Hot Keys and Navigation
All of the controls key bindings given below can be changed on the Key bindings panel (the K hot key) or Controls tab of the Main Settings panel.
Hot Keys
To change a hot key, perform the following:
- Press the required button on the Key bindings panel.
- Press the previously specified key combination once more to remove the current binding. The button text is changed to none:
- Press this button again.
- Press a new key combination to assign a new binding.
- Press the
button to apply changes. Also you can press the Ok button to apply changes and close the dialog window.
To set the default values for all of the hot keys, press the button.
Also the key bindings can be saved to or loaded from the *.bindings file, which has the following syntax:
<binding name="undo" modifier="2">122</binding>
<binding name="redo" modifier="3">122</binding>
- name - a hot key name.
- modifier - one of the modifier keys (if required):
- 1 - SHIFT key.
- 2 - CTRL key.
- 4 - ALT key.
NoticeFor example, for the CTRL + SHIFT combination the modifier value is 3.To define the combination of the modifier keys, add the corresponding values of the keys.
To load the previously saved bindings from a file, press the button, choose the required *.bindings file and then press the Apply or Ok button.
To save the current bindings to a file, press the button and specify a path to the *.bindings file.
Common Options
CTRL + Z | Undo the last action. |
CTRL + SHIFT + Z | Redo the last action. |
0 | Show the FPS counter in the upper right corner. |
1 | Show the profiler:
9 | Show debugging messages in the upper left corner. |
N | Open the Nodes Panel. |
M | Open the Materials Editor. |
O | Open the Properties Editor. |
R | Open the Rendering Settings. |
ALT + S | Open the Sound Settings. |
P | Open the Physics Settings. |
T | Open the Tools Panel. |
K | Open the Hot Keys panel. |
CTRL + E | Open the embedded Text Editor. |
Editor Options
U | Reload the editor. |
CTRL + Q | Quit the editor. |
CTRL + N | Create a new world. |
CTRL + O | Open a saved world. |
CTRL + S | Save the current world. |
BACKSPACE | Reload the current world. |
Z | Switch to the selection mode (nodes can be selected only). |
X | Switch to the move mode (nodes can be selected and then moved). |
C | Switch to the rotation mode (nodes can be selected and then rotated). |
V | Switch to the scale mode (nodes can be selected and then scaled). |
SPACE | Deselect all nodes. |
SHIFT + X | Snap the node position to a grid. |
SHIFT + C | Snap the node rotation to a grid. |
F | Focus the camera on the selected node. |
G | Reset a rotation pivot of the camera. |
ALT + X | Move the selected nodes to the camera. |
CTRL + X | Move the selected node to a new location manually aligning it to the surface. |
ALT + I | Hide all of the nodes except the selected. |
CTRL + C | Clone the selected nodes. |
DELETE | Delete the selected nodes. |
I | Display information on the selected node. |
F2 | Toggle the visualizer. |
H | Show handlers for lights, particles, sectors, portals, etc.. |
2 | Toggle the object wireframe mode (only when the visualizer is enabled). |
8 | Show object bounds. |
7 | Show skinned mesh bones. |
F4 | Show a wireframe for the whole scene. |
F3 | Switch between normal and "light" visualization modes. The latter one doesn't take into account lighting settings and disables reflections but allows fast navigation through complex scenes. |
3 | Show mipmaps for textures. |
4 | Show normal maps (when shown, diffuse textures are switched off). |
5 | Show renderer buffers. |
- | Show world objects. |
= | Show physics properties. |
F11 | Take a screenshot. |
CTRL + SPACE | Stop or resume animations and physics interactions. |
L | Toggle the flash-light attached to the camera. |
B | Open a node context menu. |
Materials and Properties
CTRL + C | Clone a material or property. |
CTRL + I | Inherit a material or property. |
CTRL + A | Assign a material or property. |
DELETE | Remove a material or property. |
Text Editor
CTRL + N | Create a new text document. |
CTRL + O | Open a text document. |
CTRL + S | Save a text document. |
CTRL + Q | Close a text document. |
CTRL + F | Search in the text document. |
To change the control, perform the following:
- Press the required key (one of the key <Key_name> displayed on the Controls tab).
- Press the old key once more to remove the current control. The key text is changed to empty as follows:
- Press this key again.
- Press a new key to assign a new control.
- Press the
button to apply changes.
The default controls are the following:
W | Move the camera forth. |
S | Move the camera back. |
A | Move the camera left. |
D | Move the camera right. |
Q | Move the camera down. |
E | Move the camera up. |
SHIFT + movement key | Speed up the movement. |
LMB + mouse movement | Rotate the camera. |
RMB + mouse movement back and forth | Zoom the camera in and out. |
MMB + mouse movement | Move the camera left, right, down and up. |
E | Jump (character navigation). |
Q | Crouch (character navigation). |
SHIFT + movement key | Run (character navigation). |
RETURN | Use an object (character navigation). |