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Tools Panel

This panel contains miscellaneous settings and helper tools and can be invoked by choosing Window -> Tools on the Menu bar (or by pressing T). The panel has a set of tabs given below.

Tools editor settings

Tools window


The tab provides options that enable/disable display of additional information.

System mouseShow system mouse cursor. If the mouse is processed as GUI element, it will be FPS dependent.
New node reparentingCreate a new node as a child of the currently selected node.
Node clone confirmation
  • If checked, the confirmation dialog is hidden when cloning a node.
  • If unchecked, the confirmation dialog is shown.
Node materials
  • If checked, references to material libraries will be saved into a .node files.
  • If unchecked, references to material libraries will be saved directly into a .world file.
Game camera
  • If checked, positions of the camera in the editor mode and in the game are synchronized. This mode allows to conveniently switch between the editor and the in-game mode, because when the editor is unloaded, you will be in the same point.
  • If unchecked, camera in the editor and in the game are independent. This mode is for editing camera positions when creating cutscenes in the Tracker.
Always updateUpdate Unigine application window even when it is not in focus.
New node namingGenerate a name for a new node. When the new node is added, automatically assign the file name as the node name (for example, when my_mesh.mesh is added, a node will have a name my_mesh_0). This option is available for meshes, skinned meshes, reference nodes and layer nodes.
Keep backupsSave backups when reference nodes are edited. This option allows for safe editing of reference nodes (even if the crash occurs, their data will not be lost).
SelectionFor most of numerical parameters, automatically select parameter value after it has been entered (instead of selecting it manually in order to change it). This option allows for quick resetting of values until the right one is found.
Rotation orderControls which axis goes first when a node is rotated. The default value is XYZ.
Handle sizeThe size of the object handler.


The tab contains settings for the embedded flash light. Please note, that enabling this option will create an additional light source.

EnabledEnabling the flash-light attached to the camera. It can be used when there is no lighting in the world or it is disabled. The default hotkey is l.
ColorThe color of the flash-light.
MultiplierThe power of the flash-light.
AttenuationThe attenuation factor for flash-light beam.
RadiusRadius of the flash-light beam.
Field of viewFlash-light field of view.


The tab allows grabbing of the rendered image into a 2D texture, cube map, light map or impostor.

Field of viewGrabber field of view.
Near clippingDistance to near clipping plane for image grabbing.
Far clippingDistance to far clipping plane for image grabbing.
HDRGrab 2D texture or Cube map in HDR.
MipmapsCreate mipmaps for the grabbed image.
CompressCompress the image.
NormalsCreate normals
NoiseAlpha channel noise, which is used for smoother switching between two impostors.
Image sizeThe size of the grabbed image.
SupersamplingThe grabbed image is rendered in higher resolution (N times bigger) and than down-sampled to the specified size. The higher the value, the more reduced aliasing is, but the longer the grabbing takes.
ExtrudeThe image extrusion factor.
BlurBlur the grabbed image with specified factor. the higher the value, the more blurred the result is.
PhiHorizontal subdivision.
ThetaVertical subdivision.
GrabGrab 2D texture, cube map, light map or impostor.
AspectAspect ratio (width/height) of the image.
BorderAutomatic border adjustment.


This tab is for lightmap creation.


This tab contains the LUT texture configuration tool. See details here


The tab contains options that enable/disable visualization of different world elements and other helper objects.

Render mipmapsShow calculated mipmap levels for textures. The original texture is rendered in red color; green, blue, yellow etc. are used to render the next following texture mipmap levels. The default hotkey is 3.
This option shows only the possible mipmap levels calculated by the engine based on assigned texture coordinates and distance to the camera. If a DDS image does not contain mipmaps, they will not be used.
Render trianglesEnable rendering triangles.
Render scissorsEnable rendering scissoring planes.
Render occluderEnable rendering an occluder buffer onto the screen.
Render lightsEnable rendering lights.
Render normalsEnable rendering in normal map mode (when enabled, diffuse textures are switched off). The default hotkey is 4.
Render decalsEnable rendering decals.
Render texturesEnable rendering textures.
Render queriesEnable rendering occlusion queries.
Render splitsEnable rendering shadow splits for world lights.
Render penumbraEnable rendering penumbra.
Render occlusionEnable rendering occlusion.


This tab contains options for batch node processing.

HierarchicalApply to all children.
Light maskA light mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces.
Decal maskA decal mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces.
Viewport maskA viewport mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces.
Intersection maskAn intersection mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces.
Collision maskA collision mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces.
Grab LightProbGrab the selected prob lights.
Generate decalsGenerate the selected decals.
FramesNumber of frames.
Run samplesRun all scenes from the data/samples directory.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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