FieldShoreline Class
The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.
Inherits from: | Field |
This class is used to create and modify a field shoreline. The field is applied to global water and helps to create swashes near the shores and applies the wetness effect on objects near the shoreline.
A field shoreline object will affect water only if the FieldShoreline interaction option is enabled on the States tab of the water_global_base material.
Creating a Shoreline Field
When creating a FieldShoreline object you should specify a shoreline texture for it as this object doesn't have any default texture.
Source code (UnigineScript)
// create a new instance of the FieldShoreline class and set its transformation
FieldShoreline shoreline = new FieldShoreline();
shoreline.setTransform(Mat4("1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1878 2734 0 1"));
// set the size of the field
// set the path to the shoreline texture
FieldShoreline Class
static FieldShoreline ( ) #
Default constructor. Creates a FieldShoreline instance with the default size vec3(512.0f, 512.0f, 512.0f).Notice
By default, a shoreline texture is empty. Specify it after creating the FieldShoreline by using an appropriate function.
int bakeWaterLevel ( Image image ) #
Bakes shoreline for the current water level of the global water object and puts it to the specified image. This method generates a shoreline texture by finding intersections of the Global Water object with terrains (Landscape Terrain and Terrain Global)Arguments
- Image image - Image instance to which the shoreline for the current water level is to be baked.
Return value
1 if the shoreline is baked successfully; otherwise, 0.void setTexture ( Texture texture ) #
Sets the given texture from the Texture instance for the FieldShoreline.Arguments
- Texture texture - Texture instance.
Texture getTexture ( ) #
Returns the shoreline texture (from GPU) and saves it into the given Texture instance.Return value
Shoreline setTextureImage ( Image image ) #
Sets the given image as the shoreline texture of the FieldShoreline.Arguments
- Image image - Image instance with a shoreline texture for the FieldShoreline.
int getTextureImage ( Image image ) #
Grabs the texture for the FieldShoreline (already loaded to GPU) and saves it into the given Image instance.Arguments
- Image image - Image instance into which the texture will be saved.
Return value
1 if the texture has been grabbed successfully; otherwise, 0.void setTexturePath ( string path ) #
Sets the path to the FieldShoreline's shoreline texture.Arguments
- string path - Path to the shoreline texture.
string getTexturePath ( ) #
Returns the path to the FieldShoreline's shoreline texture.Return value
Path to the shoreline texture.void setSize ( vec3 size ) #
Sets the vec3 size vector of the FieldShoreline.The default value is (512.0f, 512.0f, 512.0f).
- vec3 size - Size vector (x,y,z), where:
- x value is length of the FieldShoreline along X axis (in units),
- y value is length of the FieldShoreline along Y axis (in units),
- z value is length of the FieldShoreline along Z axis (in units).
vec3 getSize ( ) #
Returns the vec3 size vector of the FieldShoreline.The default value is (512.0f, 512.0f, 512.0f).
Return value
Size vector (x,y,z), where:- x value is length of the FieldShoreline along X axis (in units),
- y value is length of the FieldShoreline along Y axis (in units),
- z value is length of the FieldShoreline along Z axis (in units).
int createShorelineDistanceField ( Image image, int shoreline_radius, int blur_radius, int downsample_resolution ) #
Creates a shoreline distance field with the specified parameters and puts it to the specified Image.Source code
float shoreline_radius = 64;
int blur_radius = 8;
int downsample_resolution = 128;
Image distance_field = new Image();
- Image image - Image to which the shoreline distance field will be put.
- int shoreline_radius - Radius of the shoreline.
- int blur_radius - Radius of the blurred area.
- int downsample_resolution - Shoreline resolution.
Return value
1 if the field was created successfully; otherwise, 0.static int type ( ) #
Returns the type of the object.Return value
FieldShoreline type identifier.Last update:
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