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Exporting Nodes with Node Export Plugin

Node Export is a UnigineEditor plugin designed for exporting assets from one project into another. The assets include:

  • Nodes
  • Meshes
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • Properties
  • Terrains

The plugin provides the following functionality:

  • Automatic correction of paths in the exported *.node, *.mat and *.prop files that refer to the source project.
  • Adding the exported materials and properties to the required materials' libraries without deleting the materials and properties that already exist.
  • Copying all dependencies of each node in the selection (e.g. all of the nodes of the selected WorldClusterwill be exported with the meshes, materials, textures and so on).

Loading Plugin

To load the Node Export plugin via UnigineEditor:

  1. Run UnigineEditor.
  2. On the Menu bar, click Plugins -> Manage.
  3. In the Plugins window that opens, set the Node Export plugin enabled.

    List of available plugins for UnigineEditor
  4. Close the Plugins window.

The Node Export plugin will open:

Interface of the Node Export Plugin

When the plugin is loaded, it can be opened via the Plugins menu item.

Exporting Assets

Using the Source Project Structure

This mode should be used when the target project have the same folder structure as the source one. This mode is appropriate when exporting the large number of assets with lots of dependencies.

If the structure of the target project differs from the target project structure, the assets will be exported incorrectly.

  1. In the Nodes panel of the UnigineEditor, select all of the nodes that need to be exported
  2. In the Data folder edit line, specify the full path to the data folder of the target project, into which the assets should be exported.
  3. In the Local folder edit line, specify the relative path to the target project folder.

  4. *(Optional) Check the Remove part of the pathoption and specify the part of the path to a source project folder with assets that should be removed. The part of the path should be relative to thedata folder of the source project.

  5. Click Export and wait until the export is finished.

  6. In the Save Node dialog window that opens, choose the folder and specify a name of the *.node file into which the selected nodes will be saved and then click Ok.

Using the Target Project Structure

This mode should be used when the target project has the folder structure that differs from the structure of the source project. This mode is appropriate for exporting the assets without dependencies (for example, static meshes, grass, clusters, clutters, terrains).

It is not recommended to export the following nodes by using this mode as it may cause duplicating of the content:

  1. In the Nodes panel of the UnigineEditor, select all of the nodes that need to be exported.
  2. Specify the paths to the target project as described above.
  3. Check the Custom destination structure option and specify all of the relative paths for the required types of the assets.

  4. *(Optional) Check the Remove part of the pathoption and specify the part of the path to a source project folder with assets that should be removed. The part of the path should be relative to thedata folder of the source project.

  5. Click Export and wait until the export is finished.

  6. In the Save Node dialog window that opens, choose the folder and specify a name of the *.node file into which the selected nodes will be saved and then click Ok.

Plugin Options

The list of available plugin options depends on the export mode:

Options available when using the source project structure while exporting
Options available when using the target project structure while exporting
Data folder Absolute path to the data folder of the target project, into which the assets will be copied.
Local folder Path to the target project folder relative to the data folder, into which the assets will be copied.
Custom destination structure Switches export modes:
  • If it is unchecked, the folder structure of the source project will be used.
  • If it is checked, the folder structure of the target project should be specified in the fields described below:
Nodes Path to a folder with nodes relative to the data folder of the target project.
Meshes Path to a folder with meshes relative to the data folder of the target project.
Textures Path to a folder with textures relative to the data folder of the target project.
The uncompressed folder will be created as a sub folder.
Materials Path to a folder with materials' libraries relative to the data folder of the target project.
Properties Path to a folder with properties' libraries relative to the data folder of the target project.
Terrains Path to a folder with terrain data relative to the data folder of the target project.
The materials folder will be created for the terrain materials as a sub folder.
Remove part of the path This option is useful when the assets of the source project to be exported aren't stored directly in the root of the data folder. The option indicates whether the specified part of the path to the source project folder with assets should be removed.
A path to the source project folder specified in the edit line must be relative to the source project data folder.
For example, if the assets are stored as follows:
  • data
    • src_project
      • materials
      • meshes
      • textures
You will need to check the option and specify src_project in the edit line. Otherwise, the folder structure will be incorrect after exporting: the src_project with all the assets will be copied to the target folder.

Usage Example

To demonstrate usage of the Node Export plugin, lets export the assets of the D:/src_project/ project to the D:/dest_project/ project that has a custom folder structure.

The assets of the source project are stored under the data directory in the src_project folder as follows:

  • data
    • src_project
      • materials
      • meshes
        • buildings
        • vegetation
        • vehicles
      • nodes
        • buildings
        • vegetation
        • vehicles
      • textures
        • buildings
        • vegetation
        • vehicles

To export the assets, perform the following:

  1. Load the Node Export plugin
  2. Select the nodes that should be exported in the Nodes panel.
  3. Specify the full path to the data folder of the target project in the Data folder edit line.
  4. Specify the relative path to the target project folder in the Local folder edit line:

  5. Check the Custom destination structure option and specify the relative paths for each type of the assets:

  6. Check the Remove part of the pathoption and specify the part of the path to a source project folder, from which the assets will be exported, that should be removed:

  7. Click Export and wait until the export is finished.

  8. In the Save Node dialog window that opens, choose the folder and specify a name of the *.node file into which the selected nodes will be saved and then click Ok.

After exporting the assets, they will be stored in the target project D:/dest_project/ as follows:

  • data
    • dest_project
      • my_assets
        • materials
        • meshes
        • nodes
        • textures

If the Remove part of the path option is not checked, the scr_project folder will be copied to the target project as follows:
  • my_assets
    • scr_project
      • materials
      • meshes
      • nodes
      • textures
Last update: 03.07.2017
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