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String Global Functions

String Global Functions Class


string addslashes(string str)

Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be escaped. These characters are double quote ("), backslash (\), tabulation symbol (\t), new line symbol (\n), carriage return symbol (\r).


  • string str - String to be escaped.

Return value

Escaped string.

int crc32(string string)

Returns a control sum for a given string.


  • string string - String to calculate a control sum for.

Return value

Control sum.

Variable extension(string str)

Returns an extension of a given file.


  • string str - File name (or a full path to it) with the extension.

Return value

File extension.

Variable extension(string str, string ext)

Changes file extension to the specified one.


  • string str - File name or path.
  • string ext - Extension to be set.

Return value

New file name or file path.

string format(string str, ... )

Returns a string produced according to the formatting string. The formatting string is composed of zero or more ordinary characters (excluding %) that are copied directly to the result string and control sequences, each of which results in fetching its own parameter. Each control sequence consists of a percent sign (%) followed by one or more of these elements, in order:
  • An optional number, a width specifier, that says how many characters (minimum) this conversion should result in.
  • An optional precision specifier that says how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers.
  • A type specifier that says what type the argument data should be treated as. Possible types:
    • c: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a character with that ASCII value.
    • d or i: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a (signed) decimal number.
    • o: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as an octal number.
    • u: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as an unsigned decimal number.
    • x: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with lowercase letters).
    • X: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with uppercase letters).
    • f: the argument is treated as a float and presented as a floating-point number.
    • g: the same as e or f, the shortest one is selected.
    • G: the same as E or F, the shortest one is selected.
    • e: the argument is treated as using the scientific notation with lowercase 'e' (e.g. 1.2e+2).
    • E: the argument is treated as using the scientific notation with uppercase 'E' (e.g. 1.2E+2).
    • s: the argument is treated as and presented as a string.
    • p: the argument is treated as and presented as a pointer address.
    • %: a literal percent character. No argument is required.


  • string str - Formatting string.
  • ... - Arguments, multiple allowed.

Return value

A formatted string.


Source code (UnigineScript)
string str = format("string: %s, int: %d and float: %.4e","some words",10, 1.2e-2);
// str now is "string: some words, int: 10 and float: 1.2000e-02"

string lower(string str)

Makes a string lowercase.


  • string str - String to modify.

Return value

Input string with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.

int match(string pattern, string str)

Simple string matching, which is faster than RegExp-based ones. Some wildcards are supported in the pattern:
  • ?: any single symbol.
  • *: any string of arbitrary length.
  • |: OR statement; e.g.: "red|white" pattern matchs both "red" and "white" strings.


  • string pattern - A pattern.
  • string str - A target string.

Return value

1 if match is found, 0 otherwise.

Variable memory(int size)

Converts a given number of bytes to KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes) or GB (gigabytes) and represents them as a string.


  • int size - Number of bytes.

Return value

The result of conversion. If the size value is less that1024, it won't be converted.


Source code (UnigineScript)
log.message("The result is: %s\n",memory(2048)); 

// The result is: 2.0 KB

void printf(string str, ... )

Prints a formatted string. See the formatting string description.


  • string str - Formatting string.
  • ... - Arguments, multiple allowed.

int re_match(string str, string regexp)

Performs a regular expression match. See the RegExp class documentation for more information on the syntax of regular expressions.
This function is an analog of the RegExp.match() method.


  • string str - String to search in.
  • string regexp - Pattern.

Return value

Length of the matched part, or -1, if the pattern could not be matched, and -2, if an error is encountered.

string re_replace(string str, string regexp, string after)

Performs a regular expression search and replace. See the RegExp class documentation for more information on the syntax of regular expressions.
This function is an analog of the RegExp.replace() method.


  • string str - String to modify.
  • string regexp - Pattern.
  • string after - Replacement.

Return value

Modified string.

int re_search(string str, string regexp, int id = [])

Searches for a sub-string matching a given regular expression and returns a set of matches. See the RegExp class documentation for more information on the syntax of regular expressions.
This function is an analog of the method.


  • string str - String to search in.
  • string regexp - Pattern.
  • int id - Reference to a vector.

Return value

Size of a vector with matches.

string replace(string str, string before, string after)

Replaces all occurrences of a search string with a replacement string. If you don't need advanced replacing rules (like regular expressions), use this function instead of re_replace().


  • string str - String to modify.
  • string before - Search string.
  • string after - Replacement sub-string.

Return value

A string with replaced fragments.

int sscanf(string str, string format, int id = [])

Parses a string according to a format. See the formatting string description.


  • string str - String to parse.
  • string format - Formatting string.
  • int id - Reference to a vector.

Return value

Size of a vector with parsed objects.


Source code (UnigineScript)
int res[10];
printf("%d\n",sscanf("10 20.32 string","%d %f %s",res));
int: 10
float: 20.32
string: "string"

int strchr(string str, int c)

Finds the first occurrence of a given character in a string.


  • string str - String to search in.
  • int c - Character to search for.

Return value

Position of the first character occurrence.

int strcmp(string s0, string s1)

Binary-safe string comparison.


  • string s0 - First string.
  • string s1 - Second string.

Return value

  • 0 if compared strings are the same.
  • -1 if the first different character in s0 is less than that in s1.
  • 1 if the first different character in s0 is greater than that in s1.


Source code (UnigineScript)
string s0 = "abcd";
string s1 = "abaa";

int result = strcmp(s0, s1);

if(result == 0) {
    log.message("The strings are the same!");
} else {
    log.message("Comparison result: %d\n", result);
Comparison result: 1

string stripslashes(string str)

Un-escapes a string quoted with addslashes().


  • string str - String to be un-escaped.

Return value

Un-escaped string.

int strlen(string str)

Gets a string length. (For UTF-8 encoded string, see utf8strlen() method.)


  • string str - String to measure.

Return value

Length of the given string.

int strncmp(string s0, string s1, int n)

Binary-safe string comparison of the first n characters.


  • string s0 - First string.
  • string s1 - Second string.
  • int n - Number of characters to compare.

Return value

  • 0 if compared substrings are the same.
  • Negative value if the first different character in s0 is less than that in s1.
  • Positive value if the first different character in s0 is greater than that in s1.


Source code (UnigineScript)
string s0 = "abcd";
string s1 = "abacus";

int result = strncmp(s0, s1, 4);

if(result == 0) {
    log.message("The substrings are the same!");
} else {
    log.message("Comparison result: %d\n", result);
Comparison result: 2

int strrchr(string str, int c)

Finds the last occurrence of a given character in a string.


  • string str - String to search in.
  • int c - Character to search for.

Return value

Position of the last character occurrence.

int strrstr(string s0, string s1)

Searches the last occurence of a given sub-string in a string.


  • string s0 - String to search in.
  • string s1 - Sub-string to search for.

Return value

Position of the last occurrence of the needle in the haystack.

int strsplit(string str, string delimiters, int id = [])

Splits a string into a vector.


  • string str - String to split.
  • string delimiters - List of delimiters. If an empty string is passed, "\t\n\r " will be used by default.
  • int id - Reference to a vector.

Return value

Size of a vector with string parts.

int strstr(string haystack, string needle)

Searches a given sub-string in a string.


  • string haystack - String to search in.
  • string needle - Sub-string to search for.

Return value

Position of the first occurrence of the needle in the haystack.

string substr(string str, int pos, int len = -1)

Returns a specified part of a string. (For UTF-8 encoded string, see utf8substr() method.)


  • string str - String to truncate.
  • int pos - Starting position of a sub-string.
  • int len - Sub-string length.

Return value

A sub-string.

string trim(string str, string symbols = 0)

Removes from the string the specified leading and trailing characters.
If no symbols are passed as an argument, white-space characters will be removed in the beginning or the end of the string, if found.


  • string str - String to remove symbols from.
  • string symbols - Symbols to be removed from the beginning or the end of the string.

Return value

Trimmed string.


Source code (UnigineScript)
string s = "a b cd b b d b ab bba";
log.message("%s\n",trim(s," ab"));
cd b b d

Variable unicodeToUtf8(int src = [])

Converts an array of Unicode characters into the UTF-8 encoded string.


  • int src - Source array ID.

Return value

UTF-8 string.

string upper(string str)

Makes a string uppercase.


  • string str - String to modify.

Return value

Input string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.

Variable utf8strlen(string str)

Gets a length of the string in UTF-8 encoding. Unlike a simple strlen() method, it returns the correct number of UTF-8 encoded characters.


  • string str - String to measure.

Return value

Length of the given string.

Variable utf8substr(string str, int pos, int len = -1)

Returns a specified part of a string in UTF-8 encoding. Unlike a simple substr() method, it correctly counts UTF-8 encoded characters.


  • string str - String to truncate.
  • int pos - Starting position of a sub-string.
  • int len - Sub-string length.

Return value

A sub-string.

Variable utf8ToUnicode(string src, int size = [])

Converts an encoded UTF-8 string into the array of Unicode characters.


  • string src - Source string.
  • int size - Return array ID.

Return value

Unicode encoded character array.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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