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Unigine::Render Class

Header: #include <UnigineRender.h>

Provides access to Unigine rendering functions. For example, it is used by AppWall application to render onto multiple monitors.

See Also#

  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/rendering/ folder

Render Class



PASS_WIREFRAME = 0Wireframe pass.
PASS_VISUALIZER_SOLID = 1Visualizer pass.
PASS_DEFERRED = 2Deferred pass.
PASS_AUXILIARY = 3Auxiliary pass.
PASS_EMISSION = 4Emission pass.
PASS_REFLECTION = 5Reflection pass.
PASS_REFRACTION = 6Refraction pass.
PASS_TRANSPARENT_BLUR = 7Transparent blur pass.
PASS_AMBIENT = 8Ambient pass.
PASS_LIGHT_VOXEL_PROBE = 9Light voxel probe pass.
PASS_LIGHT_ENVIRONMENT_PROBE = 10Light environment probe pass.
PASS_LIGHT_PLANAR_PROBE = 11Light planar probe pass.
PASS_LIGHT_OMNI = 12Omni light pass.
PASS_LIGHT_PROJ = 13Proj light pass.
PASS_LIGHT_WORLD = 14World light pass.
PASS_SHADOW = 15Shadow pass.
PASS_DEPTH_PRE_PASS = 16Depth pre-pass.
PASS_MS_DEPTH = 17MS depth pass.
PASS_POST = 18Post materials pass.
PASS_PROCEDURAL_DECALS = 19Pass for rendering of particles into procedural textures to be used by orthographic decals.
PASS_PROCEDURAL_FIELDS = 20Pass for rendering of particles into procedural textures to be used by height fields.
PASS_CUSTOM_0 = 21Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_1 = 22Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_2 = 23Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_3 = 24Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_4 = 25Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_5 = 26Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_6 = 27Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_7 = 28Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_8 = 29Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_9 = 30Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_10 = 31Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_11 = 32Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_12 = 33Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_13 = 34Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_14 = 35Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_15 = 36Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_16 = 37Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_17 = 38Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_18 = 39Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_19 = 40Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_20 = 41Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_21 = 42Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_22 = 43Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_23 = 44Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_24 = 45Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_25 = 46Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_26 = 47Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_27 = 48Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_28 = 49Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_29 = 50Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_30 = 51Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_31 = 52Custom pass (unassigned).
PASS_CUSTOM_32 = 53Custom pass (unassigned).
NUM_PASSES = 54Total number of rendering passes.


CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_DISABLED = 0Disabled roughness correction.
CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_LOW = 1Roughness correction of minimum quality.
CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_MEDIUM = 2Roughness correction of medium quality.
CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_HIGH = 3Roughness correction of high quality.
CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_ULTRA = 4Roughness correction of ultra-high quality.


CALLBACK_BEGIN = 0Beginning of the callback range.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SHADOWS = 1Callback before the shadows rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WORLD_SHADOW = 2Callback before the stage of rendering shadows from World light sources.
CALLBACK_END_WORLD_SHADOW = 3Callback after the stage of rendering shadows from World light sources.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_PROJ_SHADOW = 4Callback before the stage of rendering shadows from Projected light sources.
CALLBACK_END_PROJ_SHADOW = 5Callback after the stage of rendering shadows from Projected light sources.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OMNI_SHADOW = 6Callback before the stage of rendering shadows from Omni light sources.
CALLBACK_END_OMNI_SHADOW = 7Callback after the stage of rendering shadows from Omni light sources.
CALLBACK_END_SHADOWS = 8Callback after the shadows rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SCREEN = 9Callback before the stage of rendering each screen (a stereo image has 2 screens, while a cubemap will have 6).
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OPACITY_GBUFFER = 10Callback before filling the Gbuffer.
CALLBACK_END_OPACITY_GBUFFER = 11Callback after filling the Gbuffer.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OPACITY_DECALS = 12Callback before the opacity decals rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_OPACITY_DECALS = 13Callback after the opacity decals rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_CURVATURE = 14Callback before the SSBevel effect rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_CURVATURE = 15Callback after the SSBevel effect rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_CURVATURE_COMPOSITE = 16Callback before the curvature rendering stage for the SSDirt effect.
CALLBACK_END_CURVATURE_COMPOSITE = 17Callback after the curvature rendering stage for the SSDirt effect.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SSRTGI = 18Callback before the SSRTGI rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_SSRTGI = 19Callback after the SSRTGI rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OPACITY_LIGHTS = 20Callback before the opacity lightgs rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_OPACITY_LIGHTS = 21Callback after the opacity lightgs rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OPACITY_VOXEL_PROBES = 22Callback before the opacity voxel probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_OPACITY_VOXEL_PROBES = 23Callback after the opacity voxel probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OPACITY_ENVIRONMENT_PROBES = 24Callback before the opacity environment probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_OPACITY_ENVIRONMENT_PROBES = 25Callback after the opacity environment probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_OPACITY_PLANAR_PROBES = 26Callback before the opacity planar probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_OPACITY_PLANAR_PROBES = 27Callback after the opacity planar probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_AUXILIARY_BUFFER = 28Callback before filling the auxiliary buffer.
CALLBACK_END_AUXILIARY_BUFFER = 29Callback after filling the auxiliary buffer.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_REFRACTION_BUFFER = 30Callback before filling the refraction buffer.
CALLBACK_END_REFRACTION_BUFFER = 31Callback after filling the refraction buffer.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_TRANSPARENT_BLUR_BUFFER = 32Callback before filling the transparent blur buffer.
CALLBACK_END_TRANSPARENT_BLUR_BUFFER = 33Callback after filling the transparent blur buffer.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SSR = 34Callback before the SSR rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_SSR = 35Callback after the SSR rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SSAO = 36Callback before the SSAO rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_SSAO = 37Callback after the SSAO rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SSGI = 38Callback before the SSGI rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_SSGI = 39Callback after the SSGI rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_COMPOSITE_DEFERRED = 40Callback before the clouds deferred composite stage.
CALLBACK_END_COMPOSITE_DEFERRED = 41Callback after the clouds deferred composite stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_TRANSPARENT = 42Callback before the transparent objects rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_CLOUDS = 43Callback before the clouds rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_CLOUDS = 44Callback after the clouds rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WATER = 45Callback before the water rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WATER_DECALS = 46Callback before the water decals rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_WATER_DECALS = 47Callback after the water decals rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WATER_LIGHTS = 48Callback before the water lights rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_WATER_LIGHTS = 49Callback after the water lights rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WATER_VOXEL_PROBES = 50Callback before the water voxel probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_WATER_VOXEL_PROBES = 51Callback after the water voxel probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WATER_ENVIRONMENT_PROBES = 52Callback before the water environment probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_WATER_ENVIRONMENT_PROBES = 53Callback after the water environment probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_WATER_PLANAR_PROBES = 54Callback before the water planar probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_WATER_PLANAR_PROBES = 55Callback after the water planar probes rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_WATER = 56Callback after the water rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_TRANSPARENT = 57Callback after the transparent objects rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_SRGB_CORRECTION = 58Callback before the sRGB correction stage.
CALLBACK_END_SRGB_CORRECTION = 59Callback after the sRGB correction stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_ADAPTATION_COLOR_AVERAGE = 60Callback before the calculation of automatic exposure and white balance correction.
CALLBACK_END_ADAPTATION_COLOR_AVERAGE = 61Callback after the calculation of automatic exposure and white balance correction.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_ADAPTATION_COLOR = 62Callback before the color adaptation rendering stage (automatic exposure and white balance correction).
CALLBACK_END_ADAPTATION_COLOR = 63Callback after the color adaptation rendering stage (automatic exposure and white balance correction).
CALLBACK_BEGIN_TAA = 64Callback before the Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) pass.
CALLBACK_END_TAA = 65Callback after the Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) pass.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_CAMERA_EFFECTS = 66Callback before the camera effects stage.
CALLBACK_END_CAMERA_EFFECTS = 67Callback after the camera effects stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_POST_MATERIALS = 68Callback before the post materials rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_POST_MATERIALS = 69Callback after the post materials rendering stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_DEBUG_MATERIALS = 70Callback before the debug materials stage.
CALLBACK_END_DEBUG_MATERIALS = 71Callback after the debug materials stage.
CALLBACK_BEGIN_VISUALIZER = 72Callback before the visualizer rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_VISUALIZER = 73Callback after the visualizer rendering stage.
CALLBACK_END_SCREEN = 74Callback after the stage of rendering each screen (a stereo image has 2 screens, while a cubemap will have 6).
CALLBACK_END = 75End of the callback range.
NUM_CALLBACKS = 76Callback counter.


VIEWPORT_MODE_DEFAULT = 0Enables the default stereo mode - no stereo and panoramic rendering in the current viewport is available. This mode is set by default for a new viewport.
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_CURVED_180 = 1Enables rendering of the viewport as a panorama with curved edges with an angle of 180 degrees.
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_CURVED_360 = 2Enables rendering of the viewport as a panorama with curved edges with an angle of 360 degrees.
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_LINEAR_180 = 3Enables rendering of the viewport as a linear panorama without distortion at the edges with an angle of 180 degrees.
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_LINEAR_360 = 4Enables rendering of the viewport as a linear panorama without distortion at the edges with an angle of 360 degrees.
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_FISHEYE_ORTHOGRAPHIC = 5Enables rendering of the viewport as an orthographic spherical panorama (fisheye).
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_FISHEYE_EQUDISTANT = 6Enables rendering of the viewport as an equidistant spherical panorama (fisheye).
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_FISHEYE_STEREOGRAPHIC = 7Enables rendering of the viewport as an stereographic spherical panorama (fisheye).
VIEWPORT_MODE_PANORAMA_FISHEYE_EQUISOLID = 8Enables rendering of the viewport as an equisolid spherical panorama (fisheye).
VIEWPORT_MODE_STEREO_ANAGLYPH = 9Enables the anaglyph stereo mode that is viewed with red-cyan anaglyph glasses.
VIEWPORT_MODE_STEREO_INTERLACED = 10Enables the interlaced stereo mode that is used with interlaced stereo monitors and polarized 3D glasses.
VIEWPORT_MODE_STEREO_HORIZONTAL = 11Enables the horizontal stereo mode that is supported on mobile devices.
VIEWPORT_MODE_STEREO_VERTICAL = 12Enables the vertical stereo mode that is supported on mobile devices.
VIEWPORT_MODE_STEREO_SEPARATE = 13Enables the replicate images stereo mode.
VIEWPORT_MODE_STEREO_REPLICATE = 14Enables the separate images stereo mode. This mode serves to output two separate images for each of the eye. It can be used with any VR/AR output devices that support separate images output, e.g. for 3D video glasses or helmets (HMD).


int getNumTriangles() const#

Returns the current number of rendered per frame triangles that can be seen in the viewport. See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of triangles.

int getNumSurfaces() const#

Returns the current number of rendered per frame surfaces that can be seen in the viewport (in all rendering passes). See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of surfaces.

int getNumShadows() const#

Returns the current number of shadow passes rendered per frame. See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of shadow passes.

long long getNumShaders() const#

Returns the current number of shaders set per frame. See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of shaders.

int getNumReflections() const#

Returns the current number of reflections drawn per frame that can be seen in the viewport. In case of cubemap reflections, if all six faces are updated, six reflections are rendered per each frame.

Return value

Current number of reflections.

int getNumPrimitives() const#

Returns the current number of geometric rendered per frame primitives that can be seen in the viewport. See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of primitives.

int getNumMaterials() const#

Returns the current number of materials set per frame (during all of the rendering passes) in the current scene.

Return value

Current number of materials.

int getNumLights() const#

Returns the current number of light passes rendered per frame. It means that the value contains the number of all light sources that are currently seen illuminating something in the viewport and also includes additional passes for rendering lights in the reflecting surfaces (if dynamical reflections are used). See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of light passes.

int getNumDips() const#

Returns the current Returns the number of draw calls used in the current scene. See Rendering Profiler article for details.

Return value

Current number of draw calls.

int getNumDecals() const#

Returns the current number of rendered per frame decals that can be seen in the viewport (during all of the rendering passes).

Return value

Current number of decals.

int getHDRTextureFormat() const#

Returns the current HDR texture format to be used.

Return value


void setShowLightmapChecker ( bool checker ) #

Console: render_show_lightmap_checker
Sets a new value indicating whether the Baked Lightmap Checker debug mode is enabled. This mode maps the checker texture onto the baked lightmap polygons, which can be used to facilitate the process of comparing UV map texels on neighboring planes.


  • bool checker - Set true to enable Baked Lightmap Checker debug mode; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowLightmapChecker() const#

Console: render_show_lightmap_checker
Returns the current value indicating whether the Baked Lightmap Checker debug mode is enabled. This mode maps the checker texture onto the baked lightmap polygons, which can be used to facilitate the process of comparing UV map texels on neighboring planes.

Return value

true if Baked Lightmap Checker debug mode is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowTriangles ( int triangles ) #

Console: render_show_triangles
Sets a new wireframe mode for scene triangles. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • int triangles - The One of the following values:
    • 0 - triangles are hidden (by default)
    • 1 - front faces with the depth test are shown
    • 2 - front faces without the depth test are shown
    • 3 - front and back faces without the depth test are shown

int getShowTriangles() const#

Console: render_show_triangles
Returns the current wireframe mode for scene triangles. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

Current One of the following values:
  • 0 - triangles are hidden (by default)
  • 1 - front faces with the depth test are shown
  • 2 - front faces without the depth test are shown
  • 3 - front and back faces without the depth test are shown

void setShowTexturesNumber ( int number ) #

Console: render_show_textures_number
Sets a new number of buffers in a row and column displayed in the full view mode (see the setShowTextures() method) . Textures are displayed in the following manner, depending on the set value:
  • 1 — a single texture per screen
  • 2 — 2x2 textures per screen
  • 3 — 3x3 textures per screen
  • ... etc.
This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • int number - The number of buffers in a row and column.
    Range of values: [0, 16]. The default value is 7.

int getShowTexturesNumber() const#

Console: render_show_textures_number
Returns the current number of buffers in a row and column displayed in the full view mode (see the setShowTextures() method) . Textures are displayed in the following manner, depending on the set value:
  • 1 — a single texture per screen
  • 2 — 2x2 textures per screen
  • 3 — 3x3 textures per screen
  • ... etc.
This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

Current number of buffers in a row and column.
Range of values: [0, 16]. The default value is 7.

void setShowTexturesOffset ( int offset ) #

Console: render_show_textures_offset
Sets a new number of the buffer to start displaying from in the full view mode (see the setShowTextures() method) . This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • int offset - The number of the buffer to start displaying from.
    Range of values: [0, 256]. The default value is 0.

int getShowTexturesOffset() const#

Console: render_show_textures_offset
Returns the current number of the buffer to start displaying from in the full view mode (see the setShowTextures() method) . This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

Current number of the buffer to start displaying from.
Range of values: [0, 256]. The default value is 0.

void setShowTextures ( int textures ) #

Console: render_show_textures
Sets a new display mode for texture buffers used by the renderer. The number of displayed buffers depends on the number of buffers in a row specified by the corresponding command (see the setShowTexturesNumber() method) . This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • int textures - The display mode. One of the following values:
    • 0 - all buffers are hidden (by default)
    • 1 - show render textures (compact)
    • 2 - show render textures (full)

int getShowTextures() const#

Console: render_show_textures
Returns the current display mode for texture buffers used by the renderer. The number of displayed buffers depends on the number of buffers in a row specified by the corresponding command (see the setShowTexturesNumber() method) . This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

Current display mode. One of the following values:
  • 0 - all buffers are hidden (by default)
  • 1 - show render textures (compact)
  • 2 - show render textures (full)

void setShowGeodeticPivot ( bool pivot ) #

Console: render_show_geodetic_pivot
Sets a new value indicating whether geodetic pivots are displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool pivot - Set true to enable displaying of geodetic pivots; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowGeodeticPivot() const#

Console: render_show_geodetic_pivot
Returns the current value indicating whether geodetic pivots are displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if displaying of geodetic pivots is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowAmbient ( bool ambient ) #

Console: render_show_ambient
Sets a new value indicating whether the ambient pass buffer is displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool ambient - Set true to enable displaying of the ambient pass buffer; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowAmbient() const#

Console: render_show_ambient
Returns the current value indicating whether the ambient pass buffer is displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if displaying of the ambient pass buffer is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowTransparent ( bool transparent ) #

Console: render_show_transparent
Sets a new value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool transparent - Set true to enable visualizer for transparent objects; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowTransparent() const#

Console: render_show_transparent
Returns the current value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualizer for transparent objects is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowDynamic ( bool dynamic ) #

Console: render_show_dynamic
Sets a new value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for dynamic objects. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool dynamic - Set true to enable visualizer for dynamic objects; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowDynamic() const#

Console: render_show_dynamic
Returns the current value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for dynamic objects. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualizer for dynamic objects is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowAlphaTest ( bool test ) #

Console: render_show_alpha_test
Sets a new value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects using alpha test. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool test - Set true to enable visualizer for transparent objects using alpha test; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowAlphaTest() const#

Console: render_show_alpha_test
Returns the current value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects using alpha test. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualizer for transparent objects using alpha test is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowCascades ( bool cascades ) #

Console: render_show_cascades
Sets a new value indicating whether Parallel Split Shadow Map - world shadow cascades are displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool cascades - Set true to enable visualization of world shadow cascades; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowCascades() const#

Console: render_show_cascades
Returns the current value indicating whether Parallel Split Shadow Map - world shadow cascades are displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualization of world shadow cascades is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowOccluder ( bool occluder ) #

Console: render_show_occluder
Sets a new value indicating whether the buffer used for occluders is displayed in the viewport. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool occluder - Set true to enable visualization of the buffer used for occluders; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowOccluder() const#

Console: render_show_occluder
Returns the current value indicating whether the buffer used for occluders is displayed in the viewport. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualization of the buffer used for occluders is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowScissors ( bool scissors ) #

Console: render_show_scissors
Sets a new value indicating if scissor rectangles are displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool scissors - Set true to enable visualization of scissor rectangles; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowScissors() const#

Console: render_show_scissors
Returns the current value indicating if scissor rectangles are displayed. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualization of scissor rectangles is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowDecals ( bool decals ) #

Console: render_show_decals
Sets a new value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for decals or not. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool decals - Set true to enable visualizer for decals; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowDecals() const#

Console: render_show_decals
Returns the current value indicating whether the visualizer is displayed for decals or not. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if visualizer for decals is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setShowQueries ( bool queries ) #

Console: render_show_queries
Sets a new value indicating whether occlusion query boxes are displayed in the viewport or not. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.


  • bool queries - Set true to enable rendering of occlusion query boxes; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getShowQueries() const#

Console: render_show_queries
Returns the current value indicating whether occlusion query boxes are displayed in the viewport or not. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.user.

Return value

true if rendering of occlusion query boxes is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setTransparentMultipleEnvProbes ( bool probes ) #

Console: render_transparent_multiple_env_probes
Sets a new value indicating if the transparent multiple environment probes pass is rendered.
This method takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.


  • bool probes - Set true to enable rendering of the transparent multiple environment probes pass; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getTransparentMultipleEnvProbes() const#

Console: render_transparent_multiple_env_probes
Returns the current value indicating if the transparent multiple environment probes pass is rendered.
This method takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.

Return value

true if rendering of the transparent multiple environment probes pass is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setTransparentDeferred ( bool deferred ) #

Console: render_transparent_deferred
Sets a new value indicating if the deferred pass for transparent objects is enabled.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.


  • bool deferred - Set true to enable rendering of the deferred pass for transparent objects; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getTransparentDeferred() const#

Console: render_transparent_deferred
Returns the current value indicating if the deferred pass for transparent objects is enabled.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.

Return value

true if rendering of the deferred pass for transparent objects is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setTransparentLight ( bool light ) #

Console: render_transparent_light
Sets a new value indicating if the transparent light pass is rendered.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.


  • bool light - Set true to enable rendering of the transparent light pass; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getTransparentLight() const#

Console: render_transparent_light
Returns the current value indicating if the transparent light pass is rendered.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.

Return value

true if rendering of the transparent light pass is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setTransparentAmbient ( bool ambient ) #

Console: render_transparent_ambient
Sets a new value indicating if the transparent ambient pass is rendered.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.


  • bool ambient - Set true to enable rendering of the transparent ambient pass; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getTransparentAmbient() const#

Console: render_transparent_ambient
Returns the current value indicating if the transparent ambient pass is rendered.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.

Return value

true if rendering of the transparent ambient pass is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setTransparentEnabled ( bool enabled ) #

Console: render_transparent_enabled
Sets a new value indicating if the transparent pass is rendered.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.


  • bool enabled - Set true to enable rendering of the transparent pass; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getTransparentEnabled() const#

Console: render_transparent_enabled
Returns the current value indicating if the transparent pass is rendered.
This option takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.

Return value

true if rendering of the transparent pass is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setScreenSpaceEffects ( bool effects ) #

Console: render_screen_space_effects
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of screen-space effects is enabled.


  • bool effects - Set true to enable rendering of screen-space effects; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getScreenSpaceEffects() const#

Console: render_screen_space_effects
Returns the current value indicating if rendering of screen-space effects is enabled.

Return value

true if rendering of screen-space effects is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setFieldShorelineResolution ( int resolution ) #

Console: render_field_shoreline_resolution
Sets a new resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldShoreline objects are rendered.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.


  • int resolution - The resolution in pixels. One of the following values:
    • 0 - 128x128 (by default)
    • 1 - 256x256
    • 2 - 512x512
    • 3 - 1024x1024
    • 4 - 2048x2048
    • 5 - 4096x4096
    • 6 - 8192x8192

int getFieldShorelineResolution() const#

Console: render_field_shoreline_resolution
Returns the current resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldShoreline objects are rendered.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.

Return value

Current resolution in pixels. One of the following values:
  • 0 - 128x128 (by default)
  • 1 - 256x256
  • 2 - 512x512
  • 3 - 1024x1024
  • 4 - 2048x2048
  • 5 - 4096x4096
  • 6 - 8192x8192

void setFieldPrecision ( bool precision ) #

Console: render_field_precision
Sets a new value indicating the precision of textures used for field objects. Either of the following:
  • 16-bit precision R16 texture
  • 32-bit precision R32F texture


  • bool precision - Set true to enable high (32-bit) precision for textures; false - to disable it. One of the following values:
    • 0 - 16 bit (by default)
    • 1 - 32 bit

bool getFieldPrecision() const#

Console: render_field_precision
Returns the current value indicating the precision of textures used for field objects. Either of the following:
  • 16-bit precision R16 texture
  • 32-bit precision R32F texture

Return value

true if high (32-bit) precision for textures is enabled; otherwise false. One of the following values:
  • 0 - 16 bit (by default)
  • 1 - 32 bit

void setFieldHeightResolution ( int resolution ) #

Console: render_field_height_resolution
Sets a new resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldHeight objects are rendered.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.


  • int resolution - The resolution in pixels. One of the following values:
    • 0 - 128 x 128
    • 1 - 256 x 256
    • 2 - 512 x 512 (by default)
    • 3 - 1024 x 1024
    • 4 - 2048 x 2048
    • 5 - 4096 x 4096
    • 6 - 8192 x 8192

int getFieldHeightResolution() const#

Console: render_field_height_resolution
Returns the current resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldHeight objects are rendered.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.

Return value

Current resolution in pixels. One of the following values:
  • 0 - 128 x 128
  • 1 - 256 x 256
  • 2 - 512 x 512 (by default)
  • 3 - 1024 x 1024
  • 4 - 2048 x 2048
  • 5 - 4096 x 4096
  • 6 - 8192 x 8192

void setCloudsNoiseStepSkip ( float skip ) #

Console: render_clouds_noise_step_skip
Sets a new value of the noise step skip parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas between clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • float skip - The value of the noise step skip parameter for clouds.
    Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

float getCloudsNoiseStepSkip() const#

Console: render_clouds_noise_step_skip
Returns the current value of the noise step skip parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas between clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current value of the noise step skip parameter for clouds.
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

void setCloudsNoiseLighting ( float lighting ) #

Console: render_clouds_noise_lighting
Sets a new value of the noise lighting parameter for the clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter for tracing steps of lighting calculation, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • float lighting - The value of the noise lighting parameter for clouds.
    Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

float getCloudsNoiseLighting() const#

Console: render_clouds_noise_lighting
Returns the current value of the noise lighting parameter for the clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter for tracing steps of lighting calculation, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current value of the noise lighting parameter for clouds.
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

void setCloudsNoiseIterations ( float iterations ) #

Console: render_clouds_noise_iterations
Sets a new value of the noise iterations parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas within clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • float iterations - The value of the noise iterations parameter for clouds.
    Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.1f.

float getCloudsNoiseIterations() const#

Console: render_clouds_noise_iterations
Returns the current value of the noise iterations parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas within clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current value of the noise iterations parameter for clouds.
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.1f.

void setCloudsNoiseStep ( float step ) #

Console: render_clouds_noise_step
Sets a new value of the noise step parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas within clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • float step - The value of the noise step parameter for clouds.
    Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

float getCloudsNoiseStep() const#

Console: render_clouds_noise_step
Returns the current value of the noise step parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas within clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current value of the noise step parameter for clouds.
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

void setCloudsSoftIntersection ( float intersection ) #

Console: render_clouds_soft_intersection
Sets a new soft intersection distance for clouds, in meters.


  • float intersection - The soft intersection distance (in meters).
    Range of values: [0.0f, 100000.0f]. The default value is 100.0f.

float getCloudsSoftIntersection() const#

Console: render_clouds_soft_intersection
Returns the current soft intersection distance for clouds, in meters.

Return value

Current soft intersection distance (in meters).
Range of values: [0.0f, 100000.0f]. The default value is 100.0f.

void setCloudsSamplesCount ( int count ) #

Console: render_clouds_samples_count
Sets a new number of samples used for clouds rendering. The higher the value, the less noise in clouds rendering. The following values are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • int count - The number of samples. One of the following values:
    • Low - low quality
    • Medium - medium quality
    • High - high quality (by default)
    • Ultra - ultra quality

int getCloudsSamplesCount() const#

Console: render_clouds_samples_count
Returns the current number of samples used for clouds rendering. The higher the value, the less noise in clouds rendering. The following values are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current number of samples. One of the following values:
  • Low - low quality
  • Medium - medium quality
  • High - high quality (by default)
  • Ultra - ultra quality

void setCloudsDownsamplingRendering ( int rendering ) #

Console: render_clouds_downsampling_rendering
Sets a new downsampling rendering mode for clouds. This parameter determines clouds resolution based on current screen resolution.
This parameter has a significant impact on performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • int rendering - The downsampling rendering for clouds. One of the following values:
    • Quarter - quarter resolution
    • Half - half resolution (by default)
    • Full - full resolution

int getCloudsDownsamplingRendering() const#

Console: render_clouds_downsampling_rendering
Returns the current downsampling rendering mode for clouds. This parameter determines clouds resolution based on current screen resolution.
This parameter has a significant impact on performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current downsampling rendering for clouds. One of the following values:
  • Quarter - quarter resolution
  • Half - half resolution (by default)
  • Full - full resolution

void setCloudsInterleavedRendering ( int rendering ) #

Console: render_clouds_interleaved_rendering
Sets a new interleaved rendering mode for clouds. In cases when clouds are viewed from the ground, or from above (at significant distance) and viewer's velocities are less than 200 units per second, this parameter can be used to provide a significant gain in performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • int rendering - The interleaved rendering mode for clouds. One of the following values:
    • 0 - Disabled (by default)
    • 1 - 2×2
    • 2 - 4×4
    • 3 - 8×8

int getCloudsInterleavedRendering() const#

Console: render_clouds_interleaved_rendering
Returns the current interleaved rendering mode for clouds. In cases when clouds are viewed from the ground, or from above (at significant distance) and viewer's velocities are less than 200 units per second, this parameter can be used to provide a significant gain in performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current interleaved rendering mode for clouds. One of the following values:
  • 0 - Disabled (by default)
  • 1 - 2×2
  • 2 - 4×4
  • 3 - 8×8

void setCloudsDynamicCoverageResolution ( int resolution ) #

Console: render_clouds_dynamic_coverage_resolution
Sets a new the value defining the size of the square dynamic coverage resolution texture for clouds, in pixels. This parameter determines the quality of dynamic coverage texture for FieldWeather objects. Higher values make it possible to preserve texture details at high distances.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.


  • int resolution - The the value defining the size of the square dynamic coverage resolution texture for clouds, in pixels.
    Range of values: [16, 8192]. The default value is 256.

int getCloudsDynamicCoverageResolution() const#

Console: render_clouds_dynamic_coverage_resolution
Returns the current the value defining the size of the square dynamic coverage resolution texture for clouds, in pixels. This parameter determines the quality of dynamic coverage texture for FieldWeather objects. Higher values make it possible to preserve texture details at high distances.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.

Return value

Current the value defining the size of the square dynamic coverage resolution texture for clouds, in pixels.
Range of values: [16, 8192]. The default value is 256.

void setCloudsDynamicCoverageArea ( float area ) #

Console: render_clouds_dynamic_coverage_area
Sets a new dynamic coverage area for clouds, in units. This parameter determines visibility distance for coverage of FieldWeather objects.
Increasing dynamic coverage area leads to reduction of quality of FieldWeather coverage texture and loss of details. This effect can be mitigated by increasing dynamic coverage resolution using the corresponding command (see the setCloudsDynamicCoverageResolution() method) .


  • float area - The dynamic coverage area, in units.
    Range of values: [10.0f, 400000.0f]. The default value is 10000.0f.

float getCloudsDynamicCoverageArea() const#

Console: render_clouds_dynamic_coverage_area
Returns the current dynamic coverage area for clouds, in units. This parameter determines visibility distance for coverage of FieldWeather objects.
Increasing dynamic coverage area leads to reduction of quality of FieldWeather coverage texture and loss of details. This effect can be mitigated by increasing dynamic coverage resolution using the corresponding command (see the setCloudsDynamicCoverageResolution() method) .

Return value

Current dynamic coverage area, in units.
Range of values: [10.0f, 400000.0f]. The default value is 10000.0f.

void setCloudsLightingConeRadius ( float radius ) #

Console: render_clouds_lighting_cone_radius
Sets a new lighting cone sampling radius for clouds lighting.
Low values may result in unnatural behavior as the position of the sun changes.


  • float radius - The lighting cone radius.
    Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

float getCloudsLightingConeRadius() const#

Console: render_clouds_lighting_cone_radius
Returns the current lighting cone sampling radius for clouds lighting.
Low values may result in unnatural behavior as the position of the sun changes.

Return value

Current lighting cone radius.
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.3f.

void setCloudsLightingTraceLength ( float length ) #

Console: render_clouds_lighting_tracelength
Sets a new lighting trace length for clouds. This parameter determines the maximum length of a sun ray inside a cloud.


  • float length - The lighting trace length, in units.
    Range of values: [1.0f, 2048.0f]. The default value is 230.0f.

float getCloudsLightingTraceLength() const#

Console: render_clouds_lighting_tracelength
Returns the current lighting trace length for clouds. This parameter determines the maximum length of a sun ray inside a cloud.

Return value

Current lighting trace length, in units.
Range of values: [1.0f, 2048.0f]. The default value is 230.0f.

void setCloudsSamplingQuality ( int quality ) #

Console: render_clouds_sampling_quality
Sets a new sampling quality for clouds. This parameter sets the number of noise samples that affects the cloud shape processing quality. The higher the value, the less are visual artifacts. The following modes are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality (higher cloud density)
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality (lower density, the clouds are softer)
Visual difference between low and ultra quality is not significant. Therefore, it is recommended to use low settings, when possible, to gain performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • int quality - The sampling quality. One of the following values:
    • Low - low quality
    • Medium - medium quality (by default)
    • High - high quality
    • Ultra - ultra quality

int getCloudsSamplingQuality() const#

Console: render_clouds_sampling_quality
Returns the current sampling quality for clouds. This parameter sets the number of noise samples that affects the cloud shape processing quality. The higher the value, the less are visual artifacts. The following modes are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality (higher cloud density)
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality (lower density, the clouds are softer)
Visual difference between low and ultra quality is not significant. Therefore, it is recommended to use low settings, when possible, to gain performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current sampling quality. One of the following values:
  • Low - low quality
  • Medium - medium quality (by default)
  • High - high quality
  • Ultra - ultra quality

void setCloudsLightingQuality ( int quality ) #

Console: render_clouds_lighting_quality
Sets a new lighting quality for clouds. This parameter determines the number of samples used to calculate lighting for clouds. The following values are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality
This parameter has a significant impact on performance. Therefore, it is recommended to use low settings, when possible.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • int quality - The lighting quality. One of the following values:
    • Low - low quality
    • Medium - medium quality (by default)
    • High - high quality
    • Ultra - ultra quality

int getCloudsLightingQuality() const#

Console: render_clouds_lighting_quality
Returns the current lighting quality for clouds. This parameter determines the number of samples used to calculate lighting for clouds. The following values are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality
This parameter has a significant impact on performance. Therefore, it is recommended to use low settings, when possible.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current lighting quality. One of the following values:
  • Low - low quality
  • Medium - medium quality (by default)
  • High - high quality
  • Ultra - ultra quality

void setCloudsGroundShadows ( bool shadows ) #

Console: render_clouds_ground_shadows
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground is enabled.


  • bool shadows - Set true to enable rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getCloudsGroundShadows() const#

Console: render_clouds_ground_shadows
Returns the current value indicating if rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground is enabled.

Return value

true if rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setCloudsEnabled ( bool enabled ) #

Console: render_clouds_enabled
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of clouds is enabled.


  • bool enabled - Set true to enable rendering of clouds; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getCloudsEnabled() const#

Console: render_clouds_enabled
Returns the current value indicating if rendering of clouds is enabled.

Return value

true if rendering of clouds is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setCloudsStepAccuracy ( float accuracy ) #

Console: render_clouds_step_accuracy
Sets a new accuracy of ray marching steps. This parameter enables you to improve the visual look of clouds when viewed from inside a cloud layer. It reduces the noise of lighting and clouds shape for long ray marching distances, adds some noise-based blur to a sharp border at the bottom sphere of the cloud layer (rounded) and removes popping effect when leaving a rounded cloud layer. Higher values provide more accurate form and less noise, while lower ones gain more performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • float accuracy - The accuracy of ray marching (lower numbers gain more performance).
    Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.5f.

float getCloudsStepAccuracy() const#

Console: render_clouds_step_accuracy
Returns the current accuracy of ray marching steps. This parameter enables you to improve the visual look of clouds when viewed from inside a cloud layer. It reduces the noise of lighting and clouds shape for long ray marching distances, adds some noise-based blur to a sharp border at the bottom sphere of the cloud layer (rounded) and removes popping effect when leaving a rounded cloud layer. Higher values provide more accurate form and less noise, while lower ones gain more performance.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current accuracy of ray marching (lower numbers gain more performance).
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is 0.5f.

void setCloudsAccurateLayersSorting ( bool sorting ) #

Console: render_clouds_accurate_layers_sorting
Sets a new value indicating if correct sorting of intersecting cloud layers is enabled.
Enabling this feature may reduce raymarching quality as samples shall be distributed among all layers.


  • bool sorting - Set true to enable correct sorting of intersecting cloud layers; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getCloudsAccurateLayersSorting() const#

Console: render_clouds_accurate_layers_sorting
Returns the current value indicating if correct sorting of intersecting cloud layers is enabled.
Enabling this feature may reduce raymarching quality as samples shall be distributed among all layers.

Return value

true if correct sorting of intersecting cloud layers is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setCloudDistortionTexture ( int texture ) #

Console: render_clouds_distortion_texture
Sets a new value indicating which texture type is used for clouds distortion at the moment. This parameter has a significant impact on performance:
  • 2D Texture — more performance-friendly, but may cause an excessive vertical extrusion of clouds.
  • 3D Texture — ensures homogeneous detail distortion and better image quality, but at a higher performance cost.


  • int texture - The texture type to be used. One of the following values:
    • 0 - 2D texture (by default)
    • 1 - 3D texture

int getCloudDistortionTexture() const#

Console: render_clouds_distortion_texture
Returns the current value indicating which texture type is used for clouds distortion at the moment. This parameter has a significant impact on performance:
  • 2D Texture — more performance-friendly, but may cause an excessive vertical extrusion of clouds.
  • 3D Texture — ensures homogeneous detail distortion and better image quality, but at a higher performance cost.

Return value

Current texture type to be used. One of the following values:
  • 0 - 2D texture (by default)
  • 1 - 3D texture

void setCloudsInterleavedRenderingTemporal ( bool temporal ) #

Console: render_clouds_interleaved_rendering_temporal
Sets a new value indicating if temporal accumulation of noises for interleaved sampling for clouds is enabled.
Works only when the clouds interleaved rendering mode (see the setCloudsInterleavedRendering() method) is set to 2x2.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • bool temporal - Set true to enable temporal accumulation of noises for interleaved sampling for clouds; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getCloudsInterleavedRenderingTemporal() const#

Console: render_clouds_interleaved_rendering_temporal
Returns the current value indicating if temporal accumulation of noises for interleaved sampling for clouds is enabled.
Works only when the clouds interleaved rendering mode (see the setCloudsInterleavedRendering() method) is set to 2x2.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

true if temporal accumulation of noises for interleaved sampling for clouds is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setCloudsDepthBasedReconstructionThreshold ( float threshold ) #

Console: render_clouds_depth_based_reconstruction_threshold
Sets a new depth threshold value for clouds depth-based reconstruction mode (see the setCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction() method) . This value defines the depth difference starting from which pixels are considered to be related to different surfaces.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • float threshold - The depth threshold value.
    Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is 100.0f.

float getCloudsDepthBasedReconstructionThreshold() const#

Console: render_clouds_depth_based_reconstruction_threshold
Returns the current depth threshold value for clouds depth-based reconstruction mode (see the setCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction() method) . This value defines the depth difference starting from which pixels are considered to be related to different surfaces.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

Current depth threshold value.
Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is 100.0f.

void setCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction ( bool reconstruction ) #

Console: render_clouds_depth_based_reconstruction
Sets a new value indicating if clouds ray-marched depth is used for upsampling the downsampled clouds without obscuring the geometry and reprojection depending on the cloud depth. Recommended for flying through clouds.
Works only with the clouds downsampling rendering mode (see the setCloudsDownsamplingRendering() method) set to half and/or the clouds interleaved rendering mode (see the setCloudsInterleavedRendering() method) set to 2x2.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).


  • bool reconstruction - Set true to enable using ray-marched depth for upsampling the downsampled clouds; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getCloudsDepthBasedReconstruction() const#

Console: render_clouds_depth_based_reconstruction
Returns the current value indicating if clouds ray-marched depth is used for upsampling the downsampled clouds without obscuring the geometry and reprojection depending on the cloud depth. Recommended for flying through clouds.
Works only with the clouds downsampling rendering mode (see the setCloudsDownsamplingRendering() method) set to half and/or the clouds interleaved rendering mode (see the setCloudsInterleavedRendering() method) set to 2x2.
Setting the value via API changes only the setting stored in the Custom preset, and will take effect only when this preset is active. Checking the parameter returns the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Return value

true if using ray-marched depth for upsampling the downsampled clouds is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setCloudsRoundedPlanetRadius ( float radius ) #

Console: render_clouds_rounded_planet_radius
Sets a new radius of the planet to be used for clouds curving. Visual curving can be used to make clouds look more natural imitating planet's curvature.


  • float radius - The planet radius to be used for clouds curving, in units.
    Range of values: [100.0f, inf]. The default value is 200000.0f.

float getCloudsRoundedPlanetRadius() const#

Console: render_clouds_rounded_planet_radius
Returns the current radius of the planet to be used for clouds curving. Visual curving can be used to make clouds look more natural imitating planet's curvature.

Return value

Current planet radius to be used for clouds curving, in units.
Range of values: [100.0f, inf]. The default value is 200000.0f.

void setCloudsRounded ( bool rounded ) #

Console: render_clouds_rounded
Sets a new value indicating if cloud layers are to be curved to make them look more natural imitating planet's curvature.


  • bool rounded - Set true to enable visual curving for clouds; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getCloudsRounded() const#

Console: render_clouds_rounded
Returns the current value indicating if cloud layers are to be curved to make them look more natural imitating planet's curvature.

Return value

true if visual curving for clouds is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterAnisotropy ( int anisotropy ) #

Console: render_water_anisotropy
Sets a new water texture anisotropy level. The following values are available:
  • 1x — anisotropy level 1
  • 2x — anisotropy level 2
  • 4x — anisotropy level 4
  • 8x — anisotropy level 8
  • 16x — anisotropy level 16


  • int anisotropy - The anisotropy level. One of the following values:
    • 0 - 1x
    • 1 - 2x (by default)
    • 2 - 4x
    • 3 - 8x
    • 4 - 16x

int getWaterAnisotropy() const#

Console: render_water_anisotropy
Returns the current water texture anisotropy level. The following values are available:
  • 1x — anisotropy level 1
  • 2x — anisotropy level 2
  • 4x — anisotropy level 4
  • 8x — anisotropy level 8
  • 16x — anisotropy level 16

Return value

Current anisotropy level. One of the following values:
  • 0 - 1x
  • 1 - 2x (by default)
  • 2 - 4x
  • 3 - 8x
  • 4 - 16x

void setWaterRefractionQuality ( int quality ) #

Console: render_water_refraction_quality
Sets a new quality of water refraction.


  • int quality - The refraction quality. One of the following values:
    • Low - low quality
    • Medium - medium quality
    • High - high quality (by default)
    • Ultra - ultra quality

int getWaterRefractionQuality() const#

Console: render_water_refraction_quality
Returns the current quality of water refraction.

Return value

Current refraction quality. One of the following values:
  • Low - low quality
  • Medium - medium quality
  • High - high quality (by default)
  • Ultra - ultra quality

void setWaterSSRQuality ( int ssrquality ) #

Console: render_water_ssr_quality
Sets a new resolution of water SSR (Screen Space Reflections).


  • int ssrquality - The water SSR quality. One of the following values:
    • Low - low quality
    • Medium - medium quality (by default)
    • High - high quality
    • Ultra - ultra quality

int getWaterSSRQuality() const#

Console: render_water_ssr_quality
Returns the current resolution of water SSR (Screen Space Reflections).

Return value

Current water SSR quality. One of the following values:
  • Low - low quality
  • Medium - medium quality (by default)
  • High - high quality
  • Ultra - ultra quality

void setWaterLights ( bool lights ) #

Console: render_water_lights
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of lights on the water surface is enabled.
The option doesn't affect the World Light source.


  • bool lights - Set true to enable rendering of lights on the water surface; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterLights() const#

Console: render_water_lights
Returns the current value indicating if rendering of lights on the water surface is enabled.
The option doesn't affect the World Light source.

Return value

true if rendering of lights on the water surface is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterVoxelProbes ( bool probes ) #

Console: render_water_voxel_probes
Sets a new value indicating if voxel probes are enabled for water rendering.


  • bool probes - Set true to enable rendering of voxel probes on the water surface; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterVoxelProbes() const#

Console: render_water_voxel_probes
Returns the current value indicating if voxel probes are enabled for water rendering.

Return value

true if rendering of voxel probes on the water surface is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterEnvironmentProbes ( bool probes ) #

Console: render_water_environment_probes
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of environment probes on the water surface is enabled.


  • bool probes - Set true to enable rendering of environment probes on the water surface; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterEnvironmentProbes() const#

Console: render_water_environment_probes
Returns the current value indicating if rendering of environment probes on the water surface is enabled.

Return value

true if rendering of environment probes on the water surface is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterOpacityDepth ( bool depth ) #

Console: render_water_opacity_depth
Sets a new value indicating if depth data for water is written to the opacity buffer.


  • bool depth - Set true to enable writing depth data for water to the opacity buffer; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterOpacityDepth() const#

Console: render_water_opacity_depth
Returns the current value indicating if depth data for water is written to the opacity buffer.

Return value

true if writing depth data for water to the opacity buffer is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterShafts ( bool shafts ) #

Console: render_water_shafts
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of underwater shafts is enabled.


  • bool shafts - Set true to enable rendering of underwater shafts; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterShafts() const#

Console: render_water_shafts
Returns the current value indicating if rendering of underwater shafts is enabled.

Return value

true if rendering of underwater shafts is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterShorelineWetness ( bool wetness ) #

Console: render_water_shoreline_wetness
Sets a new value indicating if the wetness effect for objects near the shoreline is enabled.


  • bool wetness - Set true to enable shoreline wetness; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterShorelineWetness() const#

Console: render_water_shoreline_wetness
Returns the current value indicating if the wetness effect for objects near the shoreline is enabled.

Return value

true if shoreline wetness is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterSSRIncreasedAccuracy ( bool accuracy ) #

Console: render_water_ssr_increased_accuracy
Sets a new value indicating if increased accuracy for the water SSR (Screen Space Reflections). This option reduces visual artifacts by increasing accuracy of the last step.


  • bool accuracy - Set true to enable increased accuracy for the water SSR; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterSSRIncreasedAccuracy() const#

Console: render_water_ssr_increased_accuracy
Returns the current value indicating if increased accuracy for the water SSR (Screen Space Reflections). This option reduces visual artifacts by increasing accuracy of the last step.

Return value

true if increased accuracy for the water SSR is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterSSR ( bool ssr ) #

Console: render_water_ssr
Sets a new value indicating if the SSR (Screen Space Reflections) effect is enabled for water.


  • bool ssr - Set true to enable SSR effect for water; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterSSR() const#

Console: render_water_ssr
Returns the current value indicating if the SSR (Screen Space Reflections) effect is enabled for water.

Return value

true if SSR effect for water is enabled; otherwise false. The default value is true.

void setWaterEnabled ( bool enabled ) #

Console: render_water_enabled
Sets a new value indicating if rendering of water is enabled.


  • bool enabled - Set true to enable water rendering; false - to disable it. The default value is true.

bool getWaterEnabled() const#
