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Unigine Material Library
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Unigine::Ffp Class

Interface for fixed function pipeline. This interface allows to render basic geometric primitives. For example, it can be used to draw a project watermark.

To use this class, include the UnigineFfp.h file.

Related classes:

Unigine::Ffp Class


virtual ~Ffp ()

Virtual destructor.

static Ffp * get ()

Return a pointer to the existing Ffp.

Return value

Pointer to the existing ffp.

virtual void setMode (int mode) const =0

Set current Ffp mode.


  • int mode - Current Ffp mode.

virtual int getMode () const =0

Set current Ffp mode.

Return value

Current Ffp mode.

virtual int isEnabled () const =0

Return a value indicating if the Ffp is enabled.

Return value

Return 1 if the Ffp is enabled; otherwise, 0 is returned.

virtual void enable (int mode) const =0

Enable Ffp rendering.


  • int mode - Ffp mode.

virtual void disable () const =0

Disable Ffp rendering.

virtual void setOrtho (int width, int height) const =0

Set orthographic projection to render the primitive.


  • int width - Primitive width.
  • int height - Primitive height.

virtual void setTransform (const float * transform) const =0

Set transformation matrix for the rendered primitive.


  • const float * transform - Pointer to the transformation matrix.

virtual void getTransform (float * transform) const =0

Get transformation matrix of the rendered primitive.


  • float * transform - Pointer to the transformation matrix.

virtual void beginLines () const =0

Begin rendering of lines. Specify a list of vertex or index data between beginLines() and endLines().

virtual void endLines () const =0

End rendering of lines (i.e. draw the specified lines).

virtual void beginTriangles () const =0

Begin rendering of triangles. Specify a list of primitives and vertex data between beginTriangles() and endTriangles().

virtual void endTriangles () const =0

End rendering of triangles (i.e. draw the specified triangles).

virtual int getNumVertex () const =0

Get the number of vertices in the current primitive batch.

Return value

The number of vertices.

virtual void addVertex (const Vertex & vertex) const =0

Add a vertex.


  • const Vertex & vertex - Vertex.

virtual void addVertex (const Vertex * vertex, int num_vertex) const =0

Add a vertices array.


  • const Vertex * vertex - Vertices array pointer.
  • int num_vertex - The number of vertices.

virtual void addVertex (float x, float y, float z) const =0

Add a vertex.


  • float x - X coordinate of the vertex.
  • float y - Y coordinate of the vertex.
  • float z - Z coordinate of the vertex.

virtual void setTexCoord (float x, float y, float z, float w) const =0

Set texture coordinates for the last added vertex.


  • float x - X texture coordinate.
  • float y - Y texture coordinate.
  • float z - Z texture coordinate.
  • float w - W texture coordinate.

virtual void setColor (float r, float g, float b, float a) const =0

Set rendering color for the last added vertex.


  • float r - Red color component.
  • float g - Green color component.
  • float b - Blue color component.
  • float a - Alpha color component.

virtual void setColor (unsigned int color) const =0

Set rendering color for the last added vertex.


  • unsigned int color - Color in ARGB8 format: (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b.

virtual int getNumIndices () const =0

Get the number of indices in the current primitive batch.

Return value

The number of indices.

virtual void addIndex (int index) const =0

Add an index.


  • int index - Index of a vertex.

virtual void addIndices (int i0, int i1) const =0

Add two indices.


  • int i0 - The first index.
  • int i1 - The second index.

virtual void addIndices (int i0, int i1, int i2) const =0

Add three indices.


  • int i0 - The first index.
  • int i1 - The second index.
  • int i2 - The third index.

virtual void addIndices (int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const =0

Add four indices.


  • int i0 - The first index.
  • int i1 - The second index.
  • int i2 - The third index.
  • int i3 - The fourth index.

virtual void addIndices (const unsigned short * indices, int num_indices) const =0

Add indices array.


  • const unsigned short * indices - Indices array pointer.
  • int num_indices - The number of indices.

virtual void addIndices (const unsigned short * indices, int num_indices, int vertex_offset) const =0

Add indices array.


  • const unsigned short * indices - Indices array pointer.
  • int num_indices - The number of indices.
  • int vertex_offset - The vertex index offset.

virtual void addLines (int num) const =0

Add a specified number of lines. This method does not add vertices; instead, it allocates indices, for which vertices should be then created with addVertex(). Indices will point to vertices starting from the last added vertex.


  • int num - The number of lines.

virtual void addTriangles (int num) const =0

Add a specified number of triangles. This method does not add vertices; instead, it allocates indices, for which vertices should be then created with addVertex(). Indices will point to vertices starting from the last added vertex.


  • int num - The number of triangles.

virtual void addQuads (int num) const =0

Add a specified number of quads. This method does not add vertices; instead, it allocates indices, for which vertices should be then created with addVertex(). Indices will point to vertices starting from the last added vertex.


  • int num - The number of quads.

Unigine::Ffp::anonymous_5 Enumeration

Last update: 2017-07-03
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