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Unigine::ObjectWaterGlobal Class

Header:#include <UnigineObjects.h>

Interface for object water global handling. A water object represents infinitely spread water (global water) with auto-tessellation (wireframe of the water object is not scaled - regardless of the camera position it stays the same) and the underwater mode. This type is suitable to represent boundless ocean while not overloading the GPU.

However, it cannot have a body assigned, and thus does not provide proper physical interaction with scene objects. Also it is limited to a single water level. It means that the filling level of water always remains the same. So, if you need to create, for example, mountain lakes or water flows with height difference, you should use a water mesh.

ObjectWaterGlobal Class


static ObjectWaterGlobalPtr create()

Constructor. Creates a new global water object.

Ptr<ObjectWaterGlobal> cast(const Ptr<Object> & base)


  • const Ptr<Object> & base

Ptr<ObjectWaterGlobal> cast(const Ptr<Node> & node)


  • const Ptr<Node> & node

float getHeight(const Math::Vec3 & position)

Returns a height offset of a given point relatively to the water surface.


  • const Math::Vec3 & position - Point position coordinates.

Return value

Height offset of the point.

Math::vec3 getNormal(const Math::Vec3 & position)

Returns a normal vector of a given point (to orient objects along the waves normals).


  • const Math::Vec3 & position - Normal vector.

Return value

Normal vector.

void setOctaveCurrentOffset(int index, const Math::vec3 & offset)

Sets new offset for an octave (heightmap sample) with given index. Global Water object can have up to 3 octaves.


  • int index - The index of the octave (a heightmap sample).
  • const Math::vec3 & offset - An offset vector.

const Math::vec3 & getOctaveCurrentOffset(int index)

Returns an offset vector for an octave (heightmap sample) with given index. Global Water object can have up to 3 octaves.


Return value

An offset vector.

int getPhysicsFieldMask()

Returns the FieldHeight physics mask of the assigned material on the Global Water.

Return value

The FieldHeight physics mask.

int getVisualFieldMask()

Returns the FieldHeight visual mask of the assigned material on the Global Water.

Return value

The FieldHeight visual mask.

int getWaterFieldHeightInteraction()

Checks if the assigned material on the Global Water object has enabled FieldHeight interaction option.

Return value

1 if the FieldHeight interaction option is enabled, otherwise, 0.

float getWaterLevel()

Returns the average Z coordinate of the water object.

Return value

The Z coordinate value.

float getWaterLevelMax()

Returns the maximum Z coordinate of the water object.

Return value

The Z coordinate value.

float getWaterLevelMin()

Returns the minimum Z coordinate of the water object.

Return value

The Z coordinate value.

float getWaterProceduralLevelMax(const Math::Vec3 & position)

Returns the maximum Z coordinate value of the water object including bounds of additional fields of other objects that affected Global Water heights in a given position.


  • const Math::Vec3 & position - A position vector of additional fields.

float getWaterProceduralLevelMin(const Math::Vec3 & position)

Returns the minimum Z coordinate value of the water object including bounds of additional fields of other objects that affected Global Water heights in a given position.


  • const Math::Vec3 & position - A position vector of additional fields.

void setWaterTime(float time)

Sets water time value for water synchronization.


  • float time - Water time value.

float getWaterTime()

Returns water time value for water synchronization.

Return value

Water time value.

int getWorldIntersection(const Math::Vec3 & wp0, const Math::Vec3 & wp1, Math::vec3 * ret_point, Math::vec3 * ret_normal, Math::vec4 * ret_texcoord)


  • const Math::Vec3 & wp0
  • const Math::Vec3 & wp1
  • Math::vec3 * ret_point
  • Math::vec3 * ret_normal
  • Math::vec4 * ret_texcoord

int type()



Octaves counter. Specifies, how many octaves (heightmap samples) are used for a Global Water object.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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