engine.boot_config Functions
The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.
A singleton that controls the Engine startup configuration and enables you to customize the boot screen.
Fonts, textures, or any other resources used in the boot screen cannot be packed into an UNG archive.
See Also#
- Article on Configuration Files.
BootConfig Class
void engine.boot_config.setPath ( string path ) #
Console: boot_config
Sets a new path to the startup configuration file (default: configs/default.boot). The path can be specified as an absolute path or relative to the -data_path or <project_name> folder if the -project_name is set. To run the application with another boot configuration file, specify the path to it using the ‑boot_config command-line option.Arguments
- string path - New path to the startup configuration file to be set.
string engine.boot_config.getPath ( ) #
Console: boot_config
Returns the current path to the startup configuration file (default: configs/default.boot).Return value
Current path to the startup configuration file.void engine.boot_config.setAutosave ( int autosave ) #
Console: boot_config_autosave
Sets a value indicating if current startup configuration settings are automatically saved to the corresponding config file on loading, closing, and saving the world, as well as on the Engine shutdown.Arguments
- int autosave - 1 to enable automatic saving of current startup configuration settings; 0 — to disable it.
int engine.boot_config.isAutosave ( ) #
Console: boot_config_autosave
Returns a value indicating if current startup configuration settings are automatically saved to the corresponding config file on loading, closing, and saving the world, as well as on the Engine shutdown.Return value
1 if automatic saving of current Engine configuration settings is enabled; otherwise, 0.int engine.boot_config.load ( ) #
Console: boot_config_load
Loads Engine startup configuration from the file. To change the path to the configuration file use the setPath() method.Return value
1 if the config is successfully loaded from the file; otherwise, 0.int engine.boot_config.save ( ) #
Console: boot_config_save
Saves the current Engine startup configuration to the file. To change the path to the configuration file use the setPath() method.Return value
1 if the current configuration is successfully saved to the file; otherwise, 0.void engine.boot_config.reset ( ) #
Resets the settings in the Engine startup configuration file to the default.void engine.boot_config.setGuiPath ( string path ) #
Sets a path to a GUI skin to be used for the engine interface. The path can be specified as an absolute path or relatively to the data folder.Arguments
- string path - Path to a GUI skin to be used for the Engine interface (absolute path or path relative to the data folder).
string engine.boot_config.getGuiPath ( ) #
Returns a path to a GUI skin currently used for the Engine interface. The path can be specified as absolute or relatively to the data folder.Return value
Path to a GUI skin currently used for the Engine interface (absolute path or path relative to the data folder).void engine.boot_config.setEngineLog ( string log ) #
Sets a log file (in txt format) to be created and used by the Engine. The path can be absolute or relative to the binary executable. For relative paths, if the Project Name startup parameter is set, the log file with the specified name will be created in the corresponding directory in the User profile (only the name will be used, the remaining part of the relative path will be discarded).Arguments
- string log - Log file (in txt format) to be used by the Engine.
string engine.boot_config.getEngineLog ( ) #
Returns a log file (in txt format) currently used by the Engine. The path can be absolute or relative to the binary executable. For relative paths, if the Project Name startup parameter is set, the log file with the specified name will be created in the corresponding directory in the User profile (only the name will be used, the remaining part of the relative path will be discarded).Return value
Log file (in txt format) currently used by the Engine.void engine.boot_config.setSystemScript ( string script ) #
Sets a new path to the system script (corresponds to the system_script element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string script - Path to the system script (specified relative to the data folder).
string engine.boot_config.getSystemScript ( ) #
Returns the path to the system script (corresponds to the system_script element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Path to the system script (specified relative to the data folder).void engine.boot_config.setEditorScript ( string script ) #
Sets a new path to the editor script (corresponds to the system_script element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string script - Path to the editor script (specified relative to the data folder).
string engine.boot_config.getEditorScript ( ) #
Returns the path to the editor script (corresponds to the system_script element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Path to the editor script (specified relative to the data folder).void engine.boot_config.setCachePath ( string path ) #
Sets a new path to store system and Editor cache files(corresponds to the cache_path element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string path - Path to store system and Editor cache files. Can be an absolute path or a relative path to the data path.
string engine.boot_config.getCachePath ( ) #
Returns the current path to store system and Editor cache files(corresponds to the cache_path element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Path to store system and Editor cache files. Can be an absolute path or a relative path to the data path.void engine.boot_config.setEditorCache ( string cache ) #
Sets a new path to a cache file to be used by the UnigineEditor (corresponds to the editor_cache element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string cache - Path to a cache file to be used by the UnigineEditor. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the data path, or to the cache path (if any).
string engine.boot_config.getEditorCache ( ) #
Returns the path to a cache file currently used by the UnigineEditor (corresponds to the editor_cache element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Path to a cache file to be used by the UnigineEditor. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the data path, or to the cache path (if any).void engine.boot_config.setSystemCache ( string cache ) #
Sets a new path to a cache file to be used by the Engine (corresponds to the system_cache element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string cache - Path to a cache file currently used by the Engine. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the data path, or to the cache path (if any).
string engine.boot_config.getSystemCache ( ) #
Returns the current path to a cache file to be used by the Engine (corresponds to the system_cache element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Path to a cache file currently used by the Engine. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the data path, or to the cache path (if any).void engine.boot_config.setVideoApp ( string app ) #
Sets a new graphics API to be used for rendering. (corresponds to the video_app element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string app - Graphics API used for rendering: null, auto, dx, or gl.
string engine.boot_config.getVideoApp ( ) #
Returns the graphics API currently used for rendering (corresponds to the video_app element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Graphics API used for rendering: null, auto, dx, or gl.void engine.boot_config.setSoundApp ( string app ) #
Sets a new sound API to be used (corresponds to the sound_app element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string app - Sound API used for rendering: nosound, auto, or openal.
string engine.boot_config.getSoundApp ( ) #
Returns the sound API currently used (corresponds to the sound_app element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Sound API used for rendering: nosound, auto, or openal.void engine.boot_config.setExternDefine ( string defines ) #
Sets extern define(s) to be used at the Engine startup (corresponds to the extern_define element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string defines - External definition(s) to be used. Several definitions are comma separated (no whitespaces). Definitions can be specified as follows:
string engine.boot_config.getExternDefine ( ) #
Returns extern define(s) currently used at the Engine startup (corresponds to the extern_define element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
External definition(s) to be used. Several definitions are comma separated (no whitespaces). Definitions can be specified as follows:- DEFINITION_NAME
void engine.boot_config.setConsoleCommand ( string command ) #
Sets a new Console command(s) to be used at the Engine startup (corresponds to the console_command element of the .boot configuration file).Arguments
- string command - Console command(s) to be used at the engine startup. Several commands can be separated using the && sequence.
string engine.boot_config.getConsoleCommand ( ) #
Returns Console command(s) currently used at the Engine startup (corresponds to the console_command element of the .boot configuration file).Return value
Console command(s) currently used at the Engine startup. Several commands can be separated using the && sequence.int engine.boot_config.getNumPluginPaths ( ) #
Returns the number of directory(ies) containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. These directories are specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. The list of these plugin paths can be obtained via the getNumPluginPaths() and getPluginPath(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath()Return value
Current number of plugin directories.void engine.boot_config.removePluginPath ( int num ) #
Removes a plugin path with the specified number from the list of the plugin paths specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup.Arguments
- int num - Number of the plugin path to be removed from the list of the specified plugin paths, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugin paths specified.
void engine.boot_config.swapPluginPath ( int num0, int num1 ) #
Swaps two plugin paths with the given numbers specified in the .boot configuration file. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. The list of these plugin paths can be obtained via the getNumPluginPaths() and getPluginPath(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath()Arguments
- int num0 - Number of the first plugin path in the list of the specified plugin paths to be swapped, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugin paths specified.
- int num1 - Number of the second plugin path in the list of the specified plugin paths to be swapped, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugin paths specified.
string engine.boot_config.getPluginPath ( int num ) #
Returns a plugin path with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath().Arguments
- int num - Plugin path number in the list of the specified plugin paths, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugin paths specified.
Return value
Path to the plugins directory with the given number in the list of the plugin paths. Сan be absolute or specified relatively to the binary executable.void engine.boot_config.setPluginPath ( int num, string value ) #
Sets a new path for the item of the list of the plugin paths with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath().Arguments
- int num - Plugin path number in the list of the specified plugin paths.
- string value - New path to be set for the specified item of the list of the plugin paths. Сan be specified relatively to the binary executable or as an absolute path.
int engine.boot_config.getNumExternPlugins ( ) #
Returns the number of plugin libraries to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. These plugins are specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element. The list of these plugin paths can be obtained via the getNumExternPlugins() and getExternPlugin(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange them via swapPluginPath().Return value
Current number of plugin libraries to be loaded at the Engine startup.void engine.boot_config.removeExternPlugin ( int num ) #
Removes a plugin with the specified number from the list of the plugins specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element.Arguments
- int num - Number of the plugin to be removed from the list of the specified plugins, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugins specified.
void engine.boot_config.swapExternPlugin ( int num0, int num1 ) #
Swaps two plugins with the given numbers specified in the .boot configuration file. The list of these plugins can be obtained via the getNumExternPlugins() and getExternPlugin(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, this method enables you to rearrange plugins to change loading order.Arguments
- int num0 - Number of the first plugin in the list of the specified plugins to be swapped, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugins specified.
- int num1 - Number of the second plugin in the list of the specified plugins to be swapped, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugins specified.
string engine.boot_config.getExternPlugin ( int num ) #
Returns the name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapExternPlugin().Arguments
- int num - Number of the plugin in the list of the specified plugins, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugins specified.
Return value
Name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file. Plugin library name goes without any prefixes and postfixes (e.g., libNetwork_x64d.so is listed as "Network").void engine.boot_config.setExternPlugin ( int num, string value ) #
Sets a new name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapExternPlugin().Arguments
- int num - Number of the plugin to be set in the list of the specified plugins, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugins specified.
- string value - Name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file. Plugin library name goes without any prefixes and postfixes (e.g., libNetwork_x64d.so is listed as "Network").
void engine.boot_config.setScreenWidth ( int width = 860 ) #
Sets the width of the boot screen window, in pixels.Arguments
- int width - Width of the boot screen window, in pixels.
int engine.boot_config.getScreenWidth ( ) #
Returns the current width of the boot screen window.Return value
Current width of the boot screen window, in pixels.void engine.boot_config.setScreenHeight ( int height = 560 ) #
Sets the height of the boot screen window, in pixels.Arguments
- int height - Height of the boot screen window, in pixels.
int engine.boot_config.getScreenHeight ( ) #
Returns the height of the boot screen window, in pixels.Return value
Current height of the boot screen window, in pixels.void engine.boot_config.setScreenBackgroundColor ( vec4 color ) #
Sets the background color of the screen. The default value is vec4_zero.Arguments
- vec4 color - Background color defined by a vector of four numbers in the [0; 1] range.
vec4 engine.boot_config.getScreenBackgroundColor ( ) #
Returns the current background color of the screen.Return value
Background color defined by a vector of four numbers in the [0; 1] range.void engine.boot_config.setScreenTransform ( vec4 transform ) #
Sets the transformation of the boot screen texture. The default value is vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f).Arguments
- vec4 transform - Transformation of the screen defined by a vector of four numbers in the [0; 1] range:
- Texture size multiplier
- Window size multiplier
- Horizontal position
- Vertical position
vec4 engine.boot_config.getScreenTransform ( ) #
Returns the current transformation of the boot screen texture.Return value
Transformation of the screen defined by a vector of four numbers in the [0; 1] range:- Texture size multiplier
- Window size multiplier
- Horizontal position
- Vertical position
void engine.boot_config.setScreenThreshold ( int threshold = 16 ) #
Sets the threshold for blending based on the alpha-channel.Arguments
- int threshold - Threshold for blending based on the alpha-channel.
int engine.boot_config.getScreenThreshold ( ) #
Returns the current threshold for blending based on the alpha-channel.Return value
Threshold for blending based on the alpha-channel.void engine.boot_config.setScreenTexture ( string texture ) #
Sets the path to the boot screen texture.Notice
Textures or any other resources used in the Boot screen cannot be packed into an UNG archive.
- string texture - Path to the boot screen texture.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenTexture ( ) #
Returns the current path to the boot screen texture.Return value
Path to the boot screen texture.void engine.boot_config.setScreenFont ( string font ) #
Sets the path to the font for text rendering.Notice
Fonts or any other resources used in the Boot screen cannot be packed into an UNG archive.
- string font - Path to the font for text rendering.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenFont ( ) #
Returns the current path to the font for text rendering.Return value
Path to the font for text rendering.void engine.boot_config.setScreenText ( string text ) #
Sets the text of the boot screen.Arguments
- string text - Text of the boot screen. Can be either a plain or rich text. A number of aliases is provided:
- UNIGINE_COPYRIGHT — the UNIGINE copyright text.
- UNIGINE_VERSION — the current UNIGINE version.
- LOADING_PROGRESS — the loading progress going from 0 to 100.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenText ( ) #
Returns the current text of the boot screen.Return value
Text of the boot screen.void engine.boot_config.setScreenMessageEngineInit ( string init ) #
Sets the message to be displayed on the engine initialization. The message is set the same way as the screen text.Arguments
- string init - Message on the engine initialization.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenMessageEngineInit ( ) #
Returns the message currently displayed on the engine initialization.Return value
Message on the engine initialization.void engine.boot_config.setScreenMessageFileSystemInit ( string init ) #
Sets the message to be displayed on the file system initialization. The message is set the same way as the screen text.Arguments
- string init - Message for file system initialization.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenMessageFileSystemInit ( ) #
Returns the message currently displayed on the file system initialization.Return value
Message for file system initialization.void engine.boot_config.setScreenMessageMaterialsInit ( string init ) #
Sets the message to be displayed on materials initialization. The message is set the same way as the screen text.Arguments
- string init - Message for materials initialization.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenMessageMaterialsInit ( ) #
Returns the message currently displayed on materials initialization.Return value
Message for materials initialization.void engine.boot_config.setScreenMessagePropertiesInit ( string init ) #
Sets the message to be displayed on properties initialization. The message is set the same way as the screen text.Arguments
- string init - Message for properties initialization.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenMessagePropertiesInit ( ) #
Returns the message currently displayed on properties initialization.Return value
Message for properties initialization.void engine.boot_config.setScreenMessageShadersCompilation ( string compilation ) #
Sets the message to be displayed on shaders compilation. The message is set the same way as the screen text.Arguments
- string compilation - Message for shaders compilation.
string engine.boot_config.getScreenMessageShadersCompilation ( ) #
Returns the message currently displayed on shaders compilation.Return value
Message for shaders compilation.void engine.boot_config.setWindowTitle ( string title ) #
Sets a new title for the application window.Arguments
- string title - New application window title to be set.
string engine.boot_config.getWindowTitle ( ) #
Returns the current application window title.Return value
Current application window title.static void engine.boot_config.setWindowIconPath ( string path ) #
Sets the path to the custom icon for the final application's window.Arguments
- string path - Path to the custom icon for the final application's window.
static string engine.boot_config.getWindowIconPath ( ) #
Returns the path to the custom icon for the final application's window.Return value
Path to the custom icon for the final application's window.void engine.boot_config.setScreenEnabled ( int enabled ) #
Sets the value indicating if the boot screen is enabled.Arguments
- int enabled - 1 to enable the boot screen; 0 — to disable it.
int engine.boot_config.isScreenEnabled ( ) #
Returns the value indicating if the boot screen is enabled.Return value
1 if the boot screen is enabled; otherwise, 0.Last update:
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