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The Language
Core Library
Engine Library
Node-Related Classes
GUI-Related Classes
Plugins Library
API Reference
Integration Samples
Usage Examples
C++ Plugins
Content Creation
Unigine Material Library
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A Game Framework is an integral Unigine component written in UnigineScript, that supports building and running of various Unigine-based applications. It provides fast and handy interaction between 3 fundamental game logic concepts: Game, Level and Entity.

Technically, framework executes the following operations:

  • Associates Unigine nodes with Entities
  • Associates Unigine worlds with Levels
  • Initialize the Entity parameters with the Property file
  • Manages the objects for Entities
  • Provides Global Game context across all Levels
  • Executes the periodic call of the function and its automatic time spreading over several frames (required for logic optimization)
  • Provides an event handling system
  • Updates Entities in the most optimal way

Game Framework also includes a Game Framework Editor plugin, which can be helpful to:

  • Manage Game, Levels, Entities
  • Attach Entities to Unigine nodes and place them in the world (by a simple drag&drop operation)
  • Build the inheritance hierarchy for Entities
  • Generate Property files for Entities
  • Launch the Game quickly

To Start with Game Framework

Before starting to work with Game Framework, make sure that you are aware of the following Unigine engine sections:

Last update: 2017-07-03
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