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Unigine::Plugins::VrpnTrackerDevice Class

Header: #include <plugins/UnigineVrpnClient.h>

A class for the VRPN Plugin that allows receiving data about position, orientation, velocity and acceleration of tracked objects from 3D tracking sensors.

See Also#

  • Article on VRPN Plugin
  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/plugins/ folder:
    • vrpn_client_00
    • vrpn_client_01

VrpnTrackerDevice Class


void setAccelerationCallback ( const char * name ) #

Sets the world script callback function that receives data about acceleration of tracked objects.


  • const char * name - Callback function name.


Source code (UnigineScript)
VrpnTrackerDevice vrpn_tracker;

int init() {
	vrpn_tracker = new VrpnTrackerDevice("device_name@server_addr");
	return 1;

int shutdown() {
	delete vrpn_tracker;
	return 1;

int update() {
	return 1;
// a callback function
void acceleration_callback(int sensor,vec3 acceleration,quat orientation,float ifps) {
	log.message("Device sensor %d: acceleration %s, orientation %s, ifps %f\n",sensor,acceleration,orientation,ifps);

const char * getAccelerationCallback ( ) #

Returns a name of the world script callback function that receives data about acceleration of tracked objects. The callback function should be defined in the world script and receive 4 arguments:
  1. Sensor number (int)
  2. Linear acceleration (vec3 for the float precision version, or dvec3 for the double precision version)
  3. Acceleration of orientation change (an analog of angular acceleration; quat)
  4. Acceleration measurement time (float for the float precision version, or double for the double precision version)
Source code (UnigineScript)
// float precision
void callback_func(int sensor,vec3 acceleration,quat acceleration_orientation,float ifps) {
	// function logic
// double precision
void callback_func(int sensor,dvec3 acceleration,quat acceleration_orientation,double ifps) {
	// function logic

Return value

Callback function name.

void setTransformCallback ( const char * name ) #

Sets the world script callback function that receives data about position and orientation of tracked objects.


  • const char * name - Callback function name.


Source code (UnigineScript)
VrpnTrackerDevice vrpn_tracker;

int init() {
	vrpn_tracker = new VrpnTrackerDevice("device_name@server_addr");

	return 1;

int shutdown() {
	delete vrpn_tracker;
	return 1;

int update() {
	return 1;
// a callback function
void transform_callback(int sensor,vec3 position,quat orientation) {
	log.message("Device sensor %d: position %s, orientation %s\n",sensor,position,orientation);

const char * getTransformCallback ( ) #

Returns a name of the world script callback function that receives data about position and orientation of tracked objects. The callback function should be defined in the world script and receive 3 arguments:
  1. Sensor number (int)
  2. Position (vec3 for the float precision version, or dvec3 for the double precision version)
  3. Orientation (quat)
Source code (UnigineScript)
// float precision
void callback_func(int sensor,vec3 acceleration,quat acceleration_orientation,float ifps) {
	// function logic
// double precision
void callback_func(int sensor,dvec3 acceleration,quat acceleration_orientation,double ifps) {
	// function logic

Return value

Callback function name.

void setVelocityCallback ( const char * name ) #

Sets the world script callback function that receives data about velocity of tracked objects.


  • const char * name - Callback function name.


Source code (UnigineScript)
VrpnTrackerDevice vrpn_tracker;

int init() {
	vrpn_tracker = new VrpnTrackerDevice("device_name@server_addr");
	return 1;

int shutdown() {
	delete vrpn_tracker;
	return 1;

int update() {
	return 1;

// a callback function
void velocity_callback(int sensor,vec3 velocity,quat orientation,float velocity_ifps) {
	log.message("Device sensor %d: velocity %s, orientation %s, ifps %f\n",sensor,velocity,orientation,ifps);

const char * getVelocityCallback ( ) #

Returns a name of the world script callback function that receives data about velocity of tracked objects. The callback function should be defined in the world script and receive 4 arguments:
  1. Sensor number (int)
  2. Linear velocity (vec3 for the float precision version, or dvec3 for the double precision version)
  3. Velocity of orientation change (an analog of angular velocity; quat)
  4. Velocity measurement time (float for the float precision version, or double for the double precision version)
Source code (UnigineScript)
// float precision
void callback_func(int sensor,vec3 velocity,quat velocity_orientation,float ifps) {
	// function logic
// double precision
void callback_func(int sensor,dvec3 velocity,quat velocity_orientation,double ifps) {
	// function logic

Return value

Callback function name.

void update ( ) #

Updates the internal state of the device and receives input data.
This function should be called each frame.

VrpnTrackerDevice ( const char * name ) #



  • const char * name - Path to the device in the format device_name@server_address.
Last update: 2019-12-25
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