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Running Tracker in Game

After the track-based animations were created in the editor, they need to be played in the game. To add this functionality to your project, add the following code into the world script (my_world_name.cpp):

Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <core/systems/tracker/tracker.h>

Unigine::Tracker::TrackerTrack track;
float time, min_time, max_time, unit_time;

int init() {

	// Use Tracker namespace.
	using Unigine::Tracker;

	// Create a Tracker that will play track animations.
	Tracker tracker = new Tracker();
	// Load the created Tracker tracks from file.
	track = tracker.loadTrack("samples/tracker/tracks/render_00.track");
	// Get the start time of the Tracker (in units).
	min_time = track.getMinTime();
	// Get the end time of the Tracker (in units).
	max_time = track.getMaxTime();
	// Get the duration of Tracker unit (in seconds).
	unit_time = track.getUnitTime();
	// Set the initial time to play tracks animation.
	time = track.getMinTime();

	return 1;

int update() {
	if(track == NULL) return 1;
	// Update the tracks animation time.
	time += / unit_time;
	time = min_time + ((time - min_time)) % (max_time - min_time);
	// Set animation time for tracks.
	if( track.set(time);
	return 1;
Last update: 03.07.2017
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