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Unigine::Camera Class

Header:#include <UnigineCamera.h>

The Camera class is used to create a new camera, set it up (set all the required matrices, field of view, masks and so on) and then pass it to an instance of the Viewport class to render an image from this camera.

An instance of this class is not a node.

A camera instance can have the following masks:

  • Sound Source mask
  • Sound Reverberation mask
  • Viewport mask
  • Reflection mask

Camera settings can be set up in the Camera Settings in UnigineEditor.

Usage Example

In this example we create a Camera instance and PlayerSpectator player, specify camera parameters, set camera to the PlayerSpectator and set it as current game player.

In the AppWorldLogic.h header file include the UniginePlayers.h header and declare a PlayerSpectator and Camera smart pointers.

Source code (C++)
#include <UnigineLogic.h>
#include <UnigineStreams.h>
#include <UniginePlayers.h>

class AppWorldLogic : public Unigine::WorldLogic {


	/* public methods */

	Unigine::PlayerSpectatorPtr playerSpectator;
	Unigine::CameraPtr camera;

In the AppWorldLogic.cpp implementation file do the following:

  • Include the UnigineGame.h header to set a new player by using setPlayer() method.
  • Use using namespace Unigine directive: names of the Unigine namespace will be injected into global namespace.
  • Specify the necessary parameters of the created Camera instance and set it to PlayerSpectator.
  • Set PlayerSpectator as a current game player.
  • Clear the pointer to the PlayerSpectator to avoid memory leaks.

Here the necessary parts of code:

Source code (C++)
#include "AppWorldLogic.h"
#include "UnigineGame.h"

// inject Unigine namespace names to global namespace
using namespace Unigine;

/* ... */

int AppWorldLogic::init() {

	// create a new PlayerSpectator and camera instance
	playerSpectator = PlayerSpectator::create();
	camera = Camera::create();

	// specify the necessary camera parameters: FOV, ZNear, ZFar.
	// add the post_sensor_red post-effect to camera

	// set camera to the player

	// specify the position and view direction of playerSpectator
	playerSpectator->setViewDirection(Math::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	playerSpectator->setNodeWorldPosition(Math::dvec3(-1.6f, -1.7f, 1.7f));

	// cast PlayerSpectator to Player
	PlayerPtr player = playerSpectator->getPlayer();
	// set the Player to the Game singleton instance

	return 1;

/* ... */

int AppWorldLogic::shutdown() {

	// clear the pointer to Player

	return 1;

Camera Class


static CameraPtr create()

Constructor. Creates a new camera with default settings:

void getDirectionFromScreen(Math::Vec3 & p0, Math::Vec3 & p1, float screen_x, float screen_y, float aspect)

Casts the ray from a certain position on the screen.


  • Math::Vec3 & p0 - Start coordinate of the ray.
  • Math::Vec3 & p1 - End coordinate of the ray.
  • float screen_x - X-coordinate of screen, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float screen_y - Y-coordinate of screen, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float aspect - Screen's aspect ratio (height to width).

Math::vec3 getDirectionFromScreen(float screen_x, float screen_y, float aspect)

Casts the ray from a certain position on the screen.


  • float screen_x - X-coordinate of screen, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float screen_y - Y-coordinate of screen, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float aspect - Screen's aspect ratio (height to width).

Return value

Point coordinate.

void setFov(float fov)

Sets a vertical field of view of the camera and updates the projection matrix. Horizontal FOV cannot be used since it varies depending on the viewport's aspect ratio.


  • float fov - New vertical field of view in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [0;180].

float getFov()

Returns the current vertical field of view of the camera. Horizontal FOV cannot be used since it varies depending on the viewport's aspect ratio.

Return value

Vertical field of view in degrees.

Math::Mat4 getIModelview()

Returns the inverted modelview matrix of the camera.

Return value

Inverse modelview matrix.

void setModelview(const Math::Mat4 & modelview)

Updates a modelview and inverse modelview matrices for the camera.


  • const Math::Mat4 & modelview - New modelview matrix.

Math::Mat4 getModelview()

Returns the modelview matrix of the camera.

Return value

Modelview matrix.

void setObliqueFrustum(int enabled)

Enables or disables obliqueness of the viewing frustum.


  • int enabled - 1 to enable oblique viewing frustum; 0 to disable it.

int isObliqueFrustum()

Returns a value indicating if the viewing frustum is oblique.

Return value

1 if the viewing frustum is oblique; otherwise, 0.

void setObliqueFrustumPlane(const Math::Vec4 & clipping_plane)

Sets the oblique near clipping plane of the viewing frustum.


  • const Math::Vec4 & clipping_plane - Oblique near clipping plane to set.

Math::Vec4 getObliqueFrustumPlane()

Returns the oblique near clipping plane of the viewing frustum.

Return value

Oblique near clipping plane.

void setOffset(const Math::mat4 & offset)

Sets an additional transformation (an offset matrix) for the camera. This transformation is applied after the modelview transformation. The offset matrix does not affect the modelview matrix or the position of the camera. For example, the offset matrix can be used to simulate camera shaking from an explosion.


  • const Math::mat4 & offset - Offset matrix.

Math::mat4 getOffset()

Returns an additional transformation (an offset matrix) set for the camera. This transformation is applied after modelview transformation. The offset matrix does not affect the modelview matrix or the position of the camera. For example, it can be used to simulate camera shake from an explosion.

Return value

Offset matrix.

void setPosition(const Math::Vec3 & position)

Sets a new position of the camera and updates the modelview and inverse modelview (its 3rd column) matrices.


  • const Math::Vec3 & position - Camera position in the world space.

Math::Vec3 getPosition()

Returns the current position of the camera. The position vector is stored in the 3rd column of the inverse modelview matrix.

Return value

Camera position in the world space.

void setPostMaterials(const char * materials)

Sets post postprocess materials that are applied after all other postprocess are rendered. They are used after engine.render.setPostMaterials(), if any.


  • const char * materials - Comma-separated names of postprocess materials.

const char * getPostMaterials()

Returns names of the current post postprocess materials that are applied after all other postprocess are rendered. They are used after engine.render.getPostMaterials(), if any.

Return value

Name of the current post postprocess materials.

void setProjection(const Math::mat4 & projection)

Updates the current projection matrix.


  • const Math::mat4 & projection - Projection matrix.

Math::mat4 getProjection()

Returns the current projection matrix with unit (1.0) aspect ratio.

Return value

Projection matrix.

Math::mat4 getProjectionFromScreen(float screen_x0, float screen_y0, float screen_x1, float screen_y1, float aspect)

Creates a projection matrix out of 2 screen positions. This is required for the frame selection.


  • float screen_x0 - X-coordinate of the first screen position, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float screen_y0 - Y-coordinate of the first screen position, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float screen_x1 - X-coordinate of the second screen position, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float screen_y1 - Y-coordinate of the second screen position, in the [0;1] range, where 0 is the left upper point, 1 is the right lower point.
  • float aspect - Screen's aspect ratio (height to width).

Return value

Projection matrix.

void setReflectionMask(int mask)

Sets a bit mask for rendering reflections into the viewport. Reflections are rendered in the viewport if masks of reflective materials match this one.


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is used to set a mask.

int getReflectionMask()

Returns the current bit mask for rendering reflections into the camera viewport. Reflections are rendered in the camera viewport if masks of reflective materials match this one.

Return value

Integer, each bit of which is used to set a mask.

void setReverbMask(int mask)

Updates a bit mask that determines what reverberation zones can be heard. For sound to reverberate, at least one bit of this mask should match a reverb mask of the sound source and a reverb mask of the reverberation zone. Masks of a sound source and reverberation zone can match the camera's one in several bits, not necessarily one.


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask for reverberating sound sources and reverberation zones.

int getReverbMask()

Returns the current bit mask that determines what reverberation zones can be heard. For sound to reverberate, at least one bit of this mask should match a reverb mask of the sound source and a reverb mask of the reverberation zone. Masks of a sound source and reverberation zone can match with the camera's one in several bits, not necessarily one.

Return value

Integer, each bit of which is used to set a mask for reverberating sound sources and reverberation zones.

int getScreenPosition(float & screen_x, float & screen_y, const Math::Vec3 & point, float aspect)

Projects a point to the screen, in the world coordinates.


  • float & screen_x - X-coordinate of the screen.
  • float & screen_y - Y-coordinate of the screen.
  • const Math::Vec3 & point - Point coordinates.
  • float aspect - Aspect ratio.

Return value

1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

void setSourceMask(int mask)

Updates a bit mask that determines what sound sources can be heard. For a sound source to be heard, its mask should match this one in at least one bit. Plus, the volume of sound channel in which the sound plays (its number also depends on this mask) should not be equal to 0.


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which specifies a sound channel.

int getSourceMask()

Returns a bit mask that determines what sound channels can be heard. For a sound source to be heard, its mask should match this one in at least one bit. Plus, the volume of sound channel in which the sound plays (its number also depends on this mask) should not be equal to 0.

Return value

Integer, each bit of which specifies a sound channel.

void setUp(const Math::vec3 & up)

Sets an up direction of the camera's viewport (i.e. tilt of the camera's viewport).


  • const Math::vec3 & up - New upward direction vector. The vector is normalized to 1.

Math::vec3 getUp()

Returns the current up direction of the camera's viewport (i.e. tilt of the camera's viewport).

Return value

Upward direction vector.

void setViewportMask(int mask)

Sets a bit mask for rendering into the viewport. Object surfaces, materials, decals, lights and GUI objects will be rendered into the viewport only if their viewport masks match the camera's one (one matching bit is enough).


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is used to set a mask.

int getViewportMask()

Returns the current bit mask for rendering into the viewport. Object surfaces, materials, decals, lights and GUI objects will be rendered into the viewport only if their viewport mask matches the camera's one (one matching bit is enough).

Return value

Integer, each bit of which is used to set a mask.

void setZFar(float zfar)

Sets a distance to the far clipping plane of the camera's viewing frustum and updates the projection matrix.


  • float zfar - New distance in units. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getZFar()

Returns the current distance to the far clipping plane of the camera's viewing frustum.

Return value

Distance in units.

void setZNear(float znear)

Sets a distance to the near clipping plane of the camera's viewing frustum and updates the projection matrix.


  • float znear - New distance in units. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getZNear()

Returns the current distance to the near clipping plane of the camera's viewing frustum.

Return value

Distance in units.

Ptr<Camera> clone()

Clones the current camera and saves it to the given camera instance.

Return value

Copy of the camera.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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