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Unigine Material Library
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Preprocessor Directives

Preprocessor directives are special language constructs, which control the script interpreter behavior. All UnigineScript directives begin with the # sign, and each of them should be on its own line. Note that there are no semicolons at the end of strings that start with directives.

Preprocessor Macros

A macro is a fragment of code which has been given a name. Whenever the name is used, it is replaced by the contents of the macro.

There is a pre-defined set of macros:

  • _VERSION_ - the UnigineScript interpreter version, for example, "1.82"
  • NDEBUG - the binary does not contain debugging information (release build)
  • _WIN32 - target operating system is Windows
  • _LINUX - target operating system is Linux
  • _MACOS - target operating system is Mac OS X
  • _ANDROID- - target operating system is Android
  • _CELLOS_LV2 - target operating system is PlayStation 3
  • _IOS - target operating system is iOS
  • _WINRT - target operating system is WinRT
  • _WEBGL - the binary is built via WebGL rendering system
  • HAS_SIXAXIS - the binary is built with support of Sixaxis gamepad
  • HAS_XPAD360 - the binary is built with support of Xbox 360 gamepad
  • HAS_JOYSTICK - the binary is built with support of a joystick
  • HAS_SOCKET - Socket Class is available in the Core Library
  • HAS_BUFFER - Buffer Class is available in the Core Library
  • HAS_XML - Xml Class is available in the Core Library
  • HAS_IMAGE - Image Class is available in the Core Library
  • HAS_REGEXP - Regexp Class is available in the Core Library
  • HAS_OPENGL - the binary is built with OpenGL rendering system
  • HAS_OPENGLES - the binary is built with OpenGL ES rendering system
  • HAS_DIRECT3D9 - the binary is built with Direct3D 9 rendering system
  • HAS_DIRECT3D11 - the binary is built with Direct3D 11 rendering system
  • HAS_DIRECT3D119 - the binary is built with Direct3D 11 feature level 9 rendering system
  • HAS_PLAYSTATION3 - the binary is built with PlayStation 3 rendering system
  • HAS_OPENAL - the binary is built with OpenAL sound system
  • HAS_XAUDIO21 - the binary is built with XAudio2 sound system
  • USE_DOUBLE - the binary is built with support of double precision of coordinates
  • HAS_MEMORY - the binary is built with Unigine memory management system

These macros can be used as conditions and combined with logical operators: () for grouping, || for "or", && for "and".


Loads the content of a given file.

Syntax: #include "someFile"

Here someFile is a target file name.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#include "foo.h"
foo(); // ok if foo.h contains declaration of foo()

To avoid conflicts it's recommended to include files this way:

Source code (UnigineScript)
#ifndef __MYLIB_H__
#define __MYLIB_H__

#include "myLib.h"

#endif /* __MYLIB_H__ */
In this case, even being included several times from different places, "myLib.h" will not cause re-definition collisions, since it will be compiled only once.

If a base path to the file is not mentioned in the #include pragma, the file will be searched among all files located in the data directory of the project.


Sets an identifier and a character sequence, by which the identifier will be replaced in the text of the program.

Syntax: #define macro_name character_sequence

Here macro_name will be replaced with character_sequence everywhere in the code. Note that character_sequence shouldn't contain spaces (except for strings, which must be enclosed in double quotes) and can be omitted.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#define LEFT 1
#define RIGHT 0

log.message("%d %d\n",LEFT,RIGHT);
// Output: 1 0

#define FRUIT "an apple"

log.message("%s\n", "today we will eat "FRUIT);
// Output: today we will eat an apple

// arguments are also supported:
#define saturate(v) clamp(v,0.0,1.0)

// literal # operator:
#define assert(EXP) { if(EXP) { } else { throw("Assertion: '%s'",#EXP); } }


Turns a macro argument into a string constant.

Syntax: #macro_arg

Here macro_arg is an argument to a macro.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#define assert(EXP) { if(EXP) { } else { throw("Assertion: '%s'",#EXP); } }

See also: #define .


Removes a previously defined identifier.

Syntax: #undef macro_name

Source code (UnigineScript)
#define LOCK
#undef LOCK

#ifndef LOCK
log.message("unlocked\n"); // this fragment will be executed


Allows executing some fragment of code conditionally, if a given identifier is defined with #define.

Syntax: #ifdef macro_name
some_code #endif

If macro_name is defined, then some_code will be executed.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#define LOCK1
#define LOCK2

#ifdef (LOCK1 && LOCK2) || LOCK3
log.message("locked\n"); // this fragment will be executed


Allows executing some fragment of code conditionally, if a given identifier is not defined with #define or is undefined with #undef.

Syntax: #ifndef macro_name
some_code #endif

If macro_name is not defined, then some_code will be executed.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#define LOCK

#ifndef LOCK
log.message("unlocked\n"); // this fragment will NOT be executed


Creates an alternative to #ifdef and #ifndef pragmas.

Syntax: #ifdef macro_name some_code
#else some_more_code

Here #ifndef can be used instead of #ifdef (however, the meaning of the condition will be reversed). If the first condition is false, then everything from the first #else up to the first #endif will be executed.

Source code (UnigineScript)

log.message("sound enabled\n");
log.message("sound disabled\n"); // this fragment will be executed


Create a conditional alternative to #ifdef and #ifndef pragmas.

Syntax: #ifdef macro_name1 some_code1
#elif macro_name2 some_code2

Here #ifndef can be used instead of #ifdef (however, the meaning of the condition will be reversed). If macro_name1 is false, then macro_name2 is tested, and if it's true, everything from this #elif up to the first #elif, #else or #endif will be executed.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#define VAL2

#ifdef VAL1
log.message("it is 1\n");
#elif VAL2
log.message("it is 2\n"); // this fragment will be executed
#elif VAL3
log.message("it is 3\n");


Marks an end of conditional compilation.


Terminates execution of the script and logs the message into the console and a system log file.

Syntax: #error message_text

Source code (UnigineScript)
#error I don't want to execute it any longer


Logs the message into the console and a system log file, the script continues execution.

Syntax: #warning message_text

Source code (UnigineScript)
#warning There is somethings wrong in here


Terminates compilation if a variable of a long type is used in the script, and logs the error message into the console and a system log file.


Terminates compilation if a variable of a double type is used in the script, and logs the error message into the console and a system log file.


Replaces all variables of a long type in the script with an int type.


Replaces all variables of a double type in the script with a float type.

Last update: 2017-07-03
Build: ()