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Unigine::WidgetManipulator Class

Header:#include <UnigineWidgets.h>

This base class creates a draggable 3D manupulator.

WidgetManipulator Class


static WidgetManipulatorPtr create(const Ptr<Gui> & gui)


  • const Ptr<Gui> & gui

Ptr<WidgetManipulator> cast(const Ptr<Widget> & widget)


  • const Ptr<Widget> & widget

void setBasis(const Math::Mat4 & basis)

Sets a basis of the coordinate system for the handler. It can either be the world coordinates (the identity matrix) or coordinates of the parent node if the manipulated node is a child.


  • const Math::Mat4 & basis - Matrix, which columns specify basis vectors.

Math::Mat4 getBasis()

Returns the current basis of the coordinate system for the handler. It can either be the world coordinates (the identity matrix) or coordinates of the parent node if the manipulated node is a child.

Return value

Matrix, which columns specify basis vectors.

void setColor(const Math::vec4 & color)

Sets the color for a manipulator.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Manipulator color. The provided value is clamped to a range [0;1].

Math::vec4 getColor()

Returns the current color for a manipulator.

Return value

Manipulator color.

void setMask(int mask)

Hides axis arrows (along X, Y or Z) of the handler.


  • int mask - 3-bit mask for axes.

int getMask()

Returns a mask that hides axis arrows (along X, Y or Z) of the handler.

Return value

3-bit mask for axes.

void setModelview(const Math::Mat4 & modelview)

Sets a model-view matrix for the handler.


  • const Math::Mat4 & modelview - Model-view matrix.

Math::Mat4 getModelview()

Returns the current projection matrix of the handler.

Return value

Model-view matrix.

void setProjection(const Math::mat4 & projection)

Sets a projection matrix for the handler.


  • const Math::mat4 & projection - Projection matrix.

Math::mat4 getProjection()

Returns the current model-view matrix of the handler.

Return value

Projection matrix.

void setSize(int size)

Sets a handle size of the manipulator. Depending on the handle shape, this can be a radius or an altitude.


  • int size - Size in pixels.

int getSize()

Returns the current handle size of the manipulator. Depending on the handle shape, this can be a radius or an altitude.

Return value

Size in pixels.

void setStep(float step)

Sets a step, which is used to align objects.


  • float step - Step in units.

float getStep()

Returns a step, which is used to align objects.

Return value

Step in units.

void setTransform(const Math::Mat4 & transform)

Sets a transformation matrix for the handler.


  • const Math::Mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.

Math::Mat4 getTransform()

Returns the current transformation matrix of the handler.

Return value

Transformation matrix.

Ptr<WidgetManipulator> getWidgetManipulator()

int type()

int MASK_X


Bit mask for a X axis of the manipulator.



3-bit mask for axes of the manipulator.

int MASK_Y


Bit mask for a Y axis of the manipulator.

int MASK_Z


Bit mask for a Z axis of the manipulator.
Last update: 03.07.2017
Build: ()