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EntityData Class

Provides an access to the game entity data.

The EntityData class implementation can be found in the data/framework/game/game_data.h file.

EntityData Class


EntityData (GameData game_data, string name)

Constructor. Creates a new EntityData class instance.


  • GameData game_data - Instance of the GameData class, to which the entity belongs to.
  • string name - Entity name.

int loadData (Xml xml)

Reads entity data from the Xml class instance.


  • Xml xml - Data on the entity.

Return value

1 if data is loaded successfully; otherwise 0.

void saveData (Xml xml)

Writes data on the entity to the instance of the Xml class.


  • Xml xml - Instance of the Xml class to write data.

string getName ()

Returns an entity name.

Return value

Entity name.

int setName (string name)

Sets an entity name.


  • string name - Entity name.

Return value

1 if the new name is set successfully; otherwise 0.

string getEntityFile (int is_absolute = false)

Returns a path to the *.entity file relative to data_path.


  • int is_absolute - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.

Return value

Path to the *.entity file.

void setEntityFile (string path)

Sets a relative path to an entity file.


  • string path - Relative path to an entity file.

string getNodeFile (int is_absolute = false)

Returns a path to the *.node file relative to data_path.


  • int is_absolute - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.

Return value

Path to the *.node file.

void setNodeFile (string path)

Sets a relative path to the *.node file.


  • string path - Relative path to the *.node file.

string getLogicFile (int is_absolute = false)

Returns a relative path to the logic file of the entity.


  • int is_absolute - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.

Return value

Path to the *.h file.

void setLogicFile (string path)

Sets a relative path to the logic file.


  • string path - Relative path to the *.h file.

string getPropertyFile (int is_absolute = false)

Returns a relative path to the property file of the entity.


  • int is_absolute - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.

Return value

Path to the *.prop file.

void setPropertyFile (string path)

Sets a relative path to the property file.


  • string path - Relative path to the *.prop file.

string getDescription ()

Returns an entity description.

Return value

Entity description.

void setDescription (string description)

Sets an entity description.


  • string description - Entity description.

GameData getGameData ()

Returns an instance of the GameData class, to which an entity belongs to.

Return value

GameData class instance.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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