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File System Functions

Variable absname (string path, string str)

Converts a relative filename and returns an absolute name. No attempt is made to create the shortest absolute name.


  • string path - Current path.
  • string str - Relative path to be added.

Return value

Resulting path.

string basename (string path)

Returns a file name component of path. On Windows, both slash (/) and backslash (\) are used as directory separator character. In other environments, it is the forward slash (/).


  • string path - Full path.

Return value

File name.

int chdir (string name)

Changes the current directory to a new one.


  • string name - An absolute path to a new directory.

Return value

1 if the directory was changed; otherwise, 0.

string dirname (string path)

Returns directory name component of given path. On Windows, both slash (/) and backslash (\) are used as directory separator character. In other environments, it is the forward slash (/).


  • string path - Full path.

Return value

Directory name.

int get_mtime (string path)

Returns the time of the last modification of a given file or directory.
This function is a wrapper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.
To change the current time stamp, use the set_mtime() function.


  • string path - An absolute path to a file or a directory.

Return value

Time stamp of the last modification. If an error occurs, -1.


Source code (UnigineScript)
// concatenate the full path to the data directory and the relative path to the file to get the absolute path
string name = engine.getDataPath() + "samples/objects/billboards_00.cpp";
// print the current time stamp
log.message("get_mtime() returned: %d\n",get_mtime(name));
get_mtime() returned: 1404355535

int is_dir (string path)

Checks if a given file system object exists and is actually a directory.
This function is a wraper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.


  • string path - An absolute path to a directory to check.

Return value

1 if the directory exists; otherwise, 0.

int is_file (string path)

Checks if a given file system object exists and is actually a file.
This function is a wraper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.


  • string path - An absolute path to a file to check.

Return value

1 if the file exists; otherwise, 0.

int mkdir (string pathname, int recursion)

Attempts to create a directory named pathname, optionally with subdirectories if a recursion flag is set (for example, a/b/c/d). By default, only one directory is created.
This function is a wrapper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.


  • string pathname - An absolute path to the created directory.
  • int recursion - This is an optional argument. 1 to create subdirectories; 0 to create one.

Return value

Return one on success, or zero if an error occurred.

string pathname (string path)

Resolves references to '/./', '/../' and extra '/' characters in the input path and return the canonical absolute pathname. The resulting path will have no '/./' or '/../' components.


  • string path - Input path.

Return value

Canonical pathname.

string relname (string path, string file)

Returns a relative path to a given file.


  • string path - A path to be used as a reference point.
  • string file - A target file name.

Return value

Relative (to path location) path to the given file file.

int remove (string pathname)

Deletes a specified pathname from the filesystem.
This function is a wraper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.


  • string pathname - An absolute path name.

Return value

Return one on success, or zero if an error occurred.

int rename (string oldpath, string newpath)

Renames a file and moves it between directories, if required.
This function is a wraper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.


  • string oldpath - An old absolute path name.
  • string newpath - A new absolute path name.

Return value

Return one on success, or zero if an error occurred.

int rmdir (string path, int recursion)

Attempts to remove a given directory, optionally with subdirectories if a recursion flag is set (for example, a/b/c/d). By default, only one directory is removed.
This function is a wrapper for a system-level function, thus an absolute path is required. engine.getDataPath() can be used to prepend the full path.


  • string path - An absolute path to the target directory.
  • int recursion - This is an optional argument. 1 to remove subdirectories; 0 to remove one.

Return value

1 if the directory is removed successfully; otherwise, 0.

Variable set_mtime (string name, long time)

Sets the time of the last modification of a given file or directory.
You should specify an absolute path to a file or directory. The engine.getDataPath() function can be used to prepend the full path.
To get the current time stamp, use the get_mtime() function.


  • string name - An absolute path to a file or a directory.
  • long time - Time stamp to set.

Return value

1 if the time stamp is set successfully; otherwise, 0.


Source code (UnigineScript)
// concatenate the full path to the data directory and the relative path to the file to get the absolute path
string name = engine.getDataPath() + "samples/objects/billboards_00.cpp";
// assign the current time stamp value to the variable
long time = get_mtime(name);
// print the updated time stamp of the test.cpp
log.message("set_mtime() return value: %d\n",set_mtime(name,10L));
// print the saved and current time stamps to compare
log.message("Saved time stamp: %d\nUpdated time stamp: %d\n",time,get_mtime(name));
set_mtime() return value: 1
Saved time stamp: 1389034178
Updated time stamp: 10
Last update: 2017-07-03
Build: ()