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Unigine::Visualizer Class

Unigine visualizer. This interface provides access to Unigine visualizer functions.

To use this class, include the UnigineVisualizer.h file.

Unigine::Visualizer Class


virtual ~Visualizer ()

Virtual destructor.

static Visualizer * get ()

Returns a pointer to the existing render.

Return value

Pointer to the existing render.

virtual void setEnabled (int enable) const =0

Enables or disables the visualizer.


  • int enable - 1 to enable the visualizer, 0 to disable it.

virtual int isEnabled () const =0

Returns a value indicating if the visualizer is enabled.

Return value

Returns 1 if the visualizer is enabled; otherwise, 0.

virtual float getScale (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position) const =0

Returns the scale factor of the visualizer at the specified world position.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position - World position.

Return value

Scale factor of the visualizer.

virtual void renderPoint2D (const vec3 & v, float size, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 2D point of a given size and color. 2D points are rendered in the screen plane; coordinates of the upper left corner are (0; 0), of the lower right corner—(1; 1).


  • const vec3 & v - Point coordinates.
  • float size - Point size in range [0;1]. The point size is set in proportion to the screen resolution.
  • const vec4 & color - Point color.

virtual void renderPoint3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v, float size, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 3D point of a given size and color. 3D points are rendered in the world space.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v - Point coordinates.
  • float size - Point size in range [0;1]. The point size is set in proportion to the screen resolution.
  • const vec4 & color - Point color.

virtual void renderLine2D (const vec3 & v0, const vec3 & v1, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 2D line of a given color by using 2 points. 2D lines are rendered in the screen plane; coordinates of the upper left corner are (0; 0), of the lower right corner — (1; 1).


  • const vec3 & v0 - Starting point of the line.
  • const vec3 & v1 - Ending point of the line.
  • const vec4 & color - Line color.

virtual void renderLine3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 3D line of a given color. 3D lines are rendered in the world space.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0 - Starting point of the line.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1 - Ending point of the line.
  • const vec4 & color - Line color.

virtual void renderLine2D (const vec3 & v0, const vec3 & v1, const vec3 & v2, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 2D line of a given color by using 1 additional point. 2D lines are rendered in the screen plane; coordinates of the upper left corner are (0; 0), of the lower right corner — (1; 1).


  • const vec3 & v0 - Coordinates of the starting point of the line.
  • const vec3 & v1 - Coordinates of the intermediate point of the line.
  • const vec3 & v2 - Coordinates of the ending point of the line.
  • const vec4 & color - Line color.

virtual void renderLine3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 3D line of a given color by using 1 additional point. 3D lines are rendered in the world space.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0 - Coordinates of the starting point of the line.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1 - Coordinates of the intermediate point of the line.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2 - Coordinates of the ending point of the line.
  • const vec4 & color - Line color.

virtual void renderLine2D (const vec3 & v0, const vec3 & v1, const vec3 & v2, const vec3 & v3, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 2D line of a given color by using 2 additional points.


  • const vec3 & v0 - Coordinates of the starting point of the line.
  • const vec3 & v1 - Coordinates of the first intermediate point of the line.
  • const vec3 & v2 - Coordinates of the second intermediate point of the line.
  • const vec3 & v3 - Coordinates of the ending point of the line.
  • const vec4 & color - Line color.

virtual void renderLine3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v3, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 3D line of a given color by using 2 additional points. 3D lines are rendered in the world space.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0 - Coordinates of the starting point of the line.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1 - Coordinates of the first intermediate point of the line.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2 - Coordinates of the second intermediate point of the line.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v3 - Coordinates of the ending point of the line.
  • const vec4 & color - Line color.

virtual void renderTriangle2D (const vec3 & v0, const vec3 & v1, const vec3 & v2, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 2D triangle of a given color. 2D triangles are rendered in the screen plane; coordinates of the upper left corner are (0; 0), of the lower right corner—(1; 1).


  • const vec3 & v0 - Coordinates of the first vertex.
  • const vec3 & v1 - Coordinates of the second vertex.
  • const vec3 & v2 - Coordinates of the third vertex.
  • const vec4 & color - Triangle color.

virtual void renderTriangle3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 3D triangle of a given color. 3D triangles are rendered in the world space.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0 - Coordinates of the first vertex.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1 - Coordinates of the second vertex.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2 - Coordinates of the third vertex.
  • const vec4 & color - Triangle color.

virtual void renderQuad2D (const vec3 & v0, const vec3 & v1, const vec3 & v2, const vec3 & v3, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 2D quadrilateral of a given color. 2D quads are rendered in the screen plane; coordinates of the upper left corner are (0; 0), of the lower right corner—(1; 1).


  • const vec3 & v0 - Coordinates of the first vertex.
  • const vec3 & v1 - Coordinates of the second vertex.
  • const vec3 & v2 - Coordinates of the third vertex.
  • const vec3 & v3 - Coordinates of the fourth vertex.
  • const vec4 & color - Quadrilateral color.

virtual void renderQuad3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v3, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a 3D quadrilateral of a given color. 3D quads are rendered in the world space.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v0 - Coordinates of the first vertex.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v1 - Coordinates of the second vertex.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v2 - Coordinates of the third vertex.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v3 - Coordinates of the fourth vertex.
  • const vec4 & color - Quadrilateral color.

virtual void renderBillboard3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v, float size, const vec4 & texcoord) const =0

Renders a 3D billboard of the specified size.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & v - Coordinates of the billboard.
  • float size - The billboard size.
  • const vec4 & texcoord - The billboard texture coordinates.

virtual void renderVector (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & vector, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a vector of a given color.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position - Coordinates of the vector origin.
  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & vector - Coordinates of the vector target.
  • const vec4 & color - Vector color.

virtual void renderDirection (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position, const vec3 & direction, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a direction vector of a given color.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position - Coordinates of the vector origin.
  • const vec3 & direction - Target vector direction.
  • const vec4 & color - Vector color.

virtual void renderBox (const vec3 & size, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe box of a given color.


  • const vec3 & size - Dimensions of the box.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix, which is used to position the box.
  • const vec4 & color - Box color.

virtual void renderFrustum (const mat4 & projection, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe frustum of a given color.


  • const mat4 & projection - Projection matrix used to transform the coordinates.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the frustum.
  • const vec4 & color - Frustum color.

virtual void renderCircle (float radius, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe circle of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the circle.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the circle.
  • const vec4 & color - Circle color.

virtual void renderSector (float radius, float angle, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe sector of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the circle from which a sector is cut.
  • float angle - Angle of the sector.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the sector.
  • const vec4 & color - Sector color.

virtual void renderCone (float radius, float angle, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe cone of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the cone.
  • float angle - Angle of the cone.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the cone.
  • const vec4 & color - Cone color.

virtual void renderSphere (float radius, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe sphere of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the sphere.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the sphere.
  • const vec4 & color - Sphere color.

virtual void renderCapsule (float radius, float height, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe capsule (capped cylinder) of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the capsule.
  • float height - Height of the capsule.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the capsule.
  • const vec4 & color - Capsule color.

virtual void renderCylinder (float radius, float height, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe cylinder of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the cylinder.
  • float height - Height of the cylinder.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the cylinder.
  • const vec4 & color - Cylinder color.

virtual void renderEllipse (const vec3 & radius, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a wireframe ellipse of a given color.


  • const vec3 & radius - Ellipse radius values along three axes.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix for the ellipse.
  • const vec4 & color - Ellipse color.

virtual void renderSolidBox (const vec3 & size, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a solid box of a given color.


  • const vec3 & size - Size of the solid box.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the solid box.
  • const vec4 & color - Box color.

virtual void renderSolidSphere (float radius, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a solid sphere of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the solid sphere.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the solid sphere.
  • const vec4 & color - Sphere color.

virtual void renderSolidCapsule (float radius, float height, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a solid capsule.


  • float radius - Radius of the capsule.
  • float height - Height of the capsule.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the capsule.
  • const vec4 & color - Capsule color.

virtual void renderSolidCylinder (float radius, float height, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a solid cylinder of a given color.


  • float radius - Radius of the cylinder.
  • float height - Height of the cylinder.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the cylinder.
  • const vec4 & color - Cylinder color.

virtual void renderSolidEllipse (const vec3 & radius, const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a solid ellipse of a given color.


  • const vec3 & radius - Ellipse radius values along three axes.
  • const UNIGINE_MAT4 & transform - Transformation matrix used to position the ellipse.
  • const vec4 & color - Ellipse color.

virtual void renderBoxHandler (const NodePtr & node, const vec3 & size, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a handler in a form of a box.


  • const NodePtr & node - Pointer to the node, for which the handler is rendered.
  • const vec3 & size - Dimensions of the box (length of one face of the box).
  • const vec4 & color - Box color.

virtual void renderSphereHandler (const NodePtr & node, float radius, const vec4 & color) const =0

Renders a node handler in a form of a sphere.


  • const NodePtr & node - Pointer to the node, for which the handler is rendered.
  • float radius - Radius of the sphere.
  • const vec4 & color - Sphere color.

virtual void renderTextureHandler (const NodePtr & node, float size) const =0

Renders a texture handler of the specified size.


  • const NodePtr & node - Pointer to the node, for which the handler is rendered.
  • float size - Texture size (length of one side of the texture).

virtual void renderMessage2D (const vec3 & position, const vec3 & center, const char * str, const vec4 & color, int outline) const =0

Renders a message in a given color. Message position is specified in screen coordinates.


  • const vec3 & position - Coordinates of the anchor point of the message in range [0;1].
  • const vec3 & center - Center of the message. The first two values in the vector set the offset, the third one is ignored. For example, vec3(-1,-1,0) offsets the center of the message to its upper left edge. vec3(1,1,0) offsets the center to the lower right corner.
  • const char * str - Message text to display.
  • const vec4 & color - Message color.
  • int outline - Message outline: 1 to use the outline, 0 not to use.

virtual void renderMessage3D (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position, const vec3 & center, const char * str, const vec4 & color, int outline) const =0

Renders a message in a given color. Message position is specified in world coordinates.


  • const UNIGINE_VEC3 & position - Coordinates of the anchor point of the message (in world coordinates).
  • const vec3 & center - Center of the message. The first two values in the vector set the offset, the third one is ignored. For example, vec3(-1,-1,0) offsets the center of the message to its upper left edge. vec3(1,1,0) offsets the center to the lower right corner.
  • const char * str - Message text to display.
  • const vec4 & color - Message color.
  • int outline - Message outline: 1 to use the outline, 0 not to use.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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