getSSDirtCavityExponent setSSDirtCavityColor Setter and Getter for color multiplier for the Albedo texture used for cavities (global dirt and dust color pattern). getSSDirtCavityColor setSSDirtCavityTextureSize Setter and Getter for scaling factor for the textures used for cavities. getSSDirtCavityTextureSize setSSDirtConvexityShadingTextureName Setter and Getter for name of the shading texture to be used for convexities. getSSDirtConvexityShadingTextureName setSSDirtConvexityAlbedoTextureName Setter and Getter for name of the albedo texture to be used for convexities. getSSDirtConvexityAlbedoTextureName setSSDirtCavityShadingTextureName Setter and Getter for name of the shading texture to be used for cavities. getSSDirtCavityShadingTextureName setSSDirtCavityAlbedoTextureName Setter and Getter for name of the albedo texture to be used for cavities. getSSDirtCavityAlbedoTextureName setSSDirtIncreaseAccuracy Setter and Getter for value indicating if increased accuracy for the SSDirt effect. isSSDirtIncreaseAccuracy setSSDirtPerspective Setter and Getter for perspective value, that determines the degree of impact of distance from the camera on the radius of the Screen-Space Dirt effect. getSSDirtPerspective setSSDirtAngleBias Setter and Getter for angle bias value to limit the SSDirt effect where information cannot be obtained. getSSDirtAngleBias setSSDirtThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold of the SSDirt effect. getSSDirtThreshold setSSDirtRadius Setter and Getter for size of the SSDirt effect. getSSDirtRadius setSSDirtIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the SSDirt effect. getSSDirtIntensity setSSDirtResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the SSDirt effect. getSSDirtResolution setSSDirtQuality Setter and Getter for quality for the SSDirt effect. getSSDirtQuality setSSDirt Setter and Getter for value indicating if the Screen-Space Dirt (SSDirt) effect is enabled.
isSSDirt setSSBevelRadius Setter and Getter for size of the Screen-Space Bevel effect. getSSBevelRadius setSSBevelNoise Setter and Getter for value indicating if the noise is enabled for smoothing bevels. isSSBevelNoise setSSBevelQuality Setter and Getter for quality mode for the screen-space bevels.
getSSBevelQuality setSSBevelVertexNormal Setter and Getter for rendering mode of the screen-space bevels. getSSBevelVertexNormal setSSBevel Setter and Getter for value indicating if the Screen-Space Bevels (SSBevel effect) are enabled.
isSSBevel setScreenPrecision Setter and Getter for value indicating the current screen precision. isScreenPrecision setShadowsFilterNoise Setter and Getter for value indicating if noise for shadow filtering is enabled. isShadowsFilterNoise setShadowsFilterMode Setter and Getter for global filtering mode to be used for shadows from all light sources by default. getShadowsFilterMode setShadowsPenumbraNoise Setter and Getter for value indicating if noise for penumbra rendering is enabled. isShadowsPenumbraNoise setShadowsPenumbraMode Setter and Getter for global quality mode to be used for rendering penumbra from all light sources by default. getShadowsPenumbraMode setShadowsScreenSpace Setter and Getter for value indicating if screen space shadows are enabled. isShadowsScreenSpace setShadowsAlphaTest Setter and Getter for value indicating if alpha test is enabled for shadows.
isShadowsAlphaTest setShadowsWorldLerpCascades Setter and Getter for value indicating if linear interpolation of shadow cascades is enabled, making transitions between cascades smoother. isShadowsWorldLerpCascades setShadowsTranslucentDepth Setter and Getter for global translucence depth value defining how deep the light goes through translucent objects shifting the shadow. getShadowsTranslucentDepth setShadows Setter and Getter for value indicating whether shadows are rendered.
isShadows setLightsLensFlares Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of per-light lens flares is enabled.
isLightsLensFlares setLightsForwardPerObjectVoxel Setter and Getter for maximum number of Voxel Probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass ). getLightsForwardPerObjectVoxel setLightsForwardPerObjectEnv Setter and Getter for maximum number of Environment Probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass ). getLightsForwardPerObjectEnv setLightsForwardPerObjectPlanar Setter and Getter for maximum number of Planar Reflection Probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass ). getLightsForwardPerObjectPlanar setLightsForwardPerObjectProj Setter and Getter for maximum number of Projected lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass ). getLightsForwardPerObjectProj setLightsForwardPerObjectOmni Setter and Getter for maximum number of Omni lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass ). getLightsForwardPerObjectOmni setLightsForwardPerObjectWorld Setter and Getter for maximum number of World lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass ). getLightsForwardPerObjectWorld setDirectLightingInterleavedSamples Setter and Getter for number of samples for interleaved rendering of direct lighting defining the number of pixels to be skipped during interleaved rendering of direct lighting with subsequent reconstruction of neighboring pixels using the data from previous frames (defines the size of reduced lights buffer relative to original size). getDirectLightingInterleavedSamples setDirectLightingInterleavedColorClamping Setter and Getter for color clamping mode to be used for interleaved rendering of direct lighting. getDirectLightingInterleavedColorClamping setDirectLightingInterleavedCatmullResampling Setter and Getter for value indicating if the Catmull-Rom resampling for interleaved rendering of direct lighting is enabled. isDirectLightingInterleavedCatmullResampling setDirectLightingInterleaved Setter and Getter for value indicating if interleaved mode for rendering direct lighting is enabled. isDirectLightingInterleaved setIndirectLightingInterleaved Setter and Getter for value indicating if interleaved mode for rendering indirect lighting is enabled. isIndirectLightingInterleaved setLightsTileGridSize Setter and Getter for number of grid tiles per axis for tiled rendering optimization. getLightsTileGridSize setLightsMaxPerBatch Setter and Getter for maximum number of lights rendered by a tile (see the setLightsTileGridSize() ) per batch call. getLightsMaxPerBatch setLightsEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of lights is enabled.
isLightsEnabled setOccludersShadowsResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the texture, to which occluders for shadows are rendered.
getOccludersShadowsResolution setOccludersShadows Setter and Getter for value indicating whether rendering of occluders for shadows is enabled.
isOccludersShadows setOccludersResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the texture, to which occluders are rendered.
getOccludersResolution setOccluders Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of occluders is enabled.
isOccluders setOcclusionQueriesNumFrames Setter and Getter for number of frames for additional hardware occlusion query test performed before sending data to GPU. getOcclusionQueriesNumFrames setOcclusionQueries Setter and Getter for value indicating if additional hardware occlusion query test before sending data to GPU is enabled. isOcclusionQueries setSkyRotation Setter and Getter for sky rotation.
getSkyRotation getEnvironmentSkyIntensity Returns the current intensity of the environment sky set for the preset that overlays the other ones.
getEnvironmentReflectionIntensity Returns the current intensity of the environment reflections for the preset that overlays the other ones.
getEnvironmentAmbientIntensity Returns the current intensity of the environment ambient lighting for the preset that overlays the other ones.
getEnvironmentHazeDensity Returns the current haze density set for the preset that overlays the other ones.
getEnvironmentHazeMaxDistance Returns the current distance starting at which the haze becomes completely solid, so nothing will be seen behind.
getEnvironmentHazeColor Returns the current haze color for the preset that overlays the other ones.
setEnvironmentCubemapBlendMode Setter and Getter for blending mode for the environment cubemap.
getEnvironmentCubemapBlendMode setEnvironmentGGXMipmapsQuality Setter and Getter for GGX Mipmap quality mode for environment reflections on rough surfaces. getEnvironmentGGXMipmapsQuality setEnvironmentHazeGradient Setter and Getter for environment haze gradient mode. getEnvironmentHazeGradient setEnvironmentHazeMode Setter and Getter for mode for the haze effect. getEnvironmentHazeMode setEnvironment Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of environment of the scene is enabled.
isEnvironment setColorCorrectionLUTPath Setter and Getter for name of a new color transformation texture (LUT).
getColorCorrectionLUTPath setColorCorrectionWhite Setter and Getter for white balance of the scene.
getColorCorrectionWhite setColorCorrectionGamma Setter and Getter for Gamma correction value for the scene.
getColorCorrectionGamma getColorCorrectionRamp Returns the current Color Correction ramp texture of the scene.
setColorCorrectionSaturation Setter and Getter for saturation adjustment values for the scene. getColorCorrectionSaturation setColorCorrectionHueShift Setter and Getter for hue adjustment values for the scene. getColorCorrectionHueShift setColorCorrectionContrast Setter and Getter for overall contrast value for the scene.
getColorCorrectionContrast setColorCorrectionBrightness Setter and Getter for overall brightness value for the scene.
getColorCorrectionBrightness setColorCorrectionPreserveSaturation Setter and Getter for value indicating if initial scene color saturation is to be preserved after applying color correction.
isColorCorrectionPreserveSaturation setFadeColor Setter and Getter for fade color for the scene on the screen. getFadeColor setBackgroundColor Setter and Getter for background color vector. getBackgroundColor setWireframeColor Setter and Getter for color of the wireframe.
getWireframeColor setLensDispersion Setter and Getter for color displacement for red, green, and blue channels of the lens flares. getLensDispersion setLensColor Setter and Getter for color of HDR lens flares. getLensColor setLensThreshold Setter and Getter for value of the brightness threshold for areas to produce lens flares. getLensThreshold setLensRadius Setter and Getter for radius of the spherical lens flares on the screen. getLensRadius setLensLength Setter and Getter for length of the radial lens flare indicating if the whole radial lens flare is rendered on the screen or only a part of it. getLensLength setLensScale Setter and Getter for multiplier for color (see the setLensColor() ) of HDR lens flares. getLensScale setLens Setter and Getter for value indicating if lens flares are enabled.
isLens setScreenSpaceShadowShaftsMode Setter and Getter for rendering mode for volumetric screen-space shadow shafts . getScreenSpaceShadowShaftsMode setScreenSpaceShadowShaftsLength Setter and Getter for length of volumetric screen-space shadow shafts . getScreenSpaceShadowShaftsLength setScreenSpaceShadowShaftsQuality Setter and Getter for quality of screen-space shadow shafts. getScreenSpaceShadowShaftsQuality setScreenSpaceShadowShaftsResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the texture to which screen-space shadows are rendered. getScreenSpaceShadowShaftsResolution setCrossColor Setter and Getter for color of the cross flares. getCrossColor setCrossThreshold Setter and Getter for brightness threshold for areas to produce flare getCrossThreshold setCrossAngle Setter and Getter for cross flares orientation angle . getCrossAngle setCrossScale Setter and Getter for cross color scale — a multiplier for the color of cross flares. getCrossScale setCrossLength Setter and Getter for length of a cross flare relative to the screen width. getCrossLength setCrossShafts Setter and Getter for number of shafts in a cross flare. getCrossShafts setCross Setter and Getter for value indicating if cross flares are enabled.
isCross setFilmicSaturationRecovery Setter and Getter for color saturation recovery value for the filmic tonemapper. getFilmicSaturationRecovery setFilmicWhiteLevel Setter and Getter for Linear White Point tonemapping parameter value, which is mapped as pure white in the resulting image.
getFilmicWhiteLevel setFilmicToeDenominator Setter and Getter for Toe Denominator tonemapping parameter value.
getFilmicToeDenominator setFilmicToeNumerator Setter and Getter for Toe Numerator tonemapping parameter value.
getFilmicToeNumerator setFilmicToeScale Setter and Getter for Toe Scale tonemapping parameter value that is used to change dark values. getFilmicToeScale setFilmicLinearAngle Setter and Getter for Linear Angle tone mapping parameter value. getFilmicLinearAngle setFilmicLinearScale Setter and Getter for Linear Strength tone mapping parameter value that is used to change gray values. getFilmicLinearScale setFilmicShoulderScale Setter and Getter for Shoulder Strength tonemapping parameter value that is used to change bright values.
getFilmicShoulderScale setBloomPower Setter and Getter for power of the Bloom effect. getBloomPower setBloomScale Setter and Getter for scale of the Bloom effect.
getBloomScale setBloomPasses Setter and Getter for number of passes for the bloom effect. getBloomPasses setBloomResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the Bloom effect.
getBloomResolution setBloom Setter and Getter for value indicating if the Bloom effect is enabled.
isBloom setDOFNearFocalOffset Setter and Getter for offset from the focal to the nearest blurred zone. getDOFNearFocalOffset setDOFNearDistance Setter and Getter for near DOF limit of the camera: the distance between the camera and the first element that is considered to be acceptably sharp. getDOFNearDistance setDOFFarFocalOffset Setter and Getter for Sets the offset from the focal to the farthest blurred zone for the DOF effect. getDOFFarFocalOffset setDOFFarDistance Setter and Getter for far DOF limit of the camera: the distance between the camera and the furthest element that is considered to be acceptably sharp. getDOFFarDistance setDOFBlur Setter and Getter for intensity of blur for the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect.
getDOFBlur setDOFChromaticAberration Setter and Getter for intensity of chromatic aberration for the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect.
getDOFChromaticAberration setDOFFocalDistance Setter and Getter for focal distance of the camera, i.e. a point where objects are in-focus and visible clearly. getDOFFocalDistance setDOFBokehMode Setter and Getter for shape of the Bokeh for the DOF effect. getDOFBokehMode setDOFResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect. getDOFResolution setDOFQuality Setter and Getter for quality of the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect. getDOFQuality setDOFFocusImprovement Setter and Getter for value indicating if the focus improvement option is enabled for the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect. isDOFFocusImprovement setDOFIncreasedAccuracy Setter and Getter for value indicating if the increased accuracy option is enabled for the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect. isDOFIncreasedAccuracy setDOF Setter and Getter for value indicating if the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect is enabled.
isDOF setMotionBlurNumSteps Setter and Getter for number of steps used in the motion blur . getMotionBlurNumSteps setMotionBlurNoiseIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the noise used in the motion blur . getMotionBlurNoiseIntensity setMotionBlurMaxVelocity Setter and Getter for maximum possible amount of motion blur for moving physical objects. getMotionBlurMaxVelocity setMotionBlurVelocityScale Setter and Getter for scale value of bodies' linear and angular velocities used for the motion blur. getMotionBlurVelocityScale setMotionBlurCameraVelocity Setter and Getter for value indicating if camera velocity contributes to the motion blur effect (false to take into account velocities of objects only). isMotionBlurCameraVelocity setMotionBlurDepthThresholdFar Setter and Getter for value defining if the blur effect is applied to the background object. getMotionBlurDepthThresholdFar setMotionBlurDepthThresholdNear Setter and Getter for value defining if the blur effect is applied to the foreground object. getMotionBlurDepthThresholdNear setMotionBlurVelocityBlurRadius Setter and Getter for radius of the motion blur effect for the boundary between moving and static objects.
getMotionBlurVelocityBlurRadius setMotionBlurVelocityBlurSamples Setter and Getter for number of iterations performed to blur the border between moving and static objects. getMotionBlurVelocityBlurSamples setMotionBlur Setter and Getter for value indicating if the motion blur effect is enabled.
isMotionBlur setWhiteBalanceAdaptationTime Setter and Getter for time period set for the camera to adjust white balance. getWhiteBalanceAdaptationTime setWhiteBalanceIntensity Setter and Getter for value of white balance correction intensity . getWhiteBalanceIntensity setWhiteBalance Setter and Getter for value indicating if automatic white balance correction is enabled.
isWhiteBalance setExposureMaxLuminance Setter and Getter for maximum luminance offset relative to the default luminance of the scene used for rendering of adaptive exposure effect: the lower the value, the brighter the adapted image will be.
getExposureMaxLuminance setExposureMinLuminance Setter and Getter for minimum luminance offset relative to the default luminance of the scene used for rendering of adaptive exposure effect: the higher the value, the darker the adapted image will be.
getExposureMinLuminance setExposureAdaptation Setter and Getter for time for the camera to adjust exposure, in seconds. getExposureAdaptation setExposure Setter and Getter for camera exposure (a multiplier of the scene luminance and brightness). getExposure setExposureMode Setter and Getter for mode of the adaptive exposure effect . getExposureMode setMeteringMaskEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if metering mask for exposure and white balance correction is enabled. isMeteringMaskEnabled getMeteringMaskTexture Returns the current Metering Mask texture used to control the influence of auto exposure and white balance correction for the whole screen, where each pixel is weighted in importance in accordance with the specified texture mask.
setMeteringMaskTexturePath Setter and Getter for path to the Metering Mask texture to be used to control the influence of auto exposure and white balance correction for the whole screen, where each pixel is weighted in importance in accordance with the specified texture mask.
getMeteringMaskTexturePath setShowLightingMode Setter and Getter for visualization of surfaces with the selected lighting mode.
getShowLightingMode setCloudsPanoramaReuse Setter and Getter for value indicating if the panorama cubemap texture is reused between several viewports. isCloudsPanoramaReuse setCloudsPanoramaResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the panorama cubemap texture. getCloudsPanoramaResolution setCloudsMode Setter and Getter for clouds rendering mode. getCloudsMode setShadowsSimplified Setter and Getter for value indicating if the static shadows are enabled for all materials in the scene.
isShadowsSimplified setShadowsReuse Setter and Getter for value indicating if the shadow maps of the of the main viewport are reused for other viewports. isShadowsReuse setDenoiseDenoiseMaskBias Setter and Getter for threshold value for the brightness delta between frames below which the denoise mask becomes black. getDenoiseDenoiseMaskBias setDenoiseDenoiseMaskDenoiseThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold for the pixel brightness delta value of neighboring pixels, which defines if the pixels may be blurred together.
getDenoiseDenoiseMaskDenoiseThreshold setDenoiseDenoiseMaskFrameCount Setter and Getter for number of frames stored to generate the denoise mask.
getDenoiseDenoiseMaskFrameCount setDenoiseDenoiseMaskInformationLostBoost Setter and Getter for value controlling the intensity of filling in the information lost areas with the white color and temporally accumulating the result between frames. getDenoiseDenoiseMaskInformationLostBoost setDenoiseDenoiseMaskVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold for the velocity intensity value at which the denoise mask becomes white. getDenoiseDenoiseMaskVelocityThreshold setDenoiseColorClampingBlurIntensityAO Setter and Getter for intensity of using the blurred version of the current frame for color clamping in the areas where the Ambient Occlusion mask is black.
getDenoiseColorClampingBlurIntensityAO setDenoiseColorClampingBlurIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of using the blurred version of the current frame for color clamping.
getDenoiseColorClampingBlurIntensity setDenoiseColorClampingBlurRadius Setter and Getter for blur radius for the current frame.
getDenoiseColorClampingBlurRadius setDenoiseHotPixelsFixIntensity Setter and Getter for value reducing the intensity of flickering pixels in the screen space. getDenoiseHotPixelsFixIntensity setDenoiseInformationLostFixFlicker Setter and Getter for value reducing the intensity of flickering pixels in the information lost areas. getDenoiseInformationLostFixFlicker setDenoiseAOMaskRadius Setter and Getter for radius of the Ambient Occlusion Mask (the Distance buffer) that is used to additionally configure the Denoiser parameters.
getDenoiseAOMaskRadius setDenoiseInformationLostDepthThreshold Setter and Getter for value defining starting from which depth the noise reduction effect is applied to the data in the "information lost" areas.
getDenoiseInformationLostDepthThreshold setDenoiseInterleaved Setter and Getter for interleaved rendering for the Denoiser.
isDenoiseInterleaved setIndirectSpecularDenoiseThresholdAO Setter and Getter for threshold noise reduction value for the indirect specular lighting in the areas where the Ambient Occlusion mask is black.
getIndirectSpecularDenoiseThresholdAO setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringFramesClampingVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold velocity value exceeding which the number of accumulated frames will be equal to Frame Count Min .
getIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringFramesClampingVelocityThreshold setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensityAO Setter and Getter for intensity of temporal filtering color clamping at zero pixel velocity for Indirect Specular in the areas where the Ambient Occlusion mask is black (the Distance buffer).
getIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensityAO setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringFrameCountMin Setter and Getter for number of accumulated frames in the information lost areas and if the Frames Clamping Velocity value is exceeded.
getIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringFrameCountMin setIndirectDiffuseDenoiseThresholdAO Setter and Getter for threshold of the noise reduction value for the indirect diffuse lighting in the areas where the Ambient Occlusion mask is black.
getIndirectDiffuseDenoiseThresholdAO setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringFramesClampingVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold velocity value exceeding which the number of accumulated frames will be equal to Frame Count Min .
getIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringFramesClampingVelocityThreshold setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensityAO Setter and Getter for intensity of temporal filtering color clamping at zero pixel velocity for Indirect Diffuse in the areas where the Ambient Occlusion mask is black (the Distance buffer).
getIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensityAO setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringFrameCountMin Setter and Getter for number of accumulated frames in the information lost areas and if the Frames Clamping Velocity value is exceeded.
getIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringFrameCountMin setShadersCompileMode Setter and Getter for compilation mode for shaders that are used in the loaded world. getShadersCompileMode getNumLoadedShaders Returns the current number of shaders loaded to RAM.
getNumCompiledShaders Returns the current number of shaders that are currently compiled.
getNumLoadedPSO Returns the current number of loaded PSOs.
getNumCompiledPSO Returns the current number of PSOs that are currently compiled.
setFStop Setter and Getter for f-stop value used for static exposure calculation. getFStop setShutterSpeed Setter and Getter for shutter speed used for static exposure calculation. getShutterSpeed setISO Setter and Getter for ISO value used for static exposure calculation. getISO setCameraMode Setter and Getter for camera mode, which determines the way the exposure is set. getCameraMode setDirtTextureName Setter and Getter for name of the texture that modulates the pattern of lens flares.
getDirtTextureName setDirtScale Setter and Getter for intensity of lens dirt effect modulating the pattern of lens flares defined by the Dirt Texture . getDirtScale setCameraEffectsTemporalFiltering Setter and Getter for value indicating if temporal filtering for camera effects is enabled. isCameraEffectsTemporalFiltering setCameraEffectsTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of TAA color clamping for the Bloom effect. getCameraEffectsTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensity setCameraEffectsTemporalFilteringMinVelocityClamping Setter and Getter for sensitivity of TAA color clamping for the Bloom effect for static objects. getCameraEffectsTemporalFilteringMinVelocityClamping setCameraEffectsTemporalFilteringMaxVelocityClamping Setter and Getter for sensitivity of TAA color clamping for the Bloom effect for moving objects. getCameraEffectsTemporalFilteringMaxVelocityClamping setCameraEffectsThreshold Setter and Getter for brightness threshold, which is used to detect if an object should be blurred in the HDR mode. getCameraEffectsThreshold setTranslucentColor Setter and Getter for color used for translucent objects globally. getTranslucentColor setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if temporal filtering for Indirect Diffuse is enabled. isIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringEnabled setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringFrameCount Setter and Getter for frame count of temporal filtering for the indirect diffuse effect. getIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringFrameCount setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of temporal filtering color clamping at zero pixel velocity for Indirect Diffuse. getIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensity setIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringColorClampingVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for sensitivity of temporal filtering color clamping for Indirect Diffuse to pixel velocity change. getIndirectDiffuseTemporalFilteringColorClampingVelocityThreshold setIndirectDiffuseDenoiseEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if noise reduction for Indirect Diffuse is enabled. isIndirectDiffuseDenoiseEnabled setIndirectDiffuseDenoiseMaskEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if the denoise mask for Indirect Diffuse is enabled. isIndirectDiffuseDenoiseMaskEnabled setIndirectDiffuseDenoiseThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value for color difference of neighboring pixels used for noise reduction for Indirect Diffuse. getIndirectDiffuseDenoiseThreshold setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if temporal filtering for Indirect Specular is enabled. isIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringEnabled setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringFrameCount Setter and Getter for frame count of temporal filtering for Indirect Specular. getIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringFrameCount setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of temporal filtering color clamping at zero pixel velocity for Indirect Specular. getIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringColorClampingIntensity setIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringColorClampingVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for sensitivity of temporal filtering color clamping for Indirect Specular to pixel velocity change. getIndirectSpecularTemporalFilteringColorClampingVelocityThreshold setIndirectSpecularDenoiseEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if noise reduction for Indirect Specular is enabled. isIndirectSpecularDenoiseEnabled setIndirectSpecularDenoiseMaskEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating if the denoise mask for Indirect Specular is enabled. isIndirectSpecularDenoiseMaskEnabled setIndirectSpecularDenoiseThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value for color difference of neighboring pixels used for noise reduction for the Indirect Specular effect. getIndirectSpecularDenoiseThreshold setDenoisePreset Setter and Getter for Denoise preset used at the moment. getDenoisePreset getDenoisePresetNumNames Returns the current number of Denoise presets.
setDenoiseRadius Setter and Getter for radius of each blur iteration in noise reduction. getDenoiseRadius setDenoiseNumBlurIterations Setter and Getter for number of iterations performed for blurring. getDenoiseNumBlurIterations setSSSSS Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect is enabled. isSSSSS setSSSSSPreset Setter and Getter for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) preset used at the moment.
getSSSSSPreset getSSSSSPresetNumNames Returns the current number of SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) presets.
setSSSSSQuality Setter and Getter for quality of the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect.
getSSSSSQuality setSSSSSResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect.
getSSSSSResolution setSSSSSRadius Setter and Getter for subsurface scattering radius — distance in the screen space, within which colors will be sampled. getSSSSSRadius setSSSSSColor Setter and Getter for subsurface scattering color used to simulate the subsurface component of skin lighting, i.e. the light that bounces inside of the subsurface tissue layers (epidermis and dermis) before exiting. getSSSSSColor setSSSSSDiffuse Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation for diffuse lighting (directional lights) is enabled. isSSSSSDiffuse setSSSSSAmbient Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation for ambient lighting (environment) is enabled. isSSSSSAmbient setSSSSSMinThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold of SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) for the material's Translucent parameter equal to 0 (minimum translucency). getSSSSSMinThreshold setSSSSSMaxThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold of SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) for the material's Translucent parameter equal to 1 (maximum translucency). getSSSSSMaxThreshold setSSSSSNoiseStep Setter and Getter for intensity of the step noise used for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation to reduce banding artifacts of tracing. getSSSSSNoiseStep setSSSSSNoiseRay Setter and Getter for intensity of the ray noise used for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation to reduce banding artifacts of tracing. getSSSSSNoiseRay setSSSSSInterleaved Setter and Getter for value indicating if the interleaved rendering mode for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) is enabled. isSSSSSInterleaved setSSSSSInterleavedColorClamping Setter and Getter for color clamping mode used to reduce ghosting effect. getSSSSSInterleavedColorClamping setSSSSSInterleavedSamples Setter and Getter for number of pixels to be skipped when rendering the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect with subsequent reconstruction of neighboring pixels using the data from previous frames. getSSSSSInterleavedSamples setSSSSSTAA Setter and Getter for value indicating if TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering is enabled.
isTAA setSSSSSTAAFixFlicker Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Fix Flicker.
isSSSSSTAAFixFlicker setSSSSSTAAAntialiasingInMotion Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Antialiasing In Motion.
isSSSSSTAAAntialiasingInMotion setSSSSSTAAFramesByColor Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frames By Color.
isSSSSSTAAFramesByColor setSSSSSTAAFramesByVelocity Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frames By Velocity.
isSSSSSTAAFramesByVelocity setSSSSSTAAPreserveDetails Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Preserve Details.
getSSSSSTAAPreserveDetails setSSSSSTAAFrameCount Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frame Count.
getSSSSSTAAFrameCount setSSSSSTAAFramesVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frames Velocity Threshold.
getSSSSSTAAFramesVelocityThreshold setSSSSSTAAMaxFramesByVelocity Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Max Frames By Velocity.
getSSSSSTAAMaxFramesByVelocity setSSSSSTAAMinFramesByVelocity Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Min Frames By Velocity.
getSSSSSTAAMinFramesByVelocity setSSSSSTAAPixelOffset Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Pixel Offset.
getSSSSSTAAPixelOffset setSSSSSTAACatmullResampling Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Catmull Resampling.
isSSSSSTAACatmullResampling setSSSSSTAASamples Setter and Getter for value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Samples.
getSSSSSTAASamples setSSRTonemappingGamma Setter and Getter for tonemapping Gamma value for the SSR effect. getSSRTonemappingGamma setSSRRoughnessMipOffset Setter and Getter for mip offset value for the SSR effect on rough surfaces. getSSRRoughnessMipOffset setSSRPerspectiveCompensation Setter and Getter for perspective compensation value for the SSR effect. getSSRPerspectiveCompensation setSSRNonLinearStepSize Setter and Getter for linear step size for the SSR effect. getSSRNonLinearStepSize setSSRAlphaAccumulationMode Setter and Getter for accumulation mode for Alpha values used when rendering screen-space reflections. getSSRAlphaAccumulationMode setSSRThresholdOcclusion Setter and Getter for value that limits imitation of environment cubemap occlusion in areas where SSR (Screen-Space Reflections) cannot get information. getSSRThresholdOcclusion setSSRThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold used for SSR (Screen-Space Reflections) calculation to limit imitation of reflections in areas where SSR cannot get information. getSSRThreshold setSSRVisibilityRoughnessMax Setter and Getter for maximum roughness value , starting from which the SSR (Screen-Space Reflections) effect is not rendered. getSSRVisibilityRoughnessMax setSSRVisibilityRoughnessMin Setter and Getter for minimum roughness value , starting from which the SSR (Screen-Space Reflections) effect begins to fade out. getSSRVisibilityRoughnessMin setSSRInformationLostFix Setter and Getter for value indicating if the information lost fix option is enabled for the SSR (Screen Space Reflections). isSSRInformationLostFix setSSRStepSize Setter and Getter for size of the trace step used for SSR calculation. getSSRStepSize setSSRNumSteps Setter and Getter for number of SSR steps per ray that are used for trace calculation. getSSRNumSteps setSSRNumRays Setter and Getter for number of SSR rays per pixel that are used to calculate rough refrections. getSSRNumRays setSSRResolutionColor Setter and Getter for resolution of the color buffer used for SSR (Screen Space Reflections) calculation. getSSRResolutionColor setSSRResolutionDepth Setter and Getter for resolution of the depth buffer used for SSR (Screen Space Reflections) calculation. getSSRResolutionDepth setSSRResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of SSR (Screen Space Reflections).
getSSRResolution setSSRIncreasedAccuracy Setter and Getter for value indicating if increased accuracy option is enabled for the SSR (Screen Space Reflections). isSSRIncreasedAccuracy setSSR Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSR (Screen Space Reflections) effect is enabled.
isSSR setBentNormal Setter and Getter for value indicating if ray-traced bent normals calculation is enabled. isBentNormal setBentNormalThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value for the ray-traced bent normals calculation. getBentNormalThreshold setBentNormalFixOverlitAreas Setter and Getter for value indicating if correction of overlit areas for bent normals calculation is enabled. isBentNormalFixOverlitAreas setSSGI Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) effect is enabled.
isSSGI setSSGIIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) for the scene. getSSGIIntensity setSSGIInformationLostFix Setter and Getter for value indicating if the information lost fix option is enabled for the ray-traced SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination). isSSGIInformationLostFix setSSGIThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value for the ray-traced SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination). getSSGIThreshold setSSAOThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value for the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) effect. getSSAOThreshold setSSAOCavityRadius Setter and Getter for size of junction contours area for the cavity option for the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) effect.
getSSAOCavityRadius setSSAOCavityIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of sharpening of contours for the cavity option.
getSSAOCavityIntensity setSSAOIntensityReflection Setter and Getter for intensity of SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) on reflections.
getSSAOIntensityReflection setSSAOIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) for the scene. getSSAOIntensity setSSAOCavity Setter and Getter for value indicating if the cavity option for the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) effect is enabled. isSSAOCavity setSSAO Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) effect is enabled.
isSSAO setSSRTGIStepSize Setter and Getter for size of the trace step used for SSRTGI calculation. getSSRTGIStepSize setSSRTGINoiseStep Setter and Getter for intensity of the step noise used for SSRTGI calculation. getSSRTGINoiseStep setSSRTGINumSteps Setter and Getter for number of steps of SSRTGI per ray that are used for trace calculation. getSSRTGINumSteps setSSRTGINumRays Setter and Getter for number of rays of SSRTGI per pixel that are used to calculate the final image. getSSRTGINumRays setSSRTGIResolutionDepth Setter and Getter for resolution of the depth buffer used for SSRTGI (screen space ray-traced global illumination) calculation. getSSRTGIResolutionDepth setSSRTGIResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the SSRTGI (screen space ray-traced global illumination) effect. getSSRTGIResolution setSSRTGIUpscaling Setter and Getter for value indicating if upscaling is enabled for the SSRTGI (screen space ray-traced global illumination). isSSRTGIUpscaling setSSRTGIIncreasedAccuracy Setter and Getter for value indicating if increased accuracy is enabled for the SSRTGI (Screen Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination). isSSRTGIIncreasedAccuracy setSSRTGIFastTracing Setter and Getter for value indicating if fast tracing is enabled for the SSRTGI (Screen Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination). isSSRTGIFastTracing setReflectionLods Setter and Getter for value indicating if reduction of resolution of dynamic reflections when the camera moves away is enabled.
isReflectionLods setReflectionDynamic Setter and Getter for value indicating if dynamic reflections for materials are enabled.
isReflectionDynamic setTransparentBlur Setter and Getter for value indicating if transparent blur is enabled for materials. isTransparentBlur setRefractionDispersion Setter and Getter for refraction displacement for red, green, and blue channels (according to the refraction texture of refractive materials). getRefractionDispersion setRefraction Setter and Getter for value indicating if refraction is enabled.
isRefraction setSharpen Setter and Getter for value indicating if the sharpening post-processing effect is enabled.
isSharpen setSharpenIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the sharpening effect. getSharpenIntensity setAlphaFade Setter and Getter for value indicating if alpha-blend fading (dithering) is enabled for objects.
isAlphaFade setAuxiliary Setter and Getter for value indicating if auxiliary render buffer is used. isAuxiliary setDecals Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of decals is enabled.
isDecals setTAA Setter and Getter for value indicating if TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) is enabled.
isTAA setTAAPreset Setter and Getter for TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) preset used at the moment.
getTAAPreset getTAAPresetNumNames Returns the current number of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) presets.
setTAAFixFlicker Setter and Getter for value indicating if the taa fix flicker option is enabled. isTAAFixFlicker setTAAAntialiasingInMotion Setter and Getter for value indicating if improved anti-aliasing in motion (for moving camera and objects) is enabled. isTAAAntialiasingInMotion setTAAFramesByColor Setter and Getter for value indicating if TAA color clamping option is enabled. isTAAFramesByColor setTAAFramesByVelocity Setter and Getter for value indicating if the TAA velocity clamping option is enabled. isTAAFramesByVelocity setTAADiagonalNeighbors Setter and Getter for value indicating if diagonally neighboring pixels are to be taken into account in the process of color clamping for TAA. isTAADiagonalNeighbors setTAAPreserveDetails Setter and Getter for detail level of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). getTAAPreserveDetails setTAAFrameCount Setter and Getter for frame count of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). getTAAFrameCount setTAAFramesVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for velocity threshold of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing), at which pixels are treated as fast moving ones. getTAAFramesVelocityThreshold setTAAMaxFramesByVelocity Setter and Getter for maximum frame count of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). getTAAMaxFramesByVelocity setTAAMinFramesByVelocity Setter and Getter for minimum frame count of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). getTAAMinFramesByVelocity setTAAPixelOffset Setter and Getter for size of the sample offset performed during subpixel jittering. getTAAPixelOffset setTAACatmullResampling Setter and Getter for value indicating if Catmull-Rom resampling is enabled. isTAACatmullResampling setTAACatmullResamplingSharpness Setter and Getter for sharpness value for the Catmull-Rom resampling option.
isTAACatmullResamplingSharpness setTAASamples Setter and Getter for number of the sample offsets performed during subpixel jittering. getTAASamples setTAAEdgesFrameCountMultiplier Setter and Getter for multiplier for the number of frames accumulated for TAA effect on the sharp edges of objects within the image.
getTAAEdgesFrameCountMultiplier setFXAA Setter and Getter for value indicating if FXAA (post-process anti-aliasing) is enabled.
isFXAA setFXAAIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of FXAA. getFXAAIntensity setSupersampling Setter and Getter for number of samples per pixel used for supersampling.
getSupersampling setStereoFocusSupersampling Setter and Getter for supersampling factor for focus viewport in the stereo video mode.
getStereoFocusSupersampling setStereoHiddenAreaExposureTransform Setter and Getter for area to be used for exposure calculation, when culling of pixels that are not visible in VR mode (see the setStereoHiddenArea() ) is enabled. getStereoHiddenAreaExposureTransform setStereoHiddenAreaTransform Setter and Getter for size and offset parameters for a new oval or circular mesh to be used for culling pixels, that are not visible in VR mode. getStereoHiddenAreaTransform setStereoHiddenArea Setter and Getter for culling mode for pixels that are not visible in VR mode. getStereoHiddenArea setStereoOffset Setter and Getter for virtual camera offset (an offset after the perspective projection).
getStereoOffset setStereoRadius Setter and Getter for radius for stereo (the half of the separation distance between the cameras).
getStereoRadius setStereoDistance Setter and Getter for focal distance for stereo rendering (distance in the world space to the point where two views line up).
getStereoDistance setVREmulation Setter and Getter for value indicating the current VR emulation mode.
getVREmulation getAnimationOldTime Returns the current previous render animation time for vegetation.
setAnimationTime Setter and Getter for render animation time for vegetation.
getAnimationTime setAnimationWind Setter and Getter for direction of wind for all vegetation (grass and trees). getAnimationWind setAnimationScale Setter and Getter for global scale for rotation speed of vegetation leaves.
getAnimationScale setAnimationLeaf Setter and Getter for global scale for rotation angle of vegetation leaves.
getAnimationLeaf setAnimationStem Setter and Getter for global scale for movement amplitude of vegetation stems.
getAnimationStem setShadowDistance Setter and Getter for distance from the camera, beyond which shadows will not be rendered. getShadowDistance setShadowDistanceScale Setter and Getter for global scale multiplier for shadow distances . getShadowDistanceScale setReflectionDistance Setter and Getter for distance starting from which (and farther) reflections will not be rendered.
getReflectionDistance setObjectDistance Setter and Getter for distance at which (and farther) objects will not be rendered. getObjectDistance setDecalDistance Setter and Getter for distance at which (and farther) decals will not be rendered. getDecalDistance setLightDistance Setter and Getter for distance at which (and farther) dynamic lights will not be rendered. getLightDistance setFieldDistance Setter and Getter for distance at which (and farther) field nodes will not be rendered. getFieldDistance setDistanceScale Setter and Getter for global distance multiplier for all distance parameters, such as the world rendering distance, decal distance , field distance , light distance , object distance , reflection distance , LODs, and surface visibility distances. getDistanceScale setForceStreaming Setter and Getter for value indicating if force-streaming is enabled for all resources.
isForceStreaming setStreamingAnimationsLifeTime Setter and Getter for lifetime of GPU cache used for animations rendering. getStreamingAnimationsLifeTime setStreamingParticlesMemoryLimit Setter and Getter for cache memory limit for vertices of particle systems, in percentage of the total GPU memory. getStreamingParticlesMemoryLimit setStreamingTexturesMode Setter and Getter for streaming mode for textures. getStreamingTexturesMode setStreamingMeshesModeVRAM Setter and Getter for streaming mode for loading meshes to video memory (VRAM). getStreamingMeshesModeVRAM setStreamingMeshesModeRAM Setter and Getter for streaming mode for loading meshes to memory (RAM). getStreamingMeshesModeRAM setStreamingMeshesPrefetchCollision Setter and Getter for mode of asynchronous pre-loading of meshes to memory before they are used. getStreamingMeshesPrefetchCollision setStreamingMeshesPrefetchIntersection Setter and Getter for mode of asynchronous pre-loading of meshes into memory before they are used. getStreamingMeshesPrefetchIntersection setStreamingMeshesPrefetchRadius Setter and Getter for radius within which meshes are pre-loaded into memory. getStreamingMeshesPrefetchRadius setTexturesAnisotropy Setter and Getter for anisotropy level for textures (degree of anisotropic filtering).
getTexturesAnisotropy setTexturesFilter Setter and Getter for texture filtering mode.
getTexturesFilter setTexturesMinResolution Setter and Getter for minimum resolution of all textures. getTexturesMinResolution setTexturesMaxResolution Setter and Getter for maximum resolution of all textures. getTexturesMaxResolution setTexturesQuality Setter and Getter for resolution of textures.
getTexturesQuality setLatency Setter and Getter for maximum number of back buffer frames that a driver is allowed to queue for rendering. getLatency setDeferredMaterialGUID Setter and Getter for material that will be used on the Deferred Composite stage of rendering sequence. getDeferredMaterialGUID setDebug Setter and Getter for value indicating whether debug materials (the debug_materials material) are rendered. isDebug setGbufferLightmap Setter and Getter for value indicating if lightmap data is stored in the gbuffer.
isGbufferLightmap setDepthPrePass Setter and Getter for value indicating if depth pre-pass rendering is enabled. isDepthPrePass setVirtualResolution Setter and Getter for virtual screen resolution. getVirtualResolution setMaxFPS Setter and Getter for maximum FPS value, to which rendering FPS is to be clamped. getMaxFPS setVSync Setter and Getter for vertical synchronization (vsync) mode.
getVSync setBorder Setter and Getter for width and height of the image border (in pixels), to be rendered outside the horizontal bounds of the screen to reduce artefacts of post effects. getBorder setBudget Setter and Getter for render budget value, in seconds, which limits the number of loaded/created graphics resources during a frame according to loading/creation time.
getBudget setCompositeMaterialGUID Setter and Getter for GUID of a custom composite material that specifies a custom shader used for the final composition of the full-screen image instead of the default one.
getCompositeMaterialGUID getNumScriptableMaterials Returns the current total number of scriptable materials applied globally.
setViewport Setter and Getter for custom viewport set for the main application window. getViewport getViewportMain Returns the current main application window viewport . setViewportMode Setter and Getter for viewport rendering mode. getViewportMode setShaderDefines Setter and Getter for macros list related to the renderer (defines to make corresponding resources available in shaders).
getShaderDefines setClearBufferMask Setter and Getter for buffer cleanup mask.
getClearBufferMask setFirstFrame Setter and Getter for value indicating if the first frame is enabled over the current frame.
isFirstFrame setData Setter and Getter for user data associated with the render.
getData getMaxFieldShorelines Returns the current maximum limit of FieldShoreline nodes allowed to be used in shaders.
getMaxFieldHeights Returns the current maximum limit of FieldHeight nodes allowed to be used in shaders.
getMaxFieldAnimations Returns the current maximum limit of FieldAnimation nodes allowed to be used in shaders.
getMaxFieldSpacers Returns the current maximum limit of FieldSpacer nodes allowed to be used in shaders.
getNumInstances Returns the current maximum number of instances that can be rendered for each of the following node types:
Field Animation
Field Height
Field Shoreline
Field Spacer
Returned value depends on the graphics API used.
isFlipped Returns the current value indicating render orientation.
getAPI Returns the current Graphics API (see API_* variables).
setLandscapeCacheCPUSize Setter and Getter for CPU cache size to be used for landscape terrain rendering, in percentage of the total memory. getLandscapeCacheCPUSize setLandscapeCacheCPUPrefetchRadius Setter and Getter for radius within which heights data is pre-loaded into memory for correct calculation of collisions and intersections. getLandscapeCacheCPUPrefetchRadius setLandscapeCacheGPUSize Setter and Getter for GPU cache size to be used for landscape terrain rendering, in percentage of the total GPU memory. getLandscapeCacheGPUSize setLandscapeCacheGPULifeTime Setter and Getter for lifetime of GPU cache used for Landscape Terrain rendering, in frames.
getLandscapeCacheGPULifeTime setLandscapeTerrainGeometrySubpixelReduction Setter and Getter for minimum ratio between the polygon size (in screen space) to the size of an area in the viewport for skipping polygons rendering (the ones having a lower ratio will be removed). getLandscapeTerrainGeometrySubpixelReduction setLandscapeTerrainGeometryProgression Setter and Getter for progression of Landscape Terrain geometry tessellation. getLandscapeTerrainGeometryProgression setLandscapeTerrainGeometryPolygonSize Setter and Getter for size of Landscape Terrain polygons defining the maximum allowed density of Landscape Terrain geometry. getLandscapeTerrainGeometryPolygonSize setLandscapeTerrainGeometryHoles Setter and Getter for value indicating if decal-based holes for the Landscape Terrain are enabled.
isLandscapeTerrainGeometryHoles setLandscapeTerrainDetailResolutionAdditionalMask Setter and Getter for resolution of the additional mask texture for details of the Landscape Terrain . getLandscapeTerrainDetailResolutionAdditionalMask setLandscapeTerrainDetailResolutionHeight Setter and Getter for resolution of the height texture for details of the Landscape Terrain . getLandscapeTerrainDetailResolutionHeight setLandscapeTerrainDetailResolutionAlbedo Setter and Getter for resolution of the albedo texture for details of the Landscape Terrain . getLandscapeTerrainDetailResolutionAlbedo setLandscapeTerrainVTTilesReloadPerFrame Setter and Getter for number of tiles to be reloaded per frame after applying changes to the Landscape Terrain surface.
getLandscapeTerrainVTTilesReloadPerFrame setLandscapeTerrainVTTilesLoadPerFrame Setter and Getter for number of Landscape Terrain tiles loaded per frame. getLandscapeTerrainVTTilesLoadPerFrame setLandscapeTerrainVTTilesUpdatePerFrame Setter and Getter for number of tiles passed to the virtual texture of the Landscape Terrain each frame.
getLandscapeTerrainVTTilesUpdatePerFrame setLandscapeTerrainVTFiltering Setter and Getter for filtering mode for the Landscape Terrain textures. getLandscapeTerrainVTFiltering setLandscapeTerrainVTDetailLevelByAngle Setter and Getter for value indicating detail level reduction depending on the inclination of the the Landscape Terrain polygons relative to viewing direction. getLandscapeTerrainVTDetailLevelByAngle setLandscapeTerrainVTTargetResolution Setter and Getter for target resolution (width x height) for the Landscape Terrain, in pixels.
getLandscapeTerrainVTTargetResolution setLandscapeTerrainVTMemorySize Setter and Getter for value defining memory consumption for the Landscape Terrain textures. getLandscapeTerrainVTMemorySize setLandscapeTerrainTexelSize Setter and Getter for texel size of the Landscape Terrain render textures representing the maximum level of detail for the albedo, normal, and height components of the Landscape Terrain. getLandscapeTerrainTexelSize setLandscapeTerrainVisibleDistance Setter and Getter for maximum visibility distance for the Landscape Terrain , in meters. getLandscapeTerrainVisibleDistance setLandscapeTerrainMaskDithering Setter and Getter for global dither amount multiplier to be used for rendering details of the Landscape Terrain . getLandscapeTerrainMaskDithering setFfpAntialiasingLines Setter and Getter for value indicating if antialiasing is enabled for rendering of the Visualizer and other FFP lines.
isFfpAntialiasingLines setWireframeAntialiasing Setter and Getter for value indicating if antialiasing is enabled for wireframe rendering.
isWireframeAntialiasing setEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination Setter and Getter for value indicating if the Screen-Space Haze Global Illumination effect is enabled. isEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination setEnvironmentHazeTemporalFilter Setter and Getter for value indicating if temporal filtering for the Screen-Space Haze Global Illumination effect is enabled.
isEnvironmentHazeTemporalFilter setEnvironmentHazeColorizationThreshold Setter and Getter for treshold value for scene depth used when setting haze color for the SSHGI effect in "information lost" areas on the screen.
getEnvironmentHazeColorizationThreshold setEnvironmentHazeColorizationIntensity Setter and Getter for colorization intensity value that defines haze color in "information lost" areas on the screen. getEnvironmentHazeColorizationIntensity getEnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFresnelPower Returns the current power of the Fresnel effect for Mie visibility. getEnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFrontSideIntensity Returns the current falloff of the Fresnel effect for Mie intensity. getEnvironmentHazeScatteringMieIntensity Returns the current minimum Mie intensity value for geometry-occluded areas. This value specifies the fraction of Mie intensity visible when the surface is viewed from straight on. getEnvironmentHazePhysicalSunColorSaturation Returns the current intensity of the impact of the sunlight on haze (how much the sunlight affects the haze).
getEnvironmentHazePhysicalSunLightIntensity Returns the current intensity of the impact of the sunlight on haze defining how much the sunlight affects the haze.
getEnvironmentHazePhysicalAmbientColorSaturation Returns the current intensity of the ambient color's contribution to the haze (how much the sunlight affects the haze).
getEnvironmentHazePhysicalAmbientLightIntensity Returns the current intensity of the impact of the ambient lighting on haze (how much the ambient lighting affects the haze).
getEnvironmentHazePhysicalHalfFalloffHeight Returns the current height of the haze density gradient.
getEnvironmentHazePhysicalHalfVisibilityDistance Returns the current distance to the boundary at which the visibility comprises 50%.
getEnvironmentHazePhysicalStartHeight Returns the current reference height value for the two parameters (Half Visibility Distance and Half Faloff Height).
setTessellationDensityMultiplier Setter and Getter for global Density multiplier for the adaptive hardware-accelerated tessellation. getTessellationDensityMultiplier setTessellationShadowDensityMultiplier Setter and Getter for global Shadow Density multiplier for the Tessellated Displacement effect. getTessellationShadowDensityMultiplier setTessellationDistanceMultiplier Setter and Getter for global multiplier for all distance parameters of the adaptive hardware-accelerated tessellation used for distance-dependent optimization. getTessellationDistanceMultiplier setLightmapColor Setter and Getter for color multiplier for lightmaps. getLightmapColor setSSRViewBias Setter and Getter for bias value to which the ray starting position has been shifted along the view vector. getSSRViewBias setSSRNormalBias Setter and Getter for bias value to which the ray starting position has been shifted along the normal vector. getSSRNormalBias setSSGIIntensityBoost Setter and Getter for boost intensity value. getSSGIIntensityBoost setSRAADepthThreshold Setter and Getter for depth threshold value used for edges detection that specifies the area for the SRAA processing. getSRAADepthThreshold setSRAADebug Setter and Getter for value indicating if the SRAA debug mode is enabled. isSRAADebug setSRAATemporal Setter and Getter for value indicating if TAA integration is enabled. isSRAATemporal setSRAASamples Setter and Getter for number of depth geometry samples per pixel. getSRAASamples setSRAA Setter and Getter for value indicating if Subpixel Reconstruction Anti-Aliasing (SRAA) is enabled.
isSRAA setPanoramaFisheyeFov Setter and Getter for Field of View (in degrees) for the panoramic viewport mode selected at the moment. getPanoramaFisheyeFov setShadowsWorldCascadesCullingClusters Setter and Getter for value indicating whether culling of shadow cascades is enabled for Mesh Cluster/Clutter objects.
isShadowsWorldCascadesCullingClusters setReflectionDynamicRoughnessOffset Setter and Getter for value indicating whether roughness offset is enabled for dynamic reflections produced by Environment Probes . isReflectionDynamicRoughnessOffset setClouds3dTextureVerticalResolution Setter and Getter for vertical resolution for the 3D texture to be used for clouds rendering. getClouds3dTextureVerticalResolution setClouds3dTextureHorizontalResolution Setter and Getter for horizontal resolution for the 3D texture to be used for clouds rendering. getClouds3dTextureHorizontalResolution setCloudsLightingSamplesDistribution Setter and Getter for value that controls distribution of samples for clouds lighting. getCloudsLightingSamplesDistribution setCloudsTransparentOrder Setter and Getter for rendering order for clouds relative to transparent objects (except water). getCloudsTransparentOrder getCloudsQualityPresetNumNames Returns the current number of clouds quality presets.
setCloudsQualityPreset Setter and Getter for index of the clouds quality preset used at the moment.
getCloudsQualityPreset setLandscapeOperationsPerFrame Setter and Getter for maximum number of Landscape texture draw operations (asyncTextureDraw) that can be performed per frame.
getLandscapeOperationsPerFrame getLandscapeTerrainStreamingPresetNumNames Returns the current number of Landscape Terrain streaming presets.
setLandscapeTerrainStreamingPreset Setter and Getter for index of the Landscape Terrain streaming preset used at the moment. getLandscapeTerrainStreamingPreset getLandscapeTerrainGeometryPresetNumNames Returns the current number of Landscape Terrain geometry presets.
setLandscapeTerrainGeometryPreset Setter and Getter for index of the Landscape Terrain geometry preset used at the moment. getLandscapeTerrainGeometryPreset getWaterGeometryPresetNumNames Returns the current number of Global Water geometry presets.
setWaterGeometryPreset Setter and Getter for index of the Global Water geometry preset used at the moment.
getWaterGeometryPreset getDOFPresetNumNames Returns the current number of DoF presets.
setDOFPreset Setter and Getter for DoF effect quality preset.
getDOFPreset getMotionBlurPresetNumNames Returns the current number of Motion Blur presets.
setMotionBlurPreset Setter and Getter for Motion Blur preset.
getMotionBlurPreset getSSRPresetNumNames Returns the current number of SSR (Screen-Space Reflections) presets.
setSSRPreset Setter and Getter for SSR (Screen-Space Reflections) preset used at the moment.
getSSRPreset getSSRTGIPresetNumNames Returns the current number of SSRTGI (Screen-Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination) presets.
setSSRTGIPreset Setter and Getter for index of the SSRTGI (Screen-Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination) preset used at the moment.
getSSRTGIPreset setRefractionWarpBackgroundTransparentSurfaces Setter and Getter for value indicating if refraction affects background transparent surfaces (except for water and clouds). getRefractionWarpBackgroundTransparentSurfaces getAAPresetNumNames Returns the current number of AA (Anti-Aliasing) presets.
setAAPreset Setter and Getter for index of the AA (Anti-Aliasing) preset used at the moment.
getAAPreset setACESWithReinhardShoulderLength Setter and Getter for shoulder length parameter for the ACES with Reinhard operator. getACESWithReinhardShoulderLength setACESWithReinhardShoulderStrength Setter and Getter for shoulder strength parameter for the ACES with Reinhard operator. getACESWithReinhardShoulderStrength setACESWithReinhardShoulderAngle Setter and Getter for shoulder angle parameter for the ACES with Reinhard operator. getACESWithReinhardShoulderAngle setACESWithReinhardToe Setter and Getter for toe parameter for the ACES with Reinhard operator. getACESWithReinhardToe setACESWithReinhardWhiteClip Setter and Getter for white clip parameter for the ACES with Reinhard operator. getACESWithReinhardWhiteClip setACESShoulderLength Setter and Getter for shoulder length parameter for the ACES operator. getACESShoulderLength setACESShoulderStrength Setter and Getter for shoulder strength parameter for the ACES operator. getACESShoulderStrength setACESShoulderAngle Setter and Getter for shoulder angle parameter for the ACES operator. getACESShoulderAngle setACESToe Setter and Getter for toe parameter for the ACES operator. getACESToe setACESWhiteClip Setter and Getter for white clip parameter for the ACES operator.
getACESWhiteClip setACESWithReinhardMix Setter and Getter for ACES with Reinhard tonemapping operator contribution. getACESWithReinhardMix setReinhardLumaBasedContribution Setter and Getter for Reinhard Luma-Based tonemapping operator contribution. getReinhardLumaBasedContribution setReinhardContribution Setter and Getter for Reinhard tonemapping operator contribution. getReinhardContribution setTonemapper Setter and Getter for value indicating if tone mapping is enabled.
isTonemapper setTonemapperMode Setter and Getter for mode of tone mapping.
getTonemapperMode setWaterWaterlineAccuracy Setter and Getter for quality of underwater and waterline determination. getWaterWaterlineAccuracy setWaterCullingObliqueFrustum Setter and Getter for multiplier for the size of viewing frustum used for culling polygons of Global Water object beyond the oblique frustum plane. getWaterCullingObliqueFrustum setWaterCullingFrustumPadding Setter and Getter for value, by which the borders of the current frustum are increased. getWaterCullingFrustumPadding setWaterCullingAggressive Setter and Getter for value indicating if frustum culling optimization is enabled for the Global Water . isWaterCullingAggressive setWaterGeometrySubpixelReduction Setter and Getter for minimum ratio of a polygon size (in screen space) to the size of an area seen in the viewport. getWaterGeometrySubpixelReduction setWaterGeometryFadeLods Setter and Getter for intensity of fading between levels of Global Water geometry tessellation. getWaterGeometryFadeLods setWaterGeometryProgression Setter and Getter for progression of Global Water geometry tessellation.
getWaterGeometryProgression setWaterGeometryPolygonSize Setter and Getter for size of Global Water polygons. getWaterGeometryPolygonSize setWaterVisibleDistance Setter and Getter for maximum visibility distance for the Global Water . getWaterVisibleDistance setDistanceOffset Setter and Getter for global distance offset for all distance parameters: shadow distance, light distance, LOD distances, etc.
getDistanceOffset setEnvironmentHemisphere Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of environment only for the top (above-ground) hemisphere is enabled. isEnvironmentHemisphere setWaterPlanarProbes Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of Planar Reflection Probes on the water surface is enabled.
isWaterPlanarProbes getNumDebugMaterials Returns the current number of debug materials.
setColorCorrectionHuePerColor Setter and Getter for value indicating if fine-adjustment of hue (color shift) for each of the 12 major colors of the spectre is enabled.
isColorCorrectionHuePerColor setColorCorrectionSaturationPerColor Setter and Getter for value indicating if fine-adjustment of saturation for each of the 12 major colors of the spectre is enabled.
isColorCorrectionSaturationPerColor setColorCorrectionByCurves Setter and Getter for value indicating if color correction via curves is enabled.
isColorCorrectionByCurves setVignetteMask Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of the Vignette Mask post-effect is enabled. isVignetteMask setVignetteMaskIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the Vignette Mask . getVignetteMaskIntensity setVignetteMaskPower Setter and Getter for Power value that controls mask opacity for the Vignette Mask post-effect.
getVignetteMaskPower setVignetteMaskTexturePath Setter and Getter for path to the custom mask texture for the Vignette Mask post-effect.
getVignetteMaskTexturePath setNoise Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of the Noise post-effect is enabled.
isNoise setNoiseIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the Noise post-effect. getNoiseIntensity setChromaticAberration Setter and Getter for value indicating if rendering of the Chromatic Aberration post-effect is enabled. isChromaticAberration setChromaticAberrationIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity (strength) of the Chromatic Aberration post-effect. getChromaticAberrationIntensity setChromaticAberrationNoiseIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of noise applied for the Chromatic Aberration post-effect.
getChromaticAberrationNoiseIntensity setChromaticAberrationSamples Setter and Getter for number of samples used for calculation of the Chromatic Aberration post-effect. getChromaticAberrationSamples setLandscapeTerrainCullingMap Setter and Getter for extent of culling of Landscape Layer Maps with the distance. getLandscapeTerrainCullingMap setLandscapeTerrainCullingObliqueFrustum Setter and Getter for multiplier for culling of tessellation patches of the Landscape Terrain beyond the oblique frustum plane. getLandscapeTerrainCullingObliqueFrustum setLandscapeTerrainCullingPaddingPatchCPU Setter and Getter for padding between LODs of patches culled on CPU. getLandscapeTerrainCullingPaddingPatchCPU setLandscapeTerrainCullingPaddingPatchGPU Setter and Getter for padding between LODs of patches culled on GPU. getLandscapeTerrainCullingPaddingPatchGPU setLandscapeTerrainCullingPaddingTriangles Setter and Getter for padding between LODs of tessellated polygons. getLandscapeTerrainCullingPaddingTriangles setLandscapeTerrainCullingPatchBatching Setter and Getter for number of culling patches of Landscape Terrain processed in a batch. getLandscapeTerrainCullingPatchBatching setLandscapeTerrainCullingPatchResolutionCPU Setter and Getter for number of subdivisions for patches of Landscape Terrain culled on the CPU side that are to be passed to GPU. getLandscapeTerrainCullingPatchResolutionCPU setLandscapeTerrainCullingPatchResolutionGPU Setter and Getter for number of subdivisions for patches of Landscape Terrain culled on the GPU side that are to be tessellated. getLandscapeTerrainCullingPatchResolutionGPU setLandscapeTerrainCullingDepthResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the buffer used for culling by depth. getLandscapeTerrainCullingDepthResolution setLandscapeTerrainCullingByDepth Setter and Getter for value indicating if culling by depth is enabled. isLandscapeTerrainCullingByDepth setLandscapeTerrainCullingFrustumAggressive Setter and Getter for value indicating if frustum culling optimization is enabled for the Landscape Terrain . isLandscapeTerrainCullingFrustumAggressive setLandscapeTerrainGeometryDetailMaxHeight Setter and Getter for maximum height for detail displacement clamping. getLandscapeTerrainGeometryDetailMaxHeight setLandscapeTerrainDetailCompression Setter and Getter for mode of detail textures compression. getLandscapeTerrainDetailCompression setLandscapeTerrainStreamingPerLods Setter and Getter for value indicating if streaming per LODs (MIP maps) is enabled. isLandscapeTerrainStreamingPerLods setLandscapeTerrainStreamingThreads Setter and Getter for number of threads used for streaming. getLandscapeTerrainStreamingThreads setLandscapeTerrainVTSamplerFeedbackBufferResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the buffer used to transfer data about tiles and what MIP-levels to be loaded. getLandscapeTerrainVTSamplerFeedbackBufferResolution setLandscapeTerrainVTSamplerFeedbackScreenResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the screen buffer used to detect visible tiles and what MIP-levels to be loaded. getLandscapeTerrainVTSamplerFeedbackScreenResolution setLandscapeTerrainVTHashSize Setter and Getter for upper limit for the hash function used to determine tiles of Landscape Terrain . getLandscapeTerrainVTHashSize setLandscapeTerrainVTHashSizeNumberMistakes Setter and Getter for number of mistakes of the hash function used in Landscape Terrain data streaming. getLandscapeTerrainVTHashSizeNumberMistakes setLocalTonemapper Setter and Getter for value indicating if the local tonemapper is enabled.
isLocalTonemapper setLocalTonemapperNumBlurIterations Setter and Getter for number of blur iterations applied to the screen texture, which is used to define bright and dark portions of the screen. getLocalTonemapperNumBlurIterations setLocalTonemapperDepthThreshold Setter and Getter for depth threshold value used to detect the areas affected by local tonemapping. getLocalTonemapperDepthThreshold setLocalTonemapperTonemappingIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of the local tonemapping effect.
getLocalTonemapperTonemappingIntensity setLocalTonemapperEffectOnDarkAreas Setter and Getter for the extent of applying the local tonemapping effect on dark areas.
getLocalTonemapperEffectOnDarkAreas setLocalTonemapperTargetMiddleGray Setter and Getter for the target middle gray value for tonemapping.
getLocalTonemapperTargetMiddleGray setLocalTonemapperLumaBlurredIntensity Setter and Getter for intensity of blurring the luma values. getLocalTonemapperLumaBlurredIntensity getAutoExposureRamp Returns the current correction curve for the overall scene saturation. setUpscaleMode Setter and Getter for Upscaling mode.
getUpscaleMode setUpscalePost Setter and Getter for value indicating if upscaling is performed after rendering all post-effects.
isUpscalePost setDLSSMode Setter and Getter for DLSS quality:
Ultra Performance provides frames per second at the cost of internal resolution and output visuals.
getDLSSMode setDLSSPreset Setter and Getter for DLSS preset.
getDLSSPreset setFSRMode Setter and Getter for quality mode of FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution upsampling technique).
getFSRMode setFSREnableSharpness Setter and Getter for value indicating if additional sharpness pass for FidelityFX Super Resolution upscaling is enabled.
isFSREnableSharpness setFSRSharpness Setter and Getter for sharpness value getFSRSharpness setFSRPreExposure Setter and Getter for pre-exposure value getFSRPreExposure setFSRAutoReactiveScale Setter and Getter for scaling factor for the reactive mask. getFSRAutoReactiveScale setFSRAutoTCScale Setter and Getter for scaling factor for the transparency and composition mask. getFSRAutoTCScale setFSRAutoTCThreshold Setter and Getter for cutoff value for the transparency and composition mask.
getFSRAutoTCThreshold setFSRAutoReactiveMax Setter and Getter for value to clamp the reactive mask.
getFSRAutoReactiveMax getEventEnd The event triggered when rendering of the frame ends.
getEventEndScreen The event triggered after the stage of rendering each screen (a stereo image has 2 screens, while a cubemap will have 6).
getEventEndVisualizer The event triggered after the visualizer rendering stage.
getEventBeginVisualizer The event triggered before the visualizer rendering stage.
getEventEndDebugMaterials The event triggered after the debug materials stage.
getEventBeginDebugMaterials The event triggered before the debug materials stage.
getEventEndPostMaterials The event triggered after the post materials rendering stage.
getEventBeginPostMaterials The event triggered before the post materials rendering stage.
getEventEndCameraEffects The event triggered after the camera effects stage.
getEventBeginCameraEffects The event triggered before the camera effects stage.
getEventEndTAA The event triggered after the Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) pass.
getEventBeginTAA The event triggered before the Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) pass.
getEventEndAdaptationColor The event triggered after the color adaptation rendering stage (automatic exposure and white balance correction).
getEventBeginAdaptationColor The event triggered before the color adaptation rendering stage (automatic exposure and white balance correction).
getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage The event triggered after the calculation of automatic exposure and white balance correction.
getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage The event triggered before the calculation of automatic exposure and white balance correction.
getEventEndSrgbCorrection The event triggered after the sRGB correction stage.
getEventBeginSrgbCorrection The event triggered before the sRGB correction stage.
getEventEndTransparent The event triggered after the transparent objects rendering stage.
getEventEndWater The event triggered after the water rendering stage.
getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes The event triggered after the water planar probes rendering stage.
getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes The event triggered before the water planar probes rendering stage.
getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes The event triggered after the water environment probes rendering stage.
getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes The event triggered before the water environment probes rendering stage.
getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes The event triggered after the water voxel probes rendering stage.
getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes The event triggered before the water voxel probes rendering stage.
getEventEndWaterLights The event triggered after the water lights rendering stage.
getEventBeginWaterLights The event triggered before the water lights rendering stage.
getEventEndWaterDecals The event triggered after the water decals rendering stage.
getEventBeginWaterDecals The event triggered before the water decals rendering stage.
getEventBeginWater The event triggered before the water rendering stage.
getEventEndClouds The event triggered after the clouds rendering stage.
getEventBeginClouds The event triggered before the clouds rendering stage.
getEventBeginTransparent The event triggered before the transparent objects rendering stage.
getEventEndCompositeDeferred The event triggered after the clouds deferred composite stage.
getEventBeginCompositeDeferred The event triggered before the clouds deferred composite stage.
getEventEndSky The event triggered after the sky rendering stage.
getEventBeginSky The event triggered before the sky rendering stage.
getEventEndSSGI The event triggered after the SSGI rendering stage.
getEventBeginSSGI The event triggered before the SSGI rendering stage.
getEventEndSSAO The event triggered after the SSAO rendering stage.
getEventBeginSSAO The event triggered before the SSAO rendering stage.
getEventEndSSR The event triggered after the SSR rendering stage.
getEventBeginSSR The event triggered before the SSR rendering stage.
getEventEndSSSS The event triggered after the Screen-Space Shadow Shafts rendering stage.
getEventBeginSSSS The event triggered before the Screen-Space Shadow Shafts rendering stage.
getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer The event triggered after filling the transparent blur buffer.
getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer The event triggered before filling the transparent blur buffer.
getEventEndRefractionBuffer The event triggered after filling the refraction buffer.
getEventBeginRefractionBuffer The event triggered before filling the refraction buffer.
getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer The event triggered after filling the auxiliary buffer.
getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer The event triggered before filling the auxiliary buffer.
getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes The event triggered after the opacity planar probes rendering stage.
getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes The event triggered before the opacity planar probes rendering stage.
getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes The event triggered after the opacity environment probes rendering stage.
getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes The event triggered before the opacity environment probes rendering stage.
getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes The event triggered after the opacity voxel probes rendering stage.
getEventBeginOpacityVoxelProbes The event triggered before the opacity voxel probes rendering stage.
getEventEndOpacityLights The event triggered after the opacity lightgs rendering stage.
getEventBeginOpacityLights The event triggered before the opacity lightgs rendering stage.
getEventEndSSRTGI The event triggered after the SSRTGI rendering stage.
getEventBeginSSRTGI The event triggered before the SSRTGI rendering stage.
getEventEndCurvatureComposite The event triggered after the curvature rendering stage for the SSDirt effect.
getEventBeginCurvatureComposite The event triggered before the curvature rendering stage for the SSDirt effect.
getEventEndCurvature The event triggered after the SSBevel effect rendering stage.
getEventBeginCurvature The event triggered before the SSBevel effect rendering stage.
getEventEndOpacityDecals The event triggered after the opacity decals rendering stage.
getEventBeginOpacityDecals The event triggered before the opacity decals rendering stage.
getEventEndOpacityGBuffer The event triggered after filling the Gbuffer.
getEventBeginOpacityGBuffer The event triggered before filling the Gbuffer.
getEventEndMixedRealityBlendMaskColor The event triggered after the mask for Mixed Reality is rendered (after Common Camera for clouds and before Opacity GBuffer).
getEventBeginMixedRealityBlendMaskColor The event triggered before the mask for Mixed Reality is rendered (after Common Camera for clouds and before Opacity GBuffer).
getEventBeginScreen The event triggered before the stage of rendering each screen (a stereo image has 2 screens, while a cubemap will have 6).
getEventEndShadows The event triggered after the shadows rendering stage.
getEventEndOmniShadow The event triggered after the stage of rendering shadows from Omni light sources.
getEventBeginOmniShadow The event triggered before the stage of rendering shadows from Omni light sources.
getEventEndProjShadow The event triggered after the stage of rendering shadows from Projected light sources.
getEventBeginProjShadow The event triggered before the stage of rendering shadows from Projected light sources.
getEventEndWorldShadow The event triggered after the stage of rendering shadows from World light sources.
getEventBeginWorldShadow The event triggered before the stage of rendering shadows from World light sources.
getEventBeginShadows The event triggered before the shadows rendering stage.
getEventEndEnvironment The event triggered after the Environment rendering stage.
getEventBeginEnvironment The event triggered before the Environment rendering stage.
getEventBegin The event triggered when rendering of the frame begins.
getEventEndFrameExecuteCommandLists The Event triggered after ExecuteCommandLists just before Present.
setShowTextureResolutionStreamingAccountingMode Setter and Getter for streaming accounting mode.
getShowTextureResolutionStreamingAccountingMode setIndirectLightingInterleavedSamples Setter and Getter for number of samples for interleaved rendering of indirect lighting defining the number of pixels to be skipped during interleaved rendering of indirect lighting with subsequent reconstruction of neighboring pixels using the data from previous frames (defines the size of reduced lights buffer relative to original size). getIndirectLightingInterleavedSamples setIndirectLightingInterleavedColorClamping Setter and Getter for color clamping mode to be used for interleaved rendering of indirect lighting. getIndirectLightingInterleavedColorClamping setIndirectLightingInterleavedCatmullResampling Setter and Getter for value indicating whether Catmull-Rom resampling is enabled or not. Catmull-Rom resampling allows you to reduce image blurring when the camera moves forward/backward. It is recommended to disable resampling for low quality presets. isIndirectLightingInterleavedCatmullResampling setLocalTonemapperColorDifferenceThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value that determines the extent to which color differences on the screen are considered.
getLocalTonemapperColorDifferenceThreshold setLocalTonemapperColorDifferenceEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating whether considering of the image color rendered on the screen is enabled.
isLocalTonemapperColorDifferenceEnabled setLocalTonemapperDepthDifferenceEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating whether considering of the depth difference between objects in the scene is enabled.
isLocalTonemapperDepthDifferenceEnabled setLocalTonemapperBlurUpscaleKernelSize Setter and Getter for size of the kernel used for upscaling the blurred image.
getLocalTonemapperBlurUpscaleKernelSize setLocalTonemapperBlurUpscale Setter and Getter for value indicating whether upscaling the blurred image from the Quarter or Half resolution to the Full one is enabled.
isLocalTonemapperBlurUpscale setLocalTonemapperBlurResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the blur applied during the tone mapping process.
getLocalTonemapperBlurResolution setLocalTonemapperDebug Setter and Getter for the value indicating whether the debug mode for the local tonemapper is enabled.
isLocalTonemapperDebug setDenoiseColorClampingBlurResolution Setter and Getter for resolution of the Color Clamping Blur buffer.
getDenoiseColorClampingBlurResolution setDenoiseWrongVelocityFixByDepthThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value of the difference between the depth in the current pixel and the pixel read using reprojection based on velocity.
getDenoiseWrongVelocityFixByDepthThreshold setDenoiseWrongVelocityFixByDepthEnabled Setter and Getter for value indicating whether correction of a wrong velocity during the denoise process is enabled.
isDenoiseWrongVelocityFixByDepthEnabled setTAAInformationLostFrameCount Setter and Getter for number of TAA accumulation frames in the information lost areas.
getTAAInformationLostFrameCount setTAAInformationLostDepthThreshold Setter and Getter for threshold value for the depth difference used to calculate information lost areas.
getTAAInformationLostDepthThreshold setStreamingTexturesMipmapsDensity Setter and Getter for density of mipmaps relative to the screen resolution. getStreamingTexturesMipmapsDensity setStreamingTexturesMipmaps Setter and Getter for value indicating whether texture mipmap loading is enabled.
isStreamingTexturesMipmaps setStreamingVRAMBudget Setter and Getter for mode for determining the amount of available VRAM. getStreamingVRAMBudget setStreamingVRAMOvercommit Setter and Getter for value indicating whether VRAM limits (both the usage limit and free space) are applied.
isStreamingVRAMOvercommit setStreamingFreeSpaceRAM Setter and Getter for size of additionally reserved RAM for allocations per frame, in bytes.
getStreamingFreeSpaceRAM setStreamingFreeSpaceVRAM Setter and Getter for size of additionally reserved VRAM for allocations per frame, in bytes.
getStreamingFreeSpaceVRAM setIndirectLightingInterleavedColorClampingVelocityThreshold Setter and Getter for velocity threshold of color clamping for interleaved indirect lighting.
getIndirectLightingInterleavedColorClampingVelocityThreshold setIndirectLightingInterleavedColorClampingIntensity Setter and Getter for constant size of the intensity of color clamping for interleaved indirect lighting.
getIndirectLightingInterleavedColorClampingIntensity setEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIlluminationDistanceMax Setter and Getter for maximum distance within which Screen Space Haze GI calculations are performed.
getEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIlluminationDistanceMax setEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIlluminationDistanceMin Setter and Getter for minimum distance at which Screen Space Haze GI calculations start to take effect.
getEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIlluminationDistanceMin setLocalTonemapperEffectOnDarkAreasGamma Setter and Getter for gamma correction value for dark areas.
getLocalTonemapperEffectOnDarkAreasGamma setStreamingUsageLimitRAM Setter and Getter for percentage of the committed memory available for streaming. getStreamingUsageLimitRAM setStreamingUsageLimitVRAM Setter and Getter for percentage of the committed video memory available for streaming. getStreamingUsageLimitVRAM setMaterialsQuality Setter and Getter for quality level of the rendered materials.
getMaterialsQuality setMultithreaded Setter and Getter for value indicating if the multithreaded rendering mode is enabled (DX12 only).
isMultithreaded setMultithreadedEditor Setter and Getter for value indicating if the multithreaded rendering mode in the Editor is enabled (DX12 only).
isMultithreadedEditor setQuadroSync Setter and Getter for value indicating whether NVIDIA Quadro Sync feature is enabled, providing support for synchronization of frame rendering across multiple displays.
isQuadroSync isAPISupported Returns a value indicating if the specified graphics API (Null/Vulkan/DirectX) is currently supported.
beginDebugGroup Starts a GPU debug group with a specified name in Microprofiler.
endDebugGroup Ends a GPU debug group previously started via the beginDebugGroup() method.
memoryClear Clears the video memory, ffp buffer and memory pools, deletes textures and all meshes, including skinned meshes and decals.
getBlack2DArrayTexture Returns black 2D array texture.
getBlack2DTexture Returns black 2D texture.
getBlack2DUIntTexture Returns black 2D UInt texture.
getBlack3DTexture Returns black 3D texture.
getBlackCubeTexture Returns black Cube texture.
getGray2DArrayTexture Returns gray 2D array texture.
getGray2DTexture Returns gray 2D texture.
getGray2DUIntTexture Returns gray 2D UInt texture.
getGray3DTexture Returns gray 3D texture.
getGrayCubeTexture Returns gray Cube texture.
getWhite2DArrayTexture Returns white 2D array texture.
getWhite2DTexture Returns white 2D texture.
getWhite2DUIntTexture Returns white 2D UInt texture.
getWhite3DTexture Returns white 3D texture.
getWhiteCubeTexture Returns white Cube texture.
getMaxTextureBufferSize Returns the maximum size of the texture buffer.
addScriptableMaterial Adds a new global scriptable material.
insertScriptableMaterial Inserts a new global scriptable material to the list of globally applied scriptable materials.
removeScriptableMaterial Removes the global scriptable material with the specified number.
findScriptableMaterial Returns the number of the specified scriptable material applied globally.
setScriptableMaterial Replaces the scriptable material with the specified number with the new scriptable material specified.
getScriptableMaterial Returns a scriptable material applied globally by its number.
setScriptableMaterialEnabled Enables or disables the scriptable material with the specified number.
getScriptableMaterialEnabled Returns a value indicating if the scriptable material with the specified number is enabled (active).
swapScriptableMaterials Swaps two scriptable materials with specified numbers.
clearScriptableMaterials Clears all global scriptable materials.
Allocates a temporary render texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary 2D texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary 2D array texture with the specified width, height, number of layers, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary 3D texture with the specified width, height, depth, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary cubemap texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary render texture from the previous frame with the specified width, height, depth, format, flags, and accessory type.
Allocates a temporary 2D texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary 2D array texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary 3D texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
Allocates a temporary cubemap texture with the specified width, height, format, and flags.
releaseTemporaryTexture Releases the temporary texture previously obtained via getTemporaryTexture(), getTemporaryTexture2D(), getTemporaryTexture2DArray(), getTemporaryTexture3D(), or getTemporaryTextureCube() method and returns it to the pool.
Allocates a temporary render target.
releaseTemporaryRenderTarget Releases the temporary render target previously obtained via getTemporaryRenderTarget() method and returns it to the pool.
compressImage Converts the image to a specified compressed format.
compressTexture Compresses the given texture to the specified format.
asyncCompressTexture Performs asynchronous compression of the specified texture and transfers it to CPU side (Image).
asyncCompressImage Performs asynchronous compression of the specified image.
transferTextureToImage Transfers the specified source texture to an Image (from GPU to CPU side).
asyncTransferTextureToImage Transfers the specified source texture to an Image (from GPU to CPU side) asynchronously, without CPU-GPU synchronization.
asyncTransferStructuredBuffer Transfers the data of the specified source structured buffer from GPU to CPU side asynchronously, without CPU-GPU synchronization.
transferStructuredBuffer Transfers the data of the specified source structured buffer from GPU to CPU side.
createMipmapsCubeGGXImage Generates mipmaps for a cubemap image using GGX BRDF microfacet model.
createMipmapsCubeGGXTexture Generates mipmaps for a cubemap texture using GGX BRDF microfacet model.
createShorelineDistanceField Grabs a shoreline distance field texture with the specified parameters.
setColorCorrectionLUTImage Sets a new color transformation image (LUT).
getColorCorrectionLUTImage Return the current color transformation image (LUT).
resetColorCorrectionRamp Resets the Color Correction ramp to the default value.
resetColorCorrectionSaturationRamp Resets the Saturation Correction ramp to the default value.
resetAutoExposureRamp Resets the correction curve for the overall scene saturation.
loadSettings Loads render settings from a given file.
loadWorld Loads render state from the Xml.
renderComputeMaterial Sets up a material and dispatches to compute shader.
renderTexture2D Renders the scene into a 2D texture in accordance with the specified parameters.
renderTextureCube Renders the scene into a cube map texture in accordance with the specified parameters.
renderNodeTexture2D Renders the given node into a 2D texture in accordance with the specified parameters.
renderScreenMaterial Renders a screen-space material with the given name.
renderTAA Renders the TAA filter.
saveSettings Saves the current renderer settings to a given file.
saveState Saves a render state into the stream.
restoreState Restores a render state from the stream.
saveWorld Saves the render state into the given Xml node.
getEnvironmentPreset Returns the environment preset of the given number.
getCloudsQualityPresetName Returns the Clouds Quality preset name by given index.
getAAPresetName Returns the AA (Anti-Aliasing) preset name by given index.
getTAAPresetName Returns the TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) preset name by given index.
getDenoisePresetName Returns the denoiser preset name by given index.
getSSRTGIPresetName Returns the SSRTGI (Screen-Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination) preset name by given index.
getSSRPresetName Returns the SSR preset name by given index.
getSSSSSPresetName Returns the SSSSS preset name by given index.
getMotionBlurPresetName Returns the Motion Blur preset name by given index.
getDOFPresetName Returns the DOF preset name by given index.
getLandscapeTerrainGeometryPresetName Returns the Landscape Terrain Geometry preset name by given index.
getLandscapeTerrainStreamingPresetName Returns the Landscape Terrain Streaming preset name by given index.
getWaterGeometryPresetName Returns the Global Water Geometry preset name by given index.
isViewportModeStereo Returns a value indicating if the specified mode is one of the stereo rendering modes.
isViewportModePanorama Returns a value indicating if the specified mode is one of the panorama rendering modes.
clearDebugMaterials Clears all global debug materials.
setDebugMaterial Replaces the debug material with the specified number with the new debug material specified.
getDebugMaterial Returns a debug material applied globally by its number.
insertDebugMaterial Inserts a new global debug material to the list of globally applied debug materials.
findDebugMaterial Returns the number of the specified debug material applied globally.
addDebugMaterial Adds a new global debug material.
removeDebugMaterial Removes the global debug material with the specified number.
swapDebugMaterials Swaps two debug materials with specified numbers.
setDebugMaterialEnabled Enables or disables the debug material with the specified number.
getDebugMaterialEnabled Returns a value indicating if the debug material with the specified number is enabled (active).
getCacheTexture Returns the texture cache by the texture GUID.
getD3D11Factory Returns the pointer to the D3D11Factory.
getD3D11Device Returns the D3D11 device associated with D3D11 renderer.
getD3D11Context Returns a pointer to the existing ID3D11DeviceContext interface.
reloadResource Instantaneously reloads the resource (texture, node, geometry — MeshStatic/MeshSkinned) by GUID.