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Unigine::ObjectMeshSkinned Class

Header:#include <UnigineObjects.h>

This class is used to create or modify skinned meshes.

Skinned meshes are used for bone-based animation.

Creating and Playing Animation

To add the animation to the ObjectMeshSkinned and play it, do the following:

  1. Set the number of animation layers with the setNumLayers()method. There is only one layer by default.
  2. Enable the layer and set the animation weight for blending by calling the setLayer()function.
  3. Add the animation .anim file by using addAnimation() or setAnimation() functions.
  4. Play the added animation by calling the setFrame() function for each animation layer.

Blending is performed between all layers. The contribution of each layer depends on its weight. Also, you can optionally define single bone transformations by hand, if needed, using either setBoneTransform()orsetBoneChildsTransform().

Usage Example

The following example shows how to blend 2 different animations assigned to a mesh. In this example we use the mesh and animations from UNIGINE samples located in <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/animation/meshes and <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/animation/animations folders, respectively. Animations are added by using the addAnimation() function.

Source code (UnigineScript)
// define the new ObjectMeshSkinned class instance
ObjectMeshSkinned skinned_mesh;

int init() {
	/* ... */
	// create the new ObjectMeshSkinned mesh based on an existing mesh
	skinned_mesh = new ObjectMeshSkinned("samples/animation/meshes/agent.mesh");

	// add the material and the property to the mesh
	// add the mesh to the editor
	// set the number of animation layers

	// load animations from the files
	int animation_1 = skinned_mesh.addAnimation("samples/animation/animations/agent_run.anim");
	int animation_2 = skinned_mesh.addAnimation("samples/animation/animations/agent_punch.anim");

	// enable each layer and set an animation weight

	// set animations to layers
	skinned_mesh.setAnimation(0, animation_1);
	skinned_mesh.setAnimation(1, animation_2);

	/* ... */

int update() {
	/* ... */
	// get the current time spent in the game
	float time =;

	// start each animation playing
	skinned_mesh.setFrame(0,time * 25.0f);
	skinned_mesh.setFrame(1,time * 25.0f);
	/* ... */

Updating Bone Transformations

Some of the methods require to update the animation data before the renderer makes its update and actually draws the skinned mesh. Such update allows to get the correct result of blending between the frames and layers.

The execution sequence of updating bone transformations is the following:

  1. Call the method, which sets the update flag. This flag shows that the instance should be updated.
  2. Update the bone transformations by calling proper functions. These functions check the flag and if the flag is set, they calculate the transformations and set the flag to the default value.
  3. During the rendering, the engine performs animations and transformations which were calculated on the previous step or recalculates them, if the update flag has been set. If calculations have been performed, the flag is set to the default value.
If you try to update bone transformations before you set the flag to update, functions will not calculate new transformations and the engine doesn't perform them.

When you change the transformation of the bone, you should notify all skinned meshes which use these bone about these transformations to update the mesh. When you change transformations of a bone, skinned mesh instances get the flag to update. When you use the setFrame() function, you set necessary transformations for the specified skinned mesh.


Surfaces of identical skinned meshes which have the same materials assigned to them and the same number of bones attached to their vertices are automatically instanced and drawn in one draw call. The instancing flag is enabled by default (see corresponding console commands).

The data buffers for instanced objects that store bones transformations are limited in size; therefore, if skinned meshes have many bones, only a few meshes can populate the instance data buffer to be drawn in one draw call.

The higher the number of bones and the more bones are attached to one surface, the less robust instancing will be.

See Also

  • Meshclass
  • Article on Mesh File Formats
  • Samples located in the data/samples/animation folder
  • The following samples that demonstrate the ObjectMeshSkinned class usage:
    • objects/skinned_00
    • objects/skinned_01
    • objects/skinned_02
    • objects/skinned_03
    • objects/skinned_04
    • objects/skinned_05
    • objects/skinned_06
    • objects/skinned_07

ObjectMeshSkinned Class


static ObjectMeshSkinnedPtr create(const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh)


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh

static ObjectMeshSkinnedPtr create(const char * name, int unique = 0)


  • const char * name
  • int unique

Ptr<ObjectMeshSkinned> cast(const Ptr<Node> & node)


  • const Ptr<Node> & node

Ptr<ObjectMeshSkinned> cast(const Ptr<Object> & base)


  • const Ptr<Object> & base

int setAnimation(int layer, int animation)

Sets the animation parameter (name or id) for the given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int animation - Animation name.

int setAnimation(int layer, const char * name)

Sets the animation name on the given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • const char * name - Animation name.

int getAnimation(int layer)

Returns the animation identifier from the given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.

Return value

Animation identifier.

int getAnimationID(int num)

Returns the identifier of the animation at the specified position.


  • int num - Animation number.

Return value

Animation identifier.

const char * getAnimationName(int animation)

Returns the animation name.


  • int animation - Animation identifier.

Return value

Animation name.

void setAnimName(const char * name)

Sets the animation name.


  • const char * name - The name of the animation.

const char * getAnimName()

Returns the name of the current animation.

Return value

The name of the animation.

Math::mat4 getBoneBindTransform(int bone)

Returns bind pose bone transformation matrix.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Bind pose transformation matrix.

int getBoneChild(int bone, int child)

Returns the number of a child of a given bone.


  • int bone - Bone number.
  • int child - Child number.

Return value

Number of the child in the collection of all bones.

void setBoneChildrenTransform(int bone, const Math::mat4 & transform)

Sets a transformation matrix for a given bone. All child bones will recalculate their matrices.


  • int bone - Bone number.
  • const Math::mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.

const char * getBoneName(int bone)

Returns name of a given bone.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Bone name.

int getBoneParent(int bone)

Returns the number of the parent bone.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Parent bone number.

void setBoneTransform(int bone, const Math::mat4 & transform)

Sets a transformation matrix for a given bone.


  • int bone - Bone number.
  • const Math::mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.

Math::mat4 getBoneTransform(int bone)

Returns a transformation matrix for a given bone relatively to the parent object.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Transformation matrix.

void setBoneTransforms(const int * bones, const Math::mat4 * transforms, int num_bones)

Sets a transformation matrix for a given bones.


  • const int * bones - Bone numbers.
  • const Math::mat4 * transforms - Transformation matrices.
  • int num_bones - Number of bones.

void setCIndex(int num, int index, int surface)

Updates an coordinate index.


  • int num - Index number in the index buffer.
  • int index - Coordinate index.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int getCIndex(int num, int surface)

Returns an coordinate index.


  • int num - Index number in the index buffer.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Coordinate index.

void setColor(int num, const Math::vec4 & color, int surface)

Updates vertex color.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const Math::vec4 & color - Vertex color.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Math::vec4 getColor(int num, int surface)

Returns vertex color.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex color.

void setControlled(int controlled)

Sets a value indicating if the animation should be controlled by a parent ObjectMeshSkinned (useful for attaching clothes to a character body).


  • int controlled - Control flag

int isControlled()

Returns a value indicating if the animation is controlled by a parent ObjectMeshSkinned.

Return value

1 if the animation is controlled by a parent ObjectMeshSkinned; otherwise, 0.

float setFrame(int layer, float frame, int from = -1, int to = -1)

Sets a frame of the animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • float frame - Frame number in the
  • int from - Start frame. -1 means the first frame of animation.
  • int to - End frame. -1 means the last frame of animation.

Return value

The number of the frame.

float getFrame(int layer)

Returns the frame number (time value passed to the last setFrame() call).


  • int layer - Layer number.

Return value

Frame number.

int getFrameFrom(int layer)

Returns the start frame passed to the last setFrame() call.


  • int layer - Layer number.

Return value

Start frame.

int getFrameTo(int layer)

Returns the end frame passed to the last setFrame() call.


  • int layer - Layer number.

Return value

End frame.

Math::mat4 getIBoneBindTransform(int bone)

Returns inverse bind pose bone transformation matrix.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Inverse bind pose transformation matrix.

Math::mat4 getIBoneTransform(int bone)

Returns an inverse transformation matrix for a given bone relatively to the parent object.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Inverse transformation matrix.

void setLayer(int layer, int enabled, float weight)

Sets all parameters to a given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int enabled - Layer enabled.
  • float weight - Layer weight.

void setLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone, const Math::mat4 & transform)

Sets a transformation matrix for a given bone. The difference from the setBoneTransform() function is that this method takes into account only the transformation in the animation layer (no blending is done). Take notice that a bone can be scaled only uniformly.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int bone - Bone number.
  • const Math::mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.

Math::mat4 getLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone)

Returns a transformation matrix of a given bone relatively to the parent object. The difference fromgetBoneTransform() is that this method takes into account only the transformation in the animation layer (no blending is done).


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Transformation matrix.

int isLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone)

Returns a value indicating if the bone transformation is applied only to the animation layer (no blending is done).


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Bone transformation flag: 1 if the bone transformation is applied only to the animation layer; otherwise, 0.

void setLayerBoneTransformEnabled(int layer, int bone, int enabled)

Sets a layer transformation enabled flag for a given bone.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int bone - Bone number.
  • int enabled - Enabled flag.

void setLayerEnabled(int layer, int enabled)

Enables or disables a given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • int enabled - 1 to enable the animation layer, 0 to disable it.

int isLayerEnabled(int layer)

Returns a value indicating if a given animation layer is enabled.


  • int layer - Layer number.

Return value

Returns 1 if the given surface is disabled; otherwise, 0.

void setLayerWeight(int layer, float weight)

Sets a weight for the animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.
  • float weight - Layer weight.

float getLayerWeight(int layer)

Returns the weight of the animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.

Return value

Weight of the animation layer.

void setLoop(int loop)

Sets a value indicating if the animation should be looped.


  • int loop - 1 is to play the animation in a loop, 0 is to play it only once.

int getLoop()

Returns a value indicating if the animation is looped. 1 if the animation is looped; otherwise - 0.

Return value

The loop flag.

int setMesh(const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh)

Copies the source mesh into the current mesh.


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - The source mesh to be copied.

Return value

1 if the mesh is copied successfully; otherwise, 0.

int getMesh(const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh)

Copies the current mesh into the source mesh.


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - Source mesh.

Return value

1 if the mesh is copied successfully; otherwise, 0.

void setMeshName(const char * name)

Sets the mesh name.


  • const char * name - The name of the mesh.

const char * getMeshName()

Returns the mesh name.

Return value

Name of the mesh.

int getMeshSurface(const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh, int surface, int target = -1)

Gets the mesh surface from the current mesh


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - Mesh pointer to copy a surface into.
  • int surface - Mesh surface number to copy.
  • int target - Mesh target number to copy.

Return value

Number of the added mesh surface.

Math::vec3 getNormal(int num, int surface, int target = 0)

Returns normal of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

Return value

Normal vector.

int getNumAnimationBones(int animation)

Returns the number of animation bones.


  • int animation - Number of the animation.

Return value

Number of animation bones.

int getNumAnimationFrames(int animation)

Returns the number of animation frames.


  • int animation - Number of the animation.

Return value

Number of animation frames.

int getNumAnimations()

Returns the number of loaded animations.

Return value

Number of loaded animations.

int getNumBoneChildren(int bone)

Returns the number of child bones.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Number of child bones.

int getNumBones()

Returns the number of bones taking part in animation.

Return value

Number of bones.

int getNumCIndices(int surface)

Returns the number of coordinate indices.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of coordinate indices.

int getNumColors(int surface)

Returns the number of vertex colors.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of vertex colors.

int getNumFrames(int layer)

Returns the number of animation frames in the layer.


  • int layer - The number of the layer.

Return value

Number of animation frames.

void setNumLayers(int layers)

Sets the number of animation layers for blending. For example, when two layers are blended, bone transformations in between the layers are interpolated, and vertex positions can be calculated using the interpolated results. For more details, see the article on Skinned Mesh.


  • int layers - Number of animation layers (must be greater than 0).

int getNumLayers()

Returns the number of animation layers set for blending. For more details, see the article on Skinned Mesh.

Return value

Number of animation layers.

int getNumSurfaceTargets(int surface)

Returns the number of surface targets.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of surface targets.

int getNumTangents(int surface)

Returns the number of tangents in a given mesh surface.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of the surface vertices.

void setNumTargets(int num, int surface)

Sets the number of animation targets.


  • int num - Number of animation targets.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int getNumTargets(int surface)

Returns the number of animation targets.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of animation targets.

void setNumTexCoords0(int num, int surface)

Sets the number of first texture coordinates.


  • int num - Number of first texture coordinates.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int getNumTexCoords0(int surface)

Returns the number of first texture coordinates.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of first texture coordinates.

void setNumTexCoords1(int num, int surface)

Sets the number of second texture coordinates.


  • int num - Number of second texture coordinates.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int getNumTexCoords1(int surface)

Returns the number of second texture coordinates.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of second texture coordinates.

int getNumTIndices(int surface)

Returns the number of triangle indices.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of triangle indices.

int getNumVertex(int surface)

Returns the number of vertices in a given mesh surface.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of the surface vertices.

int isPlaying()

Returns playback status.

Return value

1 if animation is playing; otherwise, 0.

void setQuaternion(int quaternion)

Sets the quaternion skinning mode.


  • int quaternion - Quaternion flag.

int isQuaternion()

Returns the value indicating if the quaternion skinning mode is used.

Return value

1 if the quaternion skinning mode is used; otherwise, 0.

Math::vec3 getSkinnedNormal(int num, int index, int surface)

Returns the skinned normal for the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int index - Coordinate index.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Skinned normal.

Math::quat getSkinnedTangent(int num, int index, int surface)

Returns skinned tangent of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int index - Coordinate index.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Skinned tangent.

Math::vec3 getSkinnedVertex(int num, int surface)

Returns skinned coordinate of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex coordinate.

void setSpeed(float speed)

Updates a multiplier value for the animation playback time.


  • float speed - Multiplier value.

float getSpeed()

Returns a multiplier for animation playback time.

Return value

A multiplier value.

int isStopped()

Returns stop status.

Return value

1 if animation is stopped; otherwise, 0.

const char * getSurfaceTargetName(int surface, int target)

Returns the name of a given surface target.


  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

Return value

Target name.

void setSurfaceTransform(const Math::mat4 & transform, int surface, int target = -1)

Transforms the mesh surface.


  • const Math::mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

void setTangent(int num, const Math::quat & tangent, int surface, int target = 0)

Updates tangent of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const Math::quat & tangent - Vertex tangent.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

Math::quat getTangent(int num, int surface, int target = 0)

Returns tangent of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

Return value

Tangent vector.

void setTarget(int target, int enabled, int index, float weight, int surface)

Sets all parameters to a given animation target.


  • int target - Target number.
  • int enabled - Target enabled.
  • int index - Target index.
  • float weight - Target weight.
  • int surface - Surface number.

void setTargetEnabled(int target, int enabled, int surface)

Enables or disables a given animation target.


  • int target - Target number.
  • int enabled - 1 to enable the animation target, 0 to disable it.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int isTargetEnabled(int target, int surface)

Returns a value indicating if a given animation target is enabled.


  • int target - Target number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Returns 1 if the given surface is disabled; otherwise, 0.

void setTargetIndex(int target, int index, int surface)

Sets an index for the animation target.


  • int target - Target number.
  • int index - Target index.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int getTargetIndex(int target, int surface)

Returns the weight of the animation target.


  • int target - Target number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Index of the animation target.

void setTargetWeight(int target, float weight, int surface)

Sets a weight for the animation target.


  • int target - Target number.
  • float weight - Target weight.
  • int surface - Surface number.

float getTargetWeight(int target, int surface)

Returns the weight of the animation target.


  • int target - Target number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Weight of the animation target.

void setTexCoord0(int num, const Math::vec2 & texcoord, int surface)

Updates first texture coordinate.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const Math::vec2 & texcoord - Second texture coordinate.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Math::vec2 getTexCoord0(int num, int surface)

Returns first texture coordinate.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex first texture coordinate.

void setTexCoord1(int num, const Math::vec2 & texcoord, int surface)

Updates second texture coordinate.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const Math::vec2 & texcoord - Second texture coordinate.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Math::vec2 getTexCoord1(int num, int surface)

Returns second texture coordinate.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex second texture coordinate.

void setTime(float time)

Sets the animation time, in animation frames. The time count starts from the zero frame. If the time is set to be between frames, animation is blended. If the time is set outside the animation frame range, the animation is looped.
The setTime()function corresponds to thePlay and Stop options in the editor. In all other cases use setFrame()to set the animation.


  • float time - Animation time.

float getTime()

Returns the current animation time, in animation frames. The time count starts from the zero frame.

Return value

Animation time.

void setTIndex(int num, int index, int surface)

Updates a triangle index.


  • int num - Index number in the index buffer.
  • int index - Triangle index.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int getTIndex(int num, int surface)

Returns a triangle index.


  • int num - Index number in the index buffer.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Triangle index.

void setVertex(int num, const Math::vec3 & vertex, int surface, int target = 0)

Updates coordinate of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const Math::vec3 & vertex - Vertex position coordinate.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

Math::vec3 getVertex(int num, int surface, int target = 0)

Returns coordinate of a given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Target number.

Return value

Vertex coordinate.

void setWorldBoneChildrenTransform(int bone, const Math::Mat4 & transform)

Applies transformation to a given bone in the world space coordinates. All child bones will recalculate their matrices.


  • int bone - Bone number.
  • const Math::Mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix in the world space.

void setWorldBoneTransform(int bone, const Math::Mat4 & transform)

Applies transformation to a given bone in the world space coordinates.


  • int bone - Bone number.
  • const Math::Mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix in the world space.

Math::Mat4 getWorldBoneTransform(int bone)

Returns the current transformation matrix applied to the bone in the world space coordinate.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

World transformation matrix in the world space.

int addAnimation(const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh, const char * animation = 0)

Loads the additional animation from an external file.


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - Path to the animation file.
  • const char * animation - Animation name.

Return value

Animation identifier.

int addAnimation(const char * name, const char * animation = 0)

Loads the additional animation from an external file.


  • const char * name - Path to the animation file.
  • const char * animation - Animation name.

Return value

Animation identifier.

int addEmptySurface(const char * name, int num_vertex, int num_indices)

Appends a new surface into the mesh.


  • const char * name - New surface name.
  • int num_vertex - Number of surface vertices.
  • int num_indices - Number of surface indices.

Return value

Appended surface number.

int addLayer()

Adds an animation layer.

Return value

Number of the added layer.

int addMeshSurface(const char * name, const Ptr<ObjectMeshSkinned> & mesh, int surface, int target = -1)

Appends a new mesh surface to the current mesh.


  • const char * name - Name of the new surface of the current mesh.
  • const Ptr<ObjectMeshSkinned> & mesh - Mesh pointer to copy a surface from.
  • int surface - Mesh surface number to copy.
  • int target - Mesh target number to copy.

Return value

Number of the added mesh surface.

int addMeshSurface(int dest_surface, const Ptr<ObjectMeshSkinned> & mesh, int surface, int target = -1)

Appends a new mesh surface to the current mesh.


  • int dest_surface - Name of the new surface of the current mesh.
  • const Ptr<ObjectMeshSkinned> & mesh - Mesh pointer to copy a surface from.
  • int surface - Mesh surface number to copy.
  • int target - Mesh target number to copy.

Return value

Number of the added mesh surface.

int addMeshSurface(const char * name, const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh, int surface, int target = -1)

Appends a new mesh surface to the current mesh.


  • const char * name - Name of the new surface of the current mesh.
  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - Mesh pointer to copy a surface from.
  • int surface - Mesh surface number to copy.
  • int target - Mesh target number to copy.

Return value

Number of the added mesh surface.

int addSurfaceTarget(int surface, const char * name = 0)

Appends a surface target into the mesh.


  • int surface - Surface number.
  • const char * name - New target name.

Return value

Appended target number.

int addTarget(int surface)

Adds an animation target.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Number of the added target.

void clearLayer(int layer)

Clears a given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.

void copyLayer(int layer, int layer_0)

Copies transformations of bones from the source layer to the destination one.
  • If the destination layer has more bones than the source one, those bones will have old transformations.
  • If the source layer has more bones than destination one, those bones will be added to the destination layer.


  • int layer - Number of the destination layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • int layer_0 - Number of the source layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.

int createMesh(const char * name, int unique = 0)

Creates a mesh.


  • const char * name - Path to the mesh file.
  • int unique - Create dynamic mesh.

Return value

Returns 1 if the mesh is loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

int findAnimation(const char * name)

Searches for an animation with a given name.


  • const char * name - Animation name.

Return value

Returns animation identifier if found; otherwise, -1.

int findBone(const char * name)

Searches for a bone with a given name.


  • const char * name - Bone name.

Return value

Returns bone number if found; otherwise, -1.

int findSurfaceTarget(const char * name, int surface)

Searches for an surface target with a given name.


  • const char * name - Target name.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Target number if it is exists; otherwise, -1.

void flushMesh()

Flushes the mesh geometry into the video memory.

void importLayer(int layer)

Imports a given animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number.

void inverseLayer(int layer, int layer_0)

Copies inverse transformations of bones from the source layer to the destination one. Note that the destination layer is not cleared before writing to it.


  • int layer - Number of the destination layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • int layer_0 - Number of the source layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.

void lerpLayer(int layer, int layer_0, int layer_1, float weight)

Copies interpolated bone transformations from two source layers to the destination layer. If there is no bone in a source layer, the bone transformation from another one will be copied to the destination layer without interpolation.


  • int layer - Number of the destination layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • int layer_0 - Number of the first source layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • int layer_1 - Number of the second source layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • float weight - Interpolation weight.

int loadMesh(const char * name)

Loads a mesh file.


  • const char * name - Mesh file name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the mesh is loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

void mulLayer(int layer, int layer_0, int layer_1, float weight = 1.0f)

Copies multiplied bone transformations from two source layers to the destination layer.


  • int layer - Number of the destination layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • int layer_0 - Number of the first source layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • int layer_1 - Number of the second source layer in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.
  • float weight - Interpolation weight.

void play()

Continues playback of the animation, if it was paused, or starts playback if it was stopped.

void removeAnimation(int animation)

Removes animation.


  • int animation - Animation identifier.

void removeLayer(int layer)

Removes an animation layer.


  • int layer - Layer number in range from 0 to the total number of animation layers.

void removeTarget(int target, int surface)

Removes an animation target.


  • int target - Target number in range from 0 to the total number of animation targets.
  • int surface - Surface number.

int saveMesh(const char * name)

Saves the dynamic mesh into a file.


  • const char * name - Mesh file name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the mesh is saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

void stop()

Stops animation playback. This function saves the playback position so that playing of the animation can be resumed from the same point.

int type()

void updateSurfaceBounds(int surface = -1)

Updates mesh bounds.


  • int surface - Surface number (use -1 for all surfaces).
Last update: 03.07.2017
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