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Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Math 2D Functions

This class represents a collection of two-dimensional math functions.

Math 2D functions are the members of the Unigine::Math namespace.

int setPolygonToCCW ( Vector<vec2> & points ) #

Sets the counter-clockwise orientation for the polygon.


  • Vector<vec2> & points - Vector containing all points of the polygon.

Return value

1 if the counter-clockwise orientation for the polygon is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

void triangulatePolygon ( const Vector<vec2> & points, Vector<unsigned short> & indices, int append_to_result ) #

Performs triangulation by ear clipping algorithm (complexity: O(n^2)/O(n)).


  • const Vector<vec2> & points - Vector containing all points of the polygon.
  • Vector<unsigned short> & indices - Vector containing all points indices.
  • int append_to_result

void resizePolygon ( const Vector<vec2> & points, float offset, Vector<vec2> & result_points, int append_to_result ) #

Returns a set of points representing a shrinked/enlarged polygon. Supports concave polygons, CCW and CW orientations.


  • const Vector<vec2> & points - Vector containing all points of the polygon.
  • float offset
  • Vector<vec2> & result_points - Vector containing all points of the shrinked/enlarged polygon.
  • int append_to_result - Flag indicating if resulting points should be appended to the points of initial polygon - 0, or replace them - 1.

float getPolygonArea ( const Vector<vec2> & points ) #

Returns the area of the given polygon in square units.


  • const Vector<vec2> & points - Vector containing all points of the polygon.

Return value

Polygon's area, in square units.

float getPolygonAreaSigned ( const Vector<vec2> & points ) #

Returns the area of the given polygon in square units.


  • const Vector<vec2> & points - Vector containing all points of the polygon.

Return value

Polygon's area, in square units.
The value will be negative if the polygon is oriented clockwise.

void findIntersection ( const vec2 & p1, const vec2 & p2, const vec2 & p3, const vec2 & p4, int & lines_intersect, int & segments_intersect, vec2 & intersection, vec2 & close_p1, vec2 & close_p2 ) #

Finds the point of intersection between the two lines specified by the pairs of points p1 - p2 and p3 - p4 and sets the values of the last 5 arguments.


  • const vec2 & p1 - Start point coordinates of the first line segment.
  • const vec2 & p2 - End point coordinates of the first line segment.
  • const vec2 & p3 - Start point coordinates of the second line segment.
  • const vec2 & p4 - End point coordinates of the second line segment.
  • int & lines_intersect - 1 if the lines to which the segments belong intersect; otherwise, 0.
  • int & segments_intersect - 1 if the specified line segments intersect; otherwise, 0.
  • vec2 & intersection - Coordinates of the point of intersection between the two line segments.
  • vec2 & close_p1 - Coordinates of the first of the two closest points belonging to the first segment.
  • vec2 & close_p2 - Coordinates of the second of the two closest points belonging to the second segment.

int polygonIsOrientedClockwise ( const Vector<vec2> & points ) #

Returns a value indicating if a given polygon is oriented clockwise.


  • const Vector<vec2> & points - Vector containing all points of the polygon.

Return value

1 if a given polygon is oriented clockwise; otherwise, 0.

float getTriangleArea ( const vec2 & p1, const vec2 & p2, const vec2 & p3 ) #

Returns the area of the given triangle in square units.


  • const vec2 & p1 - Coordinates of the first triangle vertex.
  • const vec2 & p2 - Coordinates of the second triangle vertex.
  • const vec2 & p3 - Coordinates of the third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle area, in square units.
The value will be negative if the polygon is oriented clockwise.

float sign ( const vec2 & point, const vec2 & segment_p1, const vec2 & segment_p2 ) #

Returns a value indicating to which part of the segment the point belongs.


  • const vec2 & point - Coordinates of the point to be checked.
  • const vec2 & segment_p1 - Segment start point coordinates.
  • const vec2 & segment_p2 - Segment end point coordinates.

int pointTriangleInside ( const vec2 & point, const vec2 & v0, const vec2 & v1, const vec2 & v2 ) #

Returns a value indicating if a given point is inside the specified triangle.


  • const vec2 & point - Coordinates of the point to be checked.
  • const vec2 & v0 - Coordinates of the first triangle vertex.
  • const vec2 & v1 - Coordinates of the second triangle vertex.
  • const vec2 & v2 - Coordinates of the third triangle vertex.

Return value

1 if a given point is inside the specified triangle; otherwise, 0.
Last update: 2019-12-25
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