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Unigine::NodeExtern Class

Header:#include <UnigineNodes.h>

NodeExtern is a custom user-defined node created via API. The NodeExtern class is a wrapper for implementation of a custom node class inherited from the NodeExternBase class.

A NodeExtern node is created when the engine loads an instance of the custom node class. It can also be created directly by using the class constructor with a custom node class ID as an argument. In both cases, the NodeExtern node wraps the custom node class inherited from the NodeExternBase.

A custom user-defined node is created as follows:

The custom user-defined node can be implemented on the C++ side only. So you should implement the custom node class in C++ and then use it on the C++ or UnigineScript side.
  1. Inherit a custom node class from NodeExternBase:
    Source code (C++)
    #include <UnigineNodes.h>
    using namespace Unigine;
    // inherit a custom class from NodeExternBase
    class MyNode : public NodeExternBase
  2. Implement logic of the custom node and register the class via NodeExternBase::addClassID():
    The custom node class isn't a node, as the NodeExternBase class isn't inherited from the Node class.
    Source code (C++)
    #include <UnigineNodes.h>
    #include <UnigineEngine.h>
    #include "AppSystemLogic.h"
    #include "AppWorldLogic.h"
    #include "AppEditorLogic.h"
    using namespace Unigine;
    // inherit a custom class from NodeExternBase
    class MyNode : public NodeExternBase
    	// constructors
    	MyNode(void *node) : NodeExternBase(node){}
    	// destructor
    	virtual ~MyNode(){}
    	// unique class ID
    	virtual int getClassID() {return 1;}
    	// set world transformation of the node
    	void setWorldTransform(const UNIGINE_MAT4 &transform) {getNode()->setWorldTransform(transform);}
    	// other methods
    	// ...
    int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
    	// register the MyNode class
    	Unigine::EnginePtr engine(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);
    	AppSystemLogic system_logic;
    	AppWorldLogic world_logic;
    	AppEditorLogic editor_logic;
    	return 0;
    If required, the custom node class can be exported to UnigineScript.
  3. Create a custom node in one of the following ways:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a MyNode pointer directly: a NodeExtern node will be created as well
    MyNode *my_node_0 = new MyNode();
    // obtain the NodeExtern node
    // create a NodeExtern instance by MyNode's class ID
    NodeExternPtr my_node_1 = NodeExtern::create(1);
    // obtain the MyNode pointer if required
    MyNode *my_node_2 = (MyNode*)my_node_1->getNodeExtern();
    If the class has been exported to UnigineScript, you can perform the same on the UnigineScript side:
    Source code (UnigineScript)
    // create a MyNode pointer directly: a NodeExtern node will be created as well
    MyNode my_node_0 = new MyNode();
    // obtain the NodeExtern node
    // create a NodeExtern instance by MyNode's class ID
    NodeExtern my_node_1 = new NodeExtern(1);
    // obtain MyNode if required
    MyNode my_node_2 = class_cast("MyNode", node.getNodeExtern());

See Also

  • The NodeExternBase class for the complete usage example of the NodeExtern and NodeExternBase classes.

NodeExtern Class


static NodeExternPtr create(int class_id)

Constructor. Creates a custom user-defined node. An instance of the custom node class will be created as well.


  • int class_id - Unique class ID.

Ptr<NodeExtern> cast(const Ptr<Node> & node)

Casts a NodeExtern out of the Node instance.


  • const Ptr<Node> & node - Pointer to Node.

Return value

Pointer to NodeExtern.

int getClassID()

Returns the class ID of the node.

Return value

Class ID if the node exists; otherwise, 0.

NodeExternBase * getNodeExtern()

Returns the pointer to the custom node class.
Source code (C++)
// create a NodeExtern instance by MyNode's class ID
NodeExternPtr my_node_1 = NodeExtern::create(1);
// get the MyNode pointer
MyNode *my_node_2 = (MyNode*)my_node_1->getNodeExtern();

Return value

Pointer to the custom node class.

int type()

Returns the type of the node.

Return value

NodeExtern type identifier.
Last update: 2017-12-21
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