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Unigine Material Library
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BodyCloth Class

This class is used to simulate a flat deformable cloth bodies. They use a mass-spring simulation model: the cloth is formed from particles (of sphere shape) that are located in the cloth mesh vertices and connected by inner joints.

BodyCloth Class

This class inherits from BodyParticles


BodyCloth ()

Constructor. Creates a cloth body with default properties.

BodyCloth (Object object)

Constructor. Creates a cloth body with default properties for a given object.


  • Object object - Object represented with the new cloth body.

int getNumTriangles ()

Returns the total number of triangles formed by the cloth particles.

Return value

The number triangles

int getTriangleParticle (int num, int index)

Returns the number of the cloth particle in the specified triangle.


  • int num - Triangle number.
  • int index - Index of triangle vertex (0, 1 or 2).

Return value

Particle number.

int getTwoSided ()

Returns a value indicating if the cloth is one- or two-sided. (If two-sided, its material should not be two-sided at the same time).

Return value

1 if the cloth is rendered one-sided; 0 if one-sided.

void setTwoSided (int enable)

Set a value indicating if the cloth is one- or two-sided. (If two-sided, its material should not be two-sided at the same time). The default is 0.


  • int enable - Positive value, if the cloth should be two-sided; 0 if one-sided.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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