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Unigine::Unigine::ivec3 Struct

Header: #include <UnigineMathLib.h>

This class represents a vector of 3 integer components.

ivec3 Class


ivec3 ( const __m128i & v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given 128-bit variable as a source.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128i & v - 128-bit variable

ivec3 ( ) #

Default constructor. Produces a zero vector.

ivec3 ( const ivec3 & v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector by copying a given source vector.


  • const ivec3 & v - Source vector.

ivec3 ( int x, int y, int z ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using given integer values.


  • int x - X component of the vector.
  • int y - Y component of the vector.
  • int z - Z component of the vector.


Source code (UnigineScript)
ivec2(2, 3, 4);
Creates a vector (2, 3, 4)

explicit ivec3 ( int v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given scalar value: x=v, y=v, z=v.


  • int v - Scalar value.

explicit ivec3 ( const vec3 & v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given vec3 source vector.


  • const vec3 & v - Source vector.

explicit ivec3 ( const dvec3 & v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given dvec3 source vector.


  • const dvec3 & v - Source vector.

explicit ivec3 ( const int * v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given pointer to the array of integer elements: x=v[0], y=v[1], z=v[2].


  • const int * v - Pointer to the array of integer elements.

ivec3 ( const ivec4 & v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given ivec4 source vector.


  • const ivec4 & v - Source vector.

void set ( int x_, int y_, int z_ ) #

Sets the vector by components.


  • int x_ - X component of the vector.
  • int y_ - Y component of the vector.
  • int z_ - Z component of the vector.

void set ( const int * val ) #

Sets the vector using the array of integer elements: x=val[0], y=val[1], z=val[2].


  • const int * val - Pointer to the array of integer elements.

void set ( const ivec3 & val ) #

Sets the vector equal to the specified source vector.


  • const ivec3 & val - Source vector.

void set ( int val ) #

Sets the vector components equal to specified scalar value: x=val, y=val, z=val.


  • int val - Scalar.

int * get ( ) #

Returns the pointer to the vector.

Return value

Pointer to the vector.

const int * get ( ) # const

Returns the constant pointer to the vector.

Return value

Pointer to the vector.

void get ( int * val ) #

Gets the vector: val[0]=x, val[1]=y, val[2]=z.


  • int * val - Pointer to the array of integer elements.

int length2 ( ) #

Returns the squared length of the vector.

Return value

Squared length of the vector.

__m128i operator __m128i ( ) #

Performs type conversion to __m128i.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.

const int * operator const int * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to const int *.

const void * operator const void * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to const void *.

int * operator int * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to int *.

void * operator void * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to void *.

ivec3 & operator*= ( int val ) #

Performs scalar multiplication.


  • int val - Scalar value.

Return value

Resulting vector.

ivec3 & operator*= ( const ivec3 & val ) #

Performs vector multiplication.


  • const ivec3 & val - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

ivec3 & operator+= ( const ivec3 & val ) #

Performs vector addition.


  • const ivec3 & val - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

ivec3 operator- ( ) # const

Performs vector negation.

Return value

Resulting vector.

ivec3 & operator-= ( const ivec3 & val ) #

Performs vector subtraction.


  • const ivec3 & val - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

ivec3 & operator/= ( int val ) #

Performs componentwise integer division of the vector by the scalar.


  • int val - Scalar value.

Return value

Resulting vector.


Source code (UnigineScript)
ivec3 a = ivec3(6, 10, 11);
a /= 2;
Initial value of vector a:
	a (6, 10, 11)

	a /= 2;
Vector a after operation:	
	a (3, 5, 5)	

ivec3 & operator/= ( const ivec3 & val ) #

Performs componentwise integer division of vectors.


  • const ivec3 & val - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.


Source code (UnigineScript)
ivec3 a, b;
a = ivec3(6, 10, 12);
b = ivec3(2, 6, 5);
a /= b;
Initial values of vectors a and b:
	a (6, 10, 12)
	b (2, 6, 5)

	a /= b;
Vector a after operation:	
	a (3, 1, 2)

ivec3 & operator<<= ( int val ) #

Performs componentwise left bit shift.


  • int val - Shift amount.

Return value

Resulting vector.

ivec3 & operator= ( const ivec3 & val ) #

Performs vector assignment. Destination vector = Source vector.


  • const ivec3 & val - Source vector.

Return value


ivec3 & operator= ( const __m128i & val ) #

Sets the vector using a given 128-bit variable as a source.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128i & val - 128-bit variable.

Return value


ivec3 & operator>>= ( int val ) #

Performs componentwise right bit shift.


  • int val - Shift amount.

Return value

Resulting vector.

int & operator[] ( int i ) #

Performs array access to the vector item reference by using given item index.


  • int i - Vector item index.

Return value

Vector item reference.

int operator[] ( int i ) # const

Performs array access to the vector item by using given item index.


  • int i - Vector item index.

Return value

Vector item.

__m128i sse ( ) #

Returns vector components as a 128-bit variable.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.

Return value

128-bit variable.

void sse ( const __m128i & val ) #

Sets the vector using a given 128-bit variable as a source.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128i & val - 128-bit variable.
Last update: 2019-12-25
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