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Video Tutorials
How To
Professional (SIM)
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Materials and Shaders
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

CPP Samples

The CPP Samples demo showcases the use of engine features for various use cases via the C++ API.


Intersections samples show different cases of intersection detection:

  • Simple Async Request sample demonstrates detection of intersections with all objects in the world using a combination of World::getIntersection() and Landscape::getIntersection() methods. A single ray from the mouse cursor position is used. A normal at the point of intersection is rendered and latency value is displayed.
  • Multiple Async Requests sample demonstrates detection of intersections with all objects in the world using a combination of World::getIntersection() and Landscape::getIntersection() methods. 900 rays from a moving emitter-objects are used. You can check out latency values (number of frames per each result).

Landscape Terrain#

The Landscape Terrain sample set demonstrates various Landscape Terrain features and use cases:

  • Combined Landscape Modification sample — combination of nondestructive (using multiple Landscape Layer Maps) and destructive (using Landscape::asyncTextureDraw) Landscape Terrain modification techniques.
  • Landscape Creation sample — dynamic creation of a Landscape Layer Map with albedo, height, and two mask textures using LandscapeMapFileCreator and LandscapeMapFileSettings.
  • Details sample demonstrates how to add Details to a Landscape Terrain using ObjectLandscapeTerrain::getDetailMask() and ObjectLandscapeTerrain::addDetail() methods.
  • Excavation sample demonstrates how to perform destructive Landscape Terrain modification at run time using the tractor grader. This modification is by changing the underlying textures of Landscape Layer Map.
  • Fetch sample shows how to get terrain information (height, albedo, masks) for an arbitrary point.
  • Landscape Mesh sample demonstrates the generation of a mesh (ObjectMeshDynamic) representing a certain region of the Landscape Terrain based on fetched Landscape data (LandscapeFetch).
  • Paint sample demonstrates destructive run-time Landscape Terrain modification by changing the underlying textures of the Landscape Layer Map using Landscape::asyncTextureDraw with the help of the custom base materials.
  • Tracks sample demonstrates non-destructive runtime Landscape Terrain modification by spawning multiple Landscape Layer Maps under the objects to create tracks.


The Track Playback sample demonstrate how to use Tracker to animate objects (change their position, rotation, and scale) using tracks created in the Tracker tool. Tracks in code are referred to via names and IDs. The TrackPlayback component uses a C++ wrapper for Tracker functionality implemented in the Tracker component.

Water Global#

Water Global samples demonstrate how to control Global Water via API:

  • Buoyancy sample shows how to control the current state of Global Water via changing Beaufort levels (the Beaufort slider). It also demonstrates the use of fetching of the water level at a certain point for simplified simulation of buoyancy without engaging Physics.
  • CustomWave sample shows how to control the wave spectrum of Global Water in Manual mode via API by changing the number of octaves, number of waves per octave, and various other parameters for random waves generation, such as wave length, amplitude, phase offset, and steepness (can be used, for example, to process Weather Control packets from IOS in a simulator application).
  • Boat sample demonstrates how to simulate ship wake foam via Orthographic Decals and Particle Systems, that are spawned behind the boat and project foam onto the water surface. You can control sea state via the Beaufort slider (from 0 - calm to 8 - huge waves).
  • Fetch Intersection sample demonstrates the influence of the Steepness Quality, Amplitude Threshold, and Precision parameters on the accuracy of fetch and intersection requests for the Global Water object at various Beaufort levels.

Accessing Demo Source Code#

You can study and modify the source code of this demo to create your own projects. To access the source code do the following:

  1. Find the CPP Samples demo in the Demos section and click Install (if you haven't installed it yet).
  2. After successful installation the demo will appear in the Installed section, and you can click Copy as Project to create a project based on this demo.
  3. In the Create New Project window, that opens, enter the name for your new project in the corresponding field and click Create New Project.
  4. Now you can click Open Code IDE to check and modify source code in your default IDE, or click Open Editor to open the project in the UnigineEditor.
Last update: 2022-04-07
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