Unigine.LightLensFlare Class
This class is used to manage billboards used for the per-light lens flares effect.
The lens flare effect must be enabled for the light source. This feature is available only for: Omni Lights, Projected Lights and World Lights.
See Also#
Description of lens flare settings.
LightLensFlare Class
float Intensity#
The current intensity of the lens flare billboard.
Sets a new intensity value for the lens flare billboard.
set value -
Billboard intensity to be set. The color of the billboard is multiplied by this value. The higher the value, the brighter the flare will be.
vec4 Color#
The current color of the lens flare billboard.
Sets a new color for the lens flare billboard.
set value -
Billboard color to be set.
bool IsRotate#
A value indicating if rotation of the lens flare billboard is enabled. when enabled the top of the billboard will always face the center of the screen.
Enables or disables rotation of the lens flare billboard. When enabled the top of the billboard will always face the center of the screen.
set value -
1 to rotation of the lens flare billboard, 0 to disable. The default value is 0.
vec2 UVUpperRight#
The current uv texture coordinates of the upper rightcorner of the lens flare billboard.
vec2 UVLowerLeft#
The current uv texture coordinates of the lower left corner of the lens flare billboard.
float OffsetScale#
The current offset-dependent scale factor for the lens flare billboard.
float Offset#
The current offset value for the lens flare billboard. it is the offset from the light source along the direction of the light ray.
Sets a new offset value for the lens flare billboard. The offset determines the distance from the light source along the vector oriented from the light source to the screen center.
set value -
Billboard offset value to be set. The lower the absolute value is, the closer to the light source the billboard will be. Negative values indicate that the distance is measured in the opposite direction.
float Size#
The current size of the lens flare billboard.
Sets a new size for the lens flare billboard.
set value -
Billboard size to be set.
string Name#
The current name of the lens flare billboard.
Sets a new name for the lens flare billboard.
set value -
Billboard name to be set.
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