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Unigine::vec3 Struct

Vector of 3 float components.

To use this structure, include the UnigineMathLib.h file.

Unigine::vec3 Structure



Default constructor that produces a zero vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const vec3 & v)

Initialization by a vector.


  • const vec3 & v - The value of the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const vec2 & v, float z)

Initialization by a vector and a scalar.


  • const vec2 & v - The value of the vector.
  • float z - Z component of the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (float x, float y, float z)

Initialization by scalars.


  • float x - X component of the vector.
  • float y - Y component of the vector.
  • float z - Z component of the vector.

explicit UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (float v)

Initialization by a scalar: x=v, y=v, z=v.


  • float v - The value of the vector.

explicit UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const vec2 & v)

Initialization by a two component vector: x=v.x, y=v.y, z=0.0f.


  • const vec2 & v - The value of the vector.

explicit UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const vec4 & v)

Initialization by a four component vector: x=v.x, y=v.y, z=v.z.


  • const vec4 & v - The value of the vector.

explicit UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const dvec3 & v)

Initialization by a vector of double components.


  • const dvec3 & v - The value of the vector.

explicit UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const ivec3 & v)

Initialization by a vector of integer components.


  • const ivec3 & v - The value of the vector.

explicit UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 (const float * v)

Initialization by a pointer to the vector.


  • const float * v - Pointer to the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 operator- () const

Vector negation.

Return value

The resulting vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 & operator*= (float v)

Scalar multiplication.


  • float v - The value of the scalar.

Return value

The resulting vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 & operator*= (const vec3 & v)

Vector multiplication.


  • const vec3 & v - The value of the vector.

Return value

The resulting vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 & operator+= (const vec3 & v)

Vector addition.


  • const vec3 & v - The value of the vector.

Return value

The resulting vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE vec3 & operator-= (const vec3 & v)

Vector subtraction.


  • const vec3 & v - The value of the vector.

Return value

The resulting vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE float & operator[] (int i)

Array access.


  • int i - Array item index.

Return value

The array item.

UNIGINE_INLINE float operator[] (int i) const

Constant array access.


  • int i - Array item index.

Return value

The array item.

UNIGINE_INLINE void set (float x_, float y_, float z_)

Set vector.


  • float x_ - X component of the vector.
  • float y_ - Y component of the vector.
  • float z_ - Z component of the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE void set (const float * v)

Set vector.


  • const float * v - Pointer to the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE void get (float * v) const

Get vector.


  • float * v - Pointer to the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE float * get ()

Get a pointer to the vector.

Return value

Pointer to the vector.

UNIGINE_INLINE const float * get () const

Get a constant pointer to the vector.

Return value

Pointer to the vector.

Unigine::vec3:: Union

union {
struct {
float x;
float y;
float z;
float w;
float v[4];
Last update: 03.07.2017
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