LightEnvironmentProbe Class
The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.
Inherits from: | Light |
This class allows creating and managing environment probes.
LightEnvironmentProbe Class
static LightEnvironmentProbe ( vec4 color, vec3 attenuation_distance, string name = 0 ) #
Constructor. Creates a new environment probe with cubemap modulation based on given parameters.Arguments
- vec4 color - Color of the environment probe.
- vec3 attenuation_distance - Radii of the environment probe.
- string name - Path to a cube texture of the environment probe.
void setAmbientEnabled ( int enabled ) #
Enables or disables ambient lighting for the environment probe.Arguments
- int enabled - 1 to enable ambient lighting for the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isAmbientEnabled ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if ambient lighting for the environment probe is enabled.Return value
1 if ambient lighting for the environment probe is enabled; otherwise, 0.void setAmbientContrast ( float contrast ) #
Sets the ambient contrast value for the environment probe.Arguments
- float contrast - Ambient contrast value within the [0.0f, 1.0f] range. The default value is 1.0f.
float getAmbientContrast ( ) #
Returns the current ambient contrast value for the environment probe.Return value
Ambient contrast value.void setAttenuationDistance ( vec3 distance ) #
Sets the distance from the light source shape, at which the light source doesn't illuminate anything.Arguments
- vec3 distance - Distance from the light source shape, at which the light source doesn't illuminate anything.
vec3 getAttenuationDistance ( ) #
Returns the distance from the light source shape, at which the light source doesn't illuminate anything.Return value
Distance from the light source shape, at which the light source doesn't illuminate anything.void setBoxGI ( float boxgi ) #
Sets the current GI factor for box projection.Notice
Available only when the Box projection flag is set to 1.
- float boxgi - GI factor.
float getBoxGI ( ) #
Returns the current GI factor for box projection.Notice
Available only when the Box projection flag is set to 1.
Return value
GI factor.void setBoxGlossCorners ( float corners ) #
Sets the coefficient that controls glossiness of reflections in the corners of box projection.Notice
Available only when the Box projection flag is set to 1.
- float corners - New value of the glossiness coefficient for reflections in the corners of box projection. The default value is 1.
float getBoxGlossCorners ( ) #
Returns the current value of the coefficient that controls glossiness of reflections in the corners of box projection.Notice
Available only when the Box projection flag is set to 1.
Return value
Current value of the glossiness coefficient for reflections in the corners of box projection. The default value is 1.void setDistanceScale ( float scale ) #
Sets the distance multiplier for the reflection visibility distance. Distance Scale is applied to the distance measured from the reflection camera to the node (surface) bound.Arguments
- float scale - Distance scale multiplier for the reflection. The default value is 0.5f.
float getDistanceScale ( ) #
Returns the distance multiplier for the reflection visibility distance. Distance Scale is applied to the distance measured from the reflection camera to the node (surface) bound.Return value
Distance scale multiplier for the reflection. The default value is 0.5f.void setGrabByBakeLighting ( int lighting ) #
Sets a value indicating whether the cubemap texture is to be modified by the Bake Lighting Tool.Arguments
- int lighting - 1 to enable grabbing the cubemap texture with the Bake Lighting Tool; 0 - to disable it.
int isGrabByBakeLighting ( ) #
Returns a value indicating whether the cubemap texture is to be modified by the Bake Lighting Tool.Return value
1 if the cubemap texture will be modified by the Bake Lighting Tool; otherwise, 0.void setBoxProjection ( int projection ) #
Enables or disables box projection for the environment probe.Arguments
- int projection - 1 to enable box projection for the environment probe, 0 to disable it. The default value is 0.
int isBoxProjection ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if box projection is enabled for the environment probe.Return value
1 if box projection is enabled for the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBoxSize ( vec3 size ) #
Sets the box size for the environment probe (available only when the Box projection flag is set to 1).Arguments
- vec3 size - Box size along X, Y and Z axes.
vec3 getBoxSize ( ) #
Returns the current box size for the environment probe (available only when the Box projection flag is set to 1).Return value
Box size along X, Y and Z axes.void setDynamic ( int dynamic ) #
Sets the value indicating if reflections are dynamic (the cubemap is generated dynamically).Arguments
- int dynamic - 1 to enable dynamic reflections; 0 to use a reflection cubemap.
int isDynamic ( ) #
Returns the value indicating if reflections are dynamic (the cubemap is generated dynamically).Return value
1 if dynamic reflections are used; 0 if a reflection cubemap is used.void setTexture ( Texture texture ) #
Sets the given texture as the cube texture of the environment probe. If you need to set the cube texture for all environment probes in the scene, set the dynamic flag to 1.Arguments
- Texture texture - Cube texture to set.
Texture getTexture ( ) #
Grabs the cube texture (RGBA16F) containing the rendered environment probe and saves it into the given Texture instance.Return value
Texture to which the cube texture is setTextureImage ( Image image, int dynamic = 0 ) #
Sets the given image as the cube texture of the environment probe. If you need to set the cube texture for all environment probes in the scene, set the dynamic flag to 1.Arguments
- Image image - Cube texture to set.
- int dynamic - Dynamic texture flag:
- If set to false, changing the cube texture of the current environment probe will also affect all environment probes in the scene.
- If set to true, a cube texture will be successfully set only for the current environment probe.
Return value
1 if the cube texture is set successfully; otherwise, getTextureImage ( Image image ) #
Grabs the cube texture (RGBA16F) containing the rendered environment probe and saves it into the given Image instance.Arguments
- Image image - Image into which the texture is saved.
Return value
1 if the cube texture has been grabbed successfully; otherwise, 0.void setTexturePath ( string path ) #
Sets a path to a cube texture.Arguments
- string path - Path to a cube texture.
string getTexturePath ( ) #
Returns the path to the reflection cube texture used for the environment probe.Return value
Path to the cube texture.void setLocalSpace ( int space ) #
Enables local space (local coordinates) for the environment probe. Can be used for scenes with moving objects.Arguments
- int space - 1 to enable local space; otherwise, 0.
int isLocalSpace ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if local space is enabled for the environment probe.Return value
1 to enable local space; otherwise, 0.void setReflectionViewportMask ( int mask ) #
Sets a mask that specifies materials for which reflections are to be rendered in the viewport.Notice
The reflection viewport mask can be specified only for dynamic reflections (when the Dynamic flag is set to 1).
- int mask - Reflection viewport mask (integer, each bit of which is used to represent a mask).
int getReflectionViewportMask ( ) #
Returns the mask that specifies materials for which reflections are to be rendered in the viewport.Notice
The reflection viewport mask can be specified only for dynamic reflections (when the Dynamic flag is set to 1).
Return value
Reflection viewport mask (integer, each bit of which is used to represent a mask).void setParallax ( float parallax ) #
Sets parallax correction value for reflection cubemaps projected by the environment probe. By the minimum value of 0 reflection cubemaps are simply projected onto objects, and do not follow the viewer's perspective. This causes an unrealistic-looking reflection for most surfaces. Parallax correction enables to take camera's position into account.Notice
Parallax correction is not available for reflections on transparent objects.
- float parallax - Parallax correction value to be set for reflection cubemaps projected by the environment probe in the range [0;1]:
- By the minimum value of 0 parallax correction is disabled (reflections will look like objects are infinitely distant).
- By the maximum value of 1 parallax correction is enabled (reflections will look like objects are at the distance close to the radius of the environment probe).
- Values in-between represent a linear interpolation factor for parallax correction and are to be set when the environment probe is used to fit a medium or small object into the environment for additional correction.
float getParallax ( ) #
Returns the current parallax correction value for reflection cubemaps projected by the environment probe. By the minimum value of 0 reflection cubemaps are simply projected onto objects, and do not follow the viewer's perspective. This causes an unrealistic-looking reflection for most surfaces. Parallax correction enables to take camera's position into account.Notice
Parallax correction is not available for reflections on transparent objects.
Return value
Current parallax correction value for reflection cubemaps projected by the environment probe in the range [0;1].- By the minimum value of 0 parallax correction is disabled (reflections will look like objects are infinitely distant).
- By the maximum value of 1 parallax correction is enabled (reflections will look like objects are at the distance close to the radius of the environment probe).
- Values in-between represent a linear interpolation factor for parallax correction and are to be set when the environment probe is used to fit a medium or small object into the environment for additional correction.
void setRenderFacesPerFrame ( int frame ) #
Sets the update interval for the cube texture used for dynamic reflections.Arguments
- int frame - Update interval for the dynamic cube texture. The available values are:
- 1 - refresh only one face each frame.
- 2 - refresh 2 faces each frame.
- 3 - refresh 3 faces each frame.
- 4 - refresh 4 faces each frame.
- 5 - refresh 5 faces each frame.
- 6 - refresh 6 faces each frame.
int getRenderFacesPerFrame ( ) #
Returns the current update interval set for the cube texture used for dynamic reflections.Return value
Update interval for the dynamic cube texture. The available values are:- 1 - refresh only one face each frame.
- 2 - refresh 2 faces each frame.
- 3 - refresh 3 faces each frame.
- 4 - refresh 4 faces each frame.
- 5 - refresh 5 faces each frame.
- 6 - refresh 6 faces each frame.
void setResolution ( int resolution ) #
Sets the resolution of the reflection mask in pixels (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Arguments
- int resolution - Resolution of the reflection mask in pixels.
int getResolution ( ) #
Returns the current resolution of the reflection mask in pixels (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Return value
Resolution of the reflection mask in pixels.void setSkyCutout ( int cutout ) #
Enables or disables sky cutout for image grabbing (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Arguments
- int cutout - 1 to enable sky cutout, 0 to disable it. The default value is 0.
int isSkyCutout ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if sky cutout for image grabbing is enabled (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Return value
1 if sky cutout for image grabbing is enabled; otherwise, 0.void setUseSunColor ( int color ) #
Enables or disables sun color modulation for the environment probe (the light of the environment probe changes as the sun color changes). This parameter can be used for outdoor-baked environment probes.Arguments
- int color - 1 to enable sun color modulation for the environment probe, 0 to disable it. The default value is 0.
int isUseSunColor ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if sun color modulation for the environment probe is enabled. This parameter can be used for outdoor-baked environment probes.Return value
1 if sun color modulation for the environment probe is enabled; otherwise, 0.void setSupersampling ( int supersampling ) #
Enables or disables supersampling for image grabbing (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Arguments
- int supersampling - 1 to enable supersampling, 0 to disable it. The default value is 0.
int getSupersampling ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if supersampling for image grabbing is enabled (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Return value
1 if supersampling for image grabbing is enabled; otherwise, 0.void setZFar ( float zfar ) #
Sets the distance to the far clipping plane for image grabbing (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Arguments
- float zfar - Distance to the far clipping plane.
float getZFar ( ) #
Returns the distance to the far clipping plane used for image grabbing (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Return value
Distance to the far clipping plane.void setZNear ( float znear ) #
Sets the distance to the near clipping plane for image grabbing (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Arguments
- float znear - Distance to the near clipping plane.
float getZNear ( ) #
Returns the distance to the near clipping plane used for image grabbing (available only when the Dynamic flag is set to 0).Return value
Distance to the near clipping plane.static int type ( ) #
Returns the type of the node.Return value
LightEnvironmentProbe type identifier.void setCutoutByShadow ( int shadow ) #
Returns a value indicating if reflections occluded by obstacles should be clipped or not. This feature uses the depth texture grabbed for the environment probe to determine reflections that should be visible.Arguments
- int shadow - 1 to enable clipping of reflections occluded by obstacles, 0 to disable it. The default value is 0.
int isCutoutByShadow ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if clipping of reflections occluded by obstacles is enabled. This feature uses the depth texture grabbed for the environment probe to determine reflections that should be visible.Return value
1 if clipping of reflections occluded by obstacles is enabled; otherwise, 0.void setAdditiveBlending ( int blending ) #
Enables or disables additive blending mode for the environment probe. This option offers more flexibility in reflections control. You can use it to blend reflections of several environment probes together and control them separately .Arguments
- int blending - 1 to enable additive blending mode for the environment probe, 0 to disable it. The default value is 0.
int isAdditiveBlending ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if additive blending is enabled for the environment probe. This option offers more flexibility in reflections control. You can use it to blend reflections of several environment probes together and control them separately.Return value
1 if additive blending mode is enabled for the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setDynamicCorrectRoughness ( int roughness ) #
Enables one of correction modes for dynamic environment reflections on rough surfaces or disables correction. Correction modes differ in the number of rays used to create a reflection on a rough surface.Arguments
- int roughness - One of the RENDER_CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_* modes.
int getDynamicCorrectRoughness ( ) #
Returns the value indicating the correction mode set for dynamic environment reflections on rough surfaces. Correction modes differ in the number of rays used to create a reflection on a rough surface.Return value
One of the RENDER_CORRECT_ROUGHNESS_* modes.void setBakeMipmapsQuality ( float quality ) #
Sets the mipmaps quality of the environment probe for light baking.Arguments
- float quality - Mipmaps quality in the [0.0f; 1.0f] range.
float getBakeMipmapsQuality ( ) #
Returns the mipmaps quality of the environment probe for light baking.Return value
Mipmaps quality.void setBakeVisibilityEmission ( int emission ) #
Enables or disables baking of emission light sources to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int emission - 1 to enable baking of emission light sources to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityEmission ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if emission light sources are to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if emission light sources are to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilitySky ( int sky ) #
Enables or disables baking of lighting from the sky to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int sky - 1 to enable baking of lighting from the sky to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilitySky ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if lighting from the sky is to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if lighting from the sky is to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilityLightWorld ( int world ) #
Enables or disables baking of world light sources to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int world - 1 to enable baking of world light sources to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityLightWorld ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if world light sources are to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if world light sources are to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilityLightOmni ( int omni ) #
Enables or disables baking of omni light sources to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int omni - 1 to enable baking of omni light sources to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityLightOmni ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if omni light sources are to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if omni light sources are to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilityLightProj ( int proj ) #
Enables or disables baking of projected light sources to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int proj - 1 to enable baking of projected light sources to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityLightProj ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if projected light sources are to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if the projected light sources are to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilityVoxelProbe ( int probe ) #
Enables or disables baking of voxel probe light sources to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int probe - 1 to enable baking of voxel probe light sources to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityVoxelProbe ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if voxel probe light sources are to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if voxel probe light sources are to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilityEnvironmentProbe ( int probe ) #
Enables or disables baking of environment probe light sources to the voxel probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make voxel probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int probe - 1 to enable baking of environment probe light sources to the voxel probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityEnvironmentProbe ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if environment probe light sources are to be baked to the voxel probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make voxel probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if environment probe light sources are to be baked to the voxel probe; otherwise, 0.void setBakeVisibilityLightmap ( int lightmap ) #
Enables or disables baking of lightmapped surfaces to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Arguments
- int lightmap - 1 to enable baking of lightmapped surfaces to the environment probe; 0 to disable it.
int isBakeVisibilityLightmap ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if lightmapped surfaces are to be baked to the environment probe. You can use this option together with additive blending to provide more flexibility in light baking. Thus, you can make environment probes independent of each other and combine them to produce some sort of dynamic GI effect.Return value
1 if lightmapped surfaces are to be baked to the environment probe; otherwise, 0.Last update:
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