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engine.filesystem Functions

The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

On the Engine file system initialization, all files and packages stored in the data folder are added to the virtual file system automatically. At that, content of the ZIP and UNG packages is loaded into RAM as is (so, you'd better not store heavy content (e.g. terrains) in the packages).

Files and packages stored outside the data directory are also added to the virtual file system, if they are mounted (i.e. referenced by a mount point).

If you add new files at run time, the Engine won't know anything about such files. To add the files to the virtual file system, use addVirtualFile().

File System functions:

  • Provide control over asynchronous loading of files/meshes/images/nodes on demand under the data directory, including files in ZIP and UNG packages. Such packages are automatically handled by the Engine and all their files are automatically added to the file system.
  • Allow adding directories (even with ZIP and UNG packages) that are outside the data directory and provide control over loading such files.
  • Allow adding ZIP and UNG packages that are outside the data directory. After that, files in such packages are accessed in a usual way, by specifying a path to the file only inside the package.
  • Allow caching files in the memory and adding files to blobs if they are accessed or modified multiple times at run time.

Also methods of the FileSystem class can be used when implementing your own importer from an external format to UNIGINE-native ones. For example, you can store only the original file on the disk, files in UNIGINE-native formats can be stored in the virtual file system only.

Getting the Asset Filename#

Using the GUID of an asset or the path to the source file on a disk, you can get access to the filename the following way:

See also#

  • engine.async Class to manage loading resources (files, images, meshes, and nodes) on demand.
  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/systems/ folder:
    • modifiers_00
    • packages_00
    • packages_01

FileSystem Class


engine.filesystem.getMount ( ) #

Returns a mount point for the specified path.
This method will return the root mount for all files located directly in the data folder or its subfolders.


    Return value

    FileSystemMount class instance on success; otherwise, nullptr.

    engine.filesystem.getMount ( ) #

    Returns a mount point for the specified GUID.
    This method will return the root mount for all files located directly in the data folder or its subfolders.


      Return value

      FileSystemMount class instance on success; otherwise, nullptr.

      void engine.filesystem.getMounts ( ) #

      Returns a list of all mount points currently used by the file system and puts the to the specified output buffer.
      This list will not include the root mount.


        FileSystemMount engine.filesystem.getRootMount ( ) #

        Returns the root mount of the file system. It mounts the data folder to the root of the virtual file system. The root mount cannot be unmounted.

        Return value

        FileSystemMount class instance for the root mount of the virtual file system.

        FileSystemMount engine.filesystem.createMount ( string absolute_path, string virtual_path, int access ) #

        Adds a new mount point for the specified external folder/package, virtual path and access mode. All mounted files are automatically added as known to the virtual file system.


        • string absolute_path - Absolute path to the mounted folder/package.
        • string virtual_path - Virtual path to the folder to which the contents of the external folder/package is to be mounted.
        • int access - Mount point access mode, one of the FILESYSTEM_MOUNT_ACCESS_* values.

        Return value

        FileSystemMount class instance, if it was created successfully; otherwise, nullptr.

        FileSystemMount engine.filesystem.addMount ( string umount_path ) #

        Adds a new mount point using the data from the specified *.umount file. All mounted files are automatically added as known to the virtual file system.


        • string umount_path - Absolute path to a *.umount file.

        Return value

        FileSystemMount class instance, if it was created successfully; otherwise, nullptr.

        bool engine.filesystem.saveMountFile ( string umount_path ) #

        Saves the specified *.umount file.


        Return value

        true if the specified *.umount file is saved successfully; otherwise, false.

        bool engine.filesystem.removeMount ( string path ) #

        Unmounts a mount point with a given path.
        The root mount cannot be removed.


        • string path - Absolute path to the mounted folder/package.

        Return value

        true if the mount point with a given path is successfully unmounted; otherwise, false.

        void engine.filesystem.clearMounts ( ) #

        Unmounts all mount points.
        This method does not remove the root mount.

        bool engine.filesystem.loadPackage ( string path ) #

        Loads an UNG or ZIP package into the file system. Note that the package should be mounted, otherwise it won't be loaded.
        UNG packages without password protection can be loaded even if the engine has built-in password for the file system packages. For example, it is possible to load both the core.ung package without a password and the my_assets.ung package protected with a password.


        • string path - Package path. It can be a relative, absolute, network, or virtual path.

        Return value

        true if the package is loaded; otherwise, false.

        bool engine.filesystem.loadPackage ( string path, string extension ) #

        Loads a package with the specified extension (ung, zip, or pak) into the file system. Note that the package should be mounted, otherwise it won't be loaded.
        UNG packages without password protection can be loaded even if the engine has built-in password for the file system packages. For example, it is possible to load both the core.ung package without a password and the my_assets.ung package protected with a password.


        • string path - Package path. It can be a relative, absolute, network, or virtual path.
        • string extension - Extension of a custom package, one of the following values:
          • ung
          • zip
          • pak

        Return value

        true if the package is loaded; otherwise, false.

        bool engine.filesystem.removePackage ( string path ) #

        Unloads an UNG or ZIP package from the file system.


        • string path - Package path. It can be a relative, absolute, network, or virtual path.

        Return value

        true if the package is removed; otherwise, false.

        void engine.filesystem.getSupportedPackagesExtensions ( Vector<String>& extensions ) #

        Returns a list of registered extensions that can be loaded as a package.


        • Vector<String>& extensions - An array to store registered extensions.

        void engine.filesystem.getPackageVirtualFiles ( ) #

        Saves the list of names for all virtual files stored in the specified package to the specified string buffer.


          void engine.filesystem.getPackageVirtualFiles ( ) #

          Saves the list of names for all virtual files stored in a package with the specified name and extension to the specified string buffer.


            void engine.filesystem.getVirtualFiles ( ) #

            Saves the list of names for all known files registered in the file system to the specified string buffer.


              bool engine.filesystem.isVirtualFile ( ) #

              Checks if the given file is known to the virtual file system.


                Return value

                true if the file is known to the virtual file system; otherwise, false.

                bool engine.filesystem.isVirtualFile ( ) #

                Checks if a file with the given GUID is known to the virtual file system and has a virtual path registered.


                  Return value

                  true if the file is known to the virtual file system; otherwise, false.

                  bool engine.filesystem.addVirtualFile ( string path, UGUID guid, bool must_exist = false ) #

                  Registers the regular file name as known virtual file with the given GUID and appends it to the map used for fast searching. This method should be used when you need to add, for example, a new content to the project.


                  • string path - File path. It can be a relative, absolute, network, or virtual path.
                    If you want to specify a path to an asset, you should use the asset path format (asset://). Otherwise, if you specify the regular path to the asset, it will be treated as the path to its runtime file (if any) from the .runtimes folder.
                  • UGUID guid - File GUID.
                  • bool must_exist - A flag indicating whether the specified file must exist.

                  Return value

                  true if the file name is appended successfully; otherwise, false.

                  UGUID engine.filesystem.addVirtualFile ( bool must_exist = false ) #

                  Registers the regular file name as known virtual file and appends it to the map used for fast searching. This method should be used when you need to add, for example, a new content to the project.


                  • bool must_exist - A flag indicating whether the specified file must exist.

                  Return value

                  File GUID if it was registered successfully or an empty GUID, otherwise.

                  bool engine.filesystem.renameVirtualFile ( ) #

                  Renames the specified known virtual file.


                    Return value

                    true if the file is renamed successfully; otherwise, false.

                    bool engine.filesystem.renameVirtualFile ( ) #

                    Renames the specified known file and assigns it the specified new GUID.


                      Return value

                      true if the file is renamed successfully; otherwise, false.

                      bool engine.filesystem.renameVirtualFile ( ) #

                      Renames the known virtual file with the given GUID.


                        Return value

                        true if the file is renamed successfully; otherwise, false.

                        bool engine.filesystem.renameVirtualFile ( ) #

                        Renames the known virtual file with the given GUID and assigns it the specified new GUID.


                          Return value

                          true if the file is renamed successfully; otherwise, false.

                          bool engine.filesystem.removeVirtualFile ( ) #

                          Removes the virtual file with the given name.


                            Return value

                            true if the file is removed successfully; otherwise, false.

                            bool engine.filesystem.removeVirtualFile ( ) #

                            Removes the virtual file with the given GUID.


                              Return value

                              true if the file is removed successfully; otherwise, false.

                              bool engine.filesystem.changeVirtualFile ( ) #

                              Marks the virtual file with the given name as modified. The corresponding CALLBACK_FILE_CHANGED signal is emitted. This method is used to notify the Engine that a resource has been modified and needs to be updated.


                                Return value

                                true if the file is successfully marked as modified; otherwise, false.

                                bool engine.filesystem.changeVirtualFile ( ) #

                                Marks the virtual file with the given GUID as modified. The corresponding CALLBACK_FILE_CHANGED signal is emitted. This method is used to notify the Engine that a resource has been modified and needs to be updated.


                                  Return value

                                  true if the file is successfully marked as modified; otherwise, false.

                                  void engine.filesystem.removeNonExistingVirtualFiles ( ) #

                                  Removes all non-existing virtual files from the File System. These files aren't physically exist on the disk, however, they are added to the virtual file system. For example, it can be a blob or a cache file.

                                  bool engine.filesystem.isBlobFile ( ) #

                                  Checks if the given file is loaded to a blob.


                                    Return value

                                    true if the file is loaded to a blob successfully; otherwise, false.

                                    bool engine.filesystem.isBlobFile ( ) #

                                    Checks if a file with the given GUID is loaded to a blob.


                                      Return value

                                      true if the file is loaded to a blob successfully; otherwise, false.

                                      bool engine.filesystem.addBlobFile ( ) #

                                      Adds a file into a blob. It can be used for files that are frequently modified at run time (for example, images). After such file is loaded from a disk and written into a blob in the memory, its modifications can be saved fast into this blob.


                                        Return value

                                        true if the file is successfully added into a blob; otherwise, false.

                                        bool engine.filesystem.addBlobFile ( ) #

                                        Adds a file with the given GUID into a blob. It can be used for files that are frequently modified at run time (for example, images). After such file is loaded from a disk and written into a blob in the memory, its modifications can be saved fast into this blob.


                                          Return value

                                          true if the file is successfully added into a blob; otherwise, false.

                                          bool engine.filesystem.removeBlobFile ( ) #

                                          Removes a file from the blob. Blobbing can be used for files that are frequently modified at run time (for example, images). After such file is loaded from a disk and written into a blob in the memory, its modifications can be saved fast into this blob.


                                            Return value

                                            true if the file is removed successfully; otherwise, false.

                                            bool engine.filesystem.removeBlobFile ( ) #

                                            Removes a file with the given GUID from the blob. Blobbing can be used for files that are frequently modified at run time (for example, images). After such file is loaded from a disk and written into a blob in the memory, its modifications can be saved fast into this blob.


                                              Return value

                                              true if the file is removed successfully; otherwise, false.

                                              bool engine.filesystem.isCacheFile ( ) #

                                              Checks if the given file is loaded into cache.


                                                Return value

                                                true if the file is added into cache; otherwise, false.

                                                bool engine.filesystem.isCacheFile ( ) #

                                                Checks if a file with the given GUID is loaded into cache.


                                                  Return value

                                                  true if the file is added into cache; otherwise, false.

                                                  bool engine.filesystem.addCacheFile ( ) #

                                                  Caches a file in the memory. It can be used for files that are accessed multiple times at run time (for example, textures are read two times in a row). Such files are loaded into the memory for faster reading.


                                                    Return value

                                                    true if the file is successfully added to cache; otherwise, false.

                                                    bool engine.filesystem.addCacheFile ( ) #

                                                    Caches a file in the memory with the given GUID. It can be used for files that are accessed multiple times at run time (for example, textures are read two times in a row). Such files are loaded into the memory for faster reading.


                                                      Return value

                                                      true if the file is successfully added to cache; otherwise, false.

                                                      bool engine.filesystem.removeCacheFile ( ) #

                                                      Removes a cached file from the memory. Caching can be used for files that are accessed multiple times at run time (for example, textures are read two times in a row). Such files are loaded into the memory for faster reading.


                                                        Return value

                                                        true if the file is successfully removed from cache; otherwise, false.

                                                        bool engine.filesystem.removeCacheFile ( ) #

                                                        Removes a cached file with the given GUID from the memory. Caching can be used for files that are accessed multiple times at run time (for example, textures are read two times in a row). Such files are loaded into the memory for faster reading.


                                                          Return value

                                                          true if the file is successfully removed from cache; otherwise, false.

                                                          bool engine.filesystem.isDiskFile ( ) #

                                                          Returns a value indicating if the specified file path is a path to a file on disk (i.e. not a package, a blob, or a cache file).


                                                            Return value

                                                            true if the specified file path is a path to a file on disk; otherwise, false.

                                                            bool engine.filesystem.isPackageFile ( ) #

                                                            Returns a value indicating if the specified file path is a path to a file inside a ZIP or UNG package.


                                                              Return value

                                                              true if the specified file path is a path to a file inside a ZIP or UNG package; otherwise, false.

                                                              String engine.filesystem.resolvePartialVirtualPath ( string path ) #

                                                              Converts the given partial path to a full virtual one.
                                                              If the file isn't added to the virtual file system, the full virtual path won't be returned.
                                                              For example, if you have the data/project/image_1.tga and want to use the partial virtual path image_1.tga, you should get the full virtual path first:
                                                              Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                              // convert partial virtual to full virtual path
                                                              string full_virtual_path = engine.filesystem.resolvePartialVirtualPath("image_1.tga"); // project/image_1.tga is returned
                                                              // use the converted path


                                                              • string path - Partial path to be resolved.

                                                              Return value

                                                              Full virtual path.

                                                              engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath ( ) #

                                                              Resolves a virtual path for the given file path. The following examples show particular cases of the method usage:
                                                              • If the given path is known for the virtual file system, the following can be returned:
                                                                Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                string s1, s2, s3;
                                                                // absolute path to the folder
                                                                s1 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/Unigine/data");			// an empty string
                                                                s2 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/Unigine/data/");			// an empty string
                                                                // path to assets in the folder
                                                                s3 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("asset://D:/Unigine/data");	// an empty string
                                                                s4 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("asset://D:/Unigine/data/");	// an empty string
                                                                In all cases, an empty string is returned: a virtual path is always returned relative to the data directory, and in the example, the data directory itself is specified. If you specify a known file inside it, the corresponding virtual path will be returned:
                                                                Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                string s = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/Unigine/data/1.tga");	// "1.tga"
                                                              • If the given path is unknown for the virtual file system, the following can be returned:
                                                                Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                // absolute path to the folder
                                                                s1 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("C:/temp");			// "C:/temp"
                                                                s2 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("C:/temp/");			// "C:/temp"
                                                                // path to assets in the folder
                                                                s3 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("asset://C:/temp");	// "C:/temp"
                                                                s4 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("asset://C:/temp/");	// "C:/temp"
                                                                In all cases, the normalized path to the folder is returned, as the specified folder is unknown for the virtual file system, and, therefore, no virtual path can be returned. The same is for files, for example:
                                                                Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                s = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("C:/temp/1.tga");		// "C:/temp/1.tga"
                                                              • If the given path is the path to a mounted file. Here mount_1 is the mount_1.umount mount point. Note that in the example below, the 1.tga asset has no runtime files. If an asset has a runtime file, the virtual path to this runtime file (stored in the .runtimes folder of the mount point) will be returned.
                                                                Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                // virtual path to the file specified as an absolute one
                                                                s1 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/Unigine/data/mounts/mount_1/1.tga");	// "mounts/mount_1/1.tga"
                                                                // absolute path to the file
                                                                s2 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/extern_content/1.tga");				// "mounts/mount_1/1.tga"
                                                                // full virtual path to the file
                                                                s3 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("mounts/mount_1/1.tga");					// "mounts/mount_1/1.tga"
                                                              • If the given path is the path to a mounted file stored in the nested mount points. Here mount_1 and mount_2 are the mount_1.umount and mount_2.umount mount points correspondingly. Note that in the example below, the 1.tga asset has no runtime files. If an asset has a runtime file, the virtual path to this runtime file (stored in the .runtimes folder of the mount point) will be returned.
                                                                Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                // virtual path to the file specified as an absolute one
                                                                s1 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/Unigine/data/mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga");	// "mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga"
                                                                // absolute path to the file
                                                                s2 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("D:/extern_content_2/1.tga");						// "mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga"
                                                                // full virtual path to the file
                                                                s3 = engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath("mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga");					// "mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga"


                                                                Return value

                                                                Virtual path to the file relative to the data folder.

                                                                engine.filesystem.getVirtualPath ( ) #

                                                                Resolves a virtual path for the given GUID.


                                                                  Return value

                                                                  Virtual path to the file relative to the data folder.

                                                                  engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath ( ) #

                                                                  Resolves an absolute path for the given file path. The following examples show particular cases of the method usage:
                                                                  • If the given path is known for the virtual file system, the following can be returned:
                                                                    Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                    string s1, s2, s3, s4;
                                                                    // absolute path to the folder
                                                                    s1 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("D:/Unigine/data");			// "D:/Unigine/data"
                                                                    s2 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("D:/Unigine/data/");			// "D:/Unigine/data"
                                                                    // absolute path to assets in the folder
                                                                    s3 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("asset://D:/Unigine/data");	// "D:/Unigine/data"
                                                                    s4 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("asset://D:/Unigine/data/");	// "D:/Unigine/data"
                                                                  • If the given path is unknown for the virtual file system, the following can be returned:
                                                                    Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                    // absolute path to the folder
                                                                    s1 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("C:/temp");				// "C:/temp"
                                                                    s2 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("C:/temp/");				// "C:/temp"
                                                                    // absolute path to assets in the folder
                                                                    s3 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("asset://C:/temp");		// "C:/temp"
                                                                    s4 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("asset://C:/temp/");		// "C:/temp"
                                                                  • If the given path is the path to a mounted file. Here mount_1 is the mount_1.umount mount point. Note that in the example below, the 1.tga asset has no runtime files. If an asset has a runtime file, the absolute path to this runtime file (stored in the .runtimes folder of the mount point) will be returned.
                                                                    Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                    // virtual path specified as an absolute one
                                                                    s1 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("D:/Unigine/data/mounts/mount_1/1.tga");		// "D:/extern_package/1.tga"
                                                                    // absolute path
                                                                    s2 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("D:/extern_package/1.tga");					// "D:/extern_package/1.tga"
                                                                    // virtual path
                                                                    s3 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("mounts/mount_1/1.tga");						// "D:/extern_package/1.tga"
                                                                  • If the given path is the path to a mounted file stored in the nested mount points. Here mount_1 and mount_2 are the mount_1.umount and mount_2.umount mount points correspondingly. Note that in the example below, the 1.tga asset has no runtime files. If an asset has a runtime file, the absolute path to this runtime file (stored in the .runtimes folder of the mount point) will be returned.
                                                                    Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                    // virtual path specified as an absolute one
                                                                    s1 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("D:/Unigine/data/mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga");	// "D:/extern_content_2/1.tga"
                                                                    // absolute path
                                                                    s2 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("D:/extern_content_2/1.tga");					// "D:/extern_content_2/1.tga"
                                                                    // virtual path
                                                                    s3 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("mounts/mount_1/mount_2/1.tga");					// "D:/extern_content_2/1.tga"
                                                                  • If the given path is a network path:
                                                                    Source code (UnigineScript)
                                                                    s1 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("//studio/work/shared_content/");			// "//studio/work/shared_content/"
                                                                    s2 = engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath("\\\\studio\\work\\shared_content\\");		// "//studio/work/shared_content/"


                                                                    Return value

                                                                    Absolute path to the file.

                                                                    engine.filesystem.getAbsolutePath ( ) #

                                                                    Resolves an absolute path for the given file GUID.


                                                                      Return value

                                                                      Absolute path to the file.

                                                                      engine.filesystem.getExtension ( ) #

                                                                      Returns the extension for the given file.


                                                                        Return value

                                                                        File extension in lower case, if any; otherwise, an empty string.

                                                                        engine.filesystem.getExtension ( ) #

                                                                        Returns the extension for a file with the specified GUID.


                                                                          Return value

                                                                          File extension in lower case if any; otherwise, an empty string.

                                                                          bool engine.filesystem.isFileExist ( ) #

                                                                          Checks if the given file actually exists on the disk.
                                                                          Calling this method every frame in the main thread, especially for multiple files, may cause a performance hit. It is better to optimize such checks and move them to a separate thread.


                                                                            Return value

                                                                            true if the file exists; otherwise, false.

                                                                            bool engine.filesystem.isFileExist ( ) #

                                                                            Checks if a file with the given GUID actually exists.
                                                                            Calling this method every frame in the main thread, especially for multiple files, may cause a performance hit. It is better to optimize such checks and move them to a separate thread.


                                                                              Return value

                                                                              true if the file exists; otherwise, false.

                                                                              bool engine.filesystem.isGUIDPath ( string path ) #

                                                                              Returns a value indicating if the given path has a valid GUID path format (e.g. "guid://e231e15beff2309b8f87c30b2c105cc4d2399973)".


                                                                              • string path - Path to be checked.

                                                                              Return value

                                                                              true if the given path has a valid GUID path format; otherwise, false.

                                                                              bool engine.filesystem.isAssetPath ( string path ) #

                                                                              Returns a value indicating if the given path has a valid asset path format (e.g. asset://1.tga).


                                                                              • string path - Path to be checked.

                                                                              Return value

                                                                              true if the given path has a valid asset path format; otherwise, false.

                                                                              engine.filesystem.getMTime ( ) #

                                                                              Returns the time of the last modification of the given file.
                                                                              Calling this method every frame in the main thread, especially for multiple files, may cause a performance hit. It is better to optimize such checks and move them to a separate thread.


                                                                                Return value

                                                                                Time of the last file modification. If there is no such file, -1 will be returned.

                                                                                engine.filesystem.getMTime ( ) #

                                                                                Returns the time of the last modification of the file with the specified GUID.
                                                                                Calling this method every frame in the main thread, especially for multiple files, may cause a performance hit. It is better to optimize such checks and move them to a separate thread.


                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  Time of the last file modification. If there is no such file, -1 will be returned.

                                                                                  bool engine.filesystem.loadGUIDs ( string path ) #

                                                                                  Loads file system GUIDs from the specified file.


                                                                                  • string path - Path to the file, where file system GUIDs are stored.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  true if file system GUIDs are loaded successfully; otherwise, false.

                                                                                  bool engine.filesystem.saveGUIDs ( string path, bool binary = false ) #

                                                                                  Saves all file system GUIDs to the specified file in the specified format (json or binary).


                                                                                  • string path - Path to the file, where file system GUIDs are to be stored.
                                                                                  • bool binary - Binary file format flag. When the flag is set to true, the file system will save GUIDs to a binary file; otherwise, to a JSON file.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  true if all file system GUIDs are saved successfully; otherwise, false.

                                                                                  UGUID engine.filesystem.generateGUID ( ) #

                                                                                  Generates a new GUID.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  New filesystem GUID if is was generated successfully; otherwise, an empty GUID.

                                                                                  bool engine.filesystem.setGUID ( string path, UGUID guid ) #

                                                                                  Sets the specified GUID for the given file.


                                                                                  • string path - File path. It can be a relative, absolute, network, or virtual path.
                                                                                    If you want to specify a path to an asset, you should use the asset path format (asset://). Otherwise, if you specify the regular path to the asset, it will be treated as the path to its runtime file (if any) from the .runtimes folder.
                                                                                  • UGUID guid - GUID to be set for the file.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  true if the GUID is set successfully; otherwise, false.

                                                                                  UGUID engine.filesystem.getGUID ( string path ) #

                                                                                  Returns the GUID (if it exists) for the given file.


                                                                                  • string path - File path. It can be a relative, absolute, network, or virtual path.
                                                                                    If you want to specify a path to an asset, you should use the asset path format (asset://). Otherwise, if you specify the regular path to the asset, it will be treated as the path to its runtime file (if any) from the .runtimes folder.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  File GUID if it exists; otherwise, an empty GUID.

                                                                                  int engine.filesystem.getNumModifiers ( ) #

                                                                                  Returns the total number of file modifiers registered in the file system.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  Number of modifiers.

                                                                                  String engine.filesystem.getModifier ( int num ) #

                                                                                  Returns the name of the given modifier.


                                                                                  • int num - ID number of the modifier.

                                                                                  Return value

                                                                                  Modifier name.

                                                                                  void engine.filesystem.addModifier ( string name ) #

                                                                                  Registers a new modifier in the file system.


                                                                                  • string name - Modifier name.

                                                                                  void engine.filesystem.removeModifier ( string name ) #

                                                                                  Unregisters a given modifier in the file system.


                                                                                  • string name - Modifier name.

                                                                                  void engine.filesystem.clearModifiers ( ) #

                                                                                  Unregister all modifiers in the file system.
                                                                                  Last update: 2023-01-19
                                                                                  Build: ()