Shadows |
Enables or disables shadows from the light source.
Shadows from omni light on (the left cube) and off (the right cube)
Offset |
An offset of the shadow along the X, Y and Z axes relative to the source position. It can help to gain necessary visual effect of altering shadow shape without changing the light direction. To aid the offset orientation, there are shown additional visualizer axes, repeating the source's axes alignment.
Offset = 0 |
Offset = -0.2 |
Shadow resolution |
Size of the shadow map that defines shadow quality.
- The higher the resolution, the smoother and true to life the result is.
- The lower the resolution, the more blocky and jagged the shadows outline appears.
Shadow resolution = 64 |
Shadow resolution = 512 |
Bias |
A shadow bias that is used to correct inexact shadowing of the scene objects. It controls the depth offset added to the current depth value stored in the shadow map. Such offset is adaptively calculated with respect to the slope angle of the light source, its resolution and also the distance to the light source at shadow map applying
- If the shadow acne appears, the bias value should be increased. This procedure eliminates the self-shadowing effect, as the points will appear closer to light source when compared to the map depth value.
- If the bias value is set too high, the shadow will look detached from the object casting it (see the 3rd picture below).
Bias = 0; Normal bias = 1
Bias = 4; Normal bias = 1
Bias = 30; Normal bias = 1
Normal bias |
A shadow bias that is achieved by shifting the surface on which the shadow falls. The surface is shifted along normals stored in the normal map.
Normal bias = 0; Bias = 1 |
Normal bias = 2; Bias = 1 |
Depending on the normal map of the surface, the shadow may differ for the same values of Normal bias.
Normal bias = 2 |
Normal bias = 2 |
Softness |
Size of the blur applied to the shadow edge.
- Low softness values corresponds to the crisp and sharp shadow edges.
- Higher softness values serve to accentuate the effect of soft indirect lighting.
Softness = 0 |
Softness = 1 |