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engine.surround Functions

This set of functions is available when the AppSurround or App3DSurround plugin is loaded.

To get access to the functions of the AppSurround plugin, wrap the code around with the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
	// use the engine.surround functions here

To use the functions of the App3DSurround plugin, specify the HAS_APP_3D_SURROUND identifier instead of the HAS_APP_SURROUND:

Source code (UnigineScript)
	// use the engine.surround functions here

Gui engine.surround.getGui (int num)

Returns a GUI instance to draw interface on the specified monitor.


  • int num - Monitor number.

Return value

GUI instance.

void engine.surround.getModelview (int num)

Gets the current modelview matrix used for the specified monitor.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).

void engine.surround.getProjection (int num)

Gets the current projection matrix used for the specified monitor.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).

int engine.surround.isEnabled (int num)

Returns a value indicating if the specified monitor is enabled for viewport rendering.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).

Return value

Returns 1 if the monitor is enabled for rendering; otherwise, 0.

void engine.surround.setEnabled (int num, int enable)

Enables the specified monitor for viewport rendering.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • int enable - 1 to enable the monitor for rendering; 0 to disable it.

void engine.surround.setLeftModelview (int num, mat4 modelview)

Sets stereo pair modelview matrices for the left monitor, i.e. one projection matrix for the left stereo image and one for the right stereo image.
This function is available only when the App3DSurround plugin is loaded and the HAS_APP_3D_SUROUND identifier is specified.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • mat4 modelview - Modelview matrix for the left or right stereo image.

void engine.surround.setLeftProjection (int num, mat4 projection)

Sets stereo pair projection matrices for the left monitor, i.e. one projection matrix for the left stereo image and one for the right stereo image.
This function is available only when the App3DSurround plugin is loaded and the HAS_APP_3D_SUROUND identifier is specified.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • mat4 projection - Projection matrix for the left or right stereo image.

void engine.surround.setMaterials (int num, string materials)

Sets postprocess materials to be applied to the specified monitor.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • string materials - Postprocess materials (comma-separated list).

void engine.surround.setModelview (int num, mat4 modelview)

Sets the modelview matrix for the specified monitor.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • mat4 modelview - Modelview matrix.

void engine.surround.setProjection (int num, mat4 projection)

Sets the projection matrix for the specified monitor.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • mat4 projection - Projection matrix.

void engine.surround.setReflectionMask (int num, int mask)

Sets a bit mask for rendering reflections on the specified monitor. Reflections are rendered in the viewport if masks of reflective materials match this one (one matching bit is enough).


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

void engine.surround.setRightModelview (int num, mat4 modelview)

Sets stereo pair modelview matrices for the left monitor, i.e. one projection matrix for the left stereo image and one for the right stereo image.
This function is available only when the App3DSurround plugin is loaded and the HAS_APP_3D_SUROUND identifier is specified.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • mat4 modelview - Modelview matrix for the left or right stereo image.

void engine.surround.setRightProjection (int num, mat4 projection)

Sets stereo pair projection matrices for the right monitor, i.e. one projection matrix for the left stereo image and one for the right stereo image.
This function is available only when the App3DSurround plugin is loaded and the HAS_APP_3D_SUROUND identifier is specified.


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • mat4 projection - Projection matrix for the left or right stereo image.

void engine.surround.setViewportMask (int num, int mask)

Sets a viewport bit mask for the specified monitor. Object surfaces, materials, decals, lights and GUI objects will be rendered into this viewport only if their viewport mask matches this one (one matching bit is enough).


  • int num - Monitor number from 0 (the left monitor) to 2 (the right monitor).
  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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