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Unigine::WidgetComboBox Class

Interface for widget combobox handling. See also UnigineScript analog.

To use this class, include the UnigineWidgetComboBox.h file.

Unigine::WidgetComboBox Class


static Ptr< WidgetComboBox > create (const WidgetPtr & widget)

WidgetComboBox constructor.


  • const WidgetPtr & widget - Widget smart pointer.

static Ptr< WidgetComboBox > create (const Ptr< Gui > & gui)

WidgetComboBox constructor.


  • const Ptr< Gui > & gui - Gui pointer.

virtual void setImage (const ImagePtr & image) const =0

Sets an image with mini-icons to be used with items. The image is a vertical strip of square icons.


  • const ImagePtr & image - Image to set.

virtual void getImage () const =0

Returns the image with mini-icons, which are used with the combobox items.

Return value

image Image with mini-icons.

virtual void setTexture (const char * name) const =0

Sets a texture with mini-icons to be used with items. The texture is a vertical strip of square icons.


  • const char * name - Path to a texture file.

virtual const char * getTexture () const =0

Returns path to the image with mini-icons, which are used with combobox items.

Return value

Path to the texture file.

virtual void clear () const =0

Removes all items from the combobox.

virtual int addItem (const char * str, int texture) const =0

Adds a new item with a given text and an icon.


  • const char * str - Item text.
  • int texture - Zero-based ID of the icon.

Return value

Number of the added item.

virtual void removeItem (int item) const =0

Removes a given item from the combobox.


  • int item - Item number in range from 0 to the total number of items.

virtual int getNumItems () const =0

Returns the number of items in the combobox.

Return value

Number of items.

virtual void setItemText (int item, const char * str) const =0

Sets a text for a given item.


  • int item - Item number in range from 0 to the total number of items.
  • const char * str - Item text.

virtual const char * getItemText (int item) const =0

Returns the text of a given item.


  • int item - Item number in range from 0 to the total number of items.

Return value

Item text.

virtual void setItemTexture (int item, int texture) const =0

Sets an icon for a given item.


  • int item - Item number in range from 0 to the total number of items.
  • int texture - Zero-based ID of the icon.

virtual int getItemTexture (int item) const =0

Returns the icon of a given item.


  • int item - Item number in range from 0 to the total number of items.

Return value

Zero-based ID of the icon.

virtual void setCurrentItem (int item) const =0

Sets a given item as selected.


  • int item - Item number.

virtual int getCurrentItem () const =0

Returns the currently selected item.

Return value

Item number.

virtual const char * getCurrentItemText () const =0

Returns a text value of the currently selected item.

Return value

Item text.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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