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Player Persecutor

A player persecutor is a free flying camera without a physical body that follows the target node at the specified distance. The exact point of the target it follows is called an anchor. The persecutor can either turn around its target or its viewing direction can be fixed. It is approximated with a sphere, which allows it to collide with objects (but it does cannot, for example, to push or interact with them).

See also

Creating a Persecutor

To create a persecutor an Add Player option in the list of nodes in Editor panel. In the opened creation dialog window choose the Persecutor tab and specify initial parameters:

Creation Window
Field of View The vertical player's field of view, in degrees.
Near Clipping The distance to the near clipping plane of the player's viewing frustum, in units.
Far Clipping The distance to the far clipping plane of the player's viewing frustum, in units.

After the initial parameters are set, press Ok button and place the camera somewhere in the world.

Editing a Player Persecutor

In the Player tab you can adjust the following parameters of the persecutor:

A Player tab

Setting Bit Masks

A set of bit-masks available for the player:

Viewport A viewport mask, specifying objects that can be seen in the camera's viewport.
Reflection A reflection mask, specifying if the reflections will be rendered into the camera's viewport.
Source A sound source mask, specifying what sound channels are played for this camera.
Reverb A reverberation mask, specifying what reverberations are played for this camera.

Viewing Frustum Parameters

Parameters defining a camera's viewing frustum:

Field of View The vertical player's field of view, in degrees.
Near Clipping The distance to the near clipping plane of the player's viewing frustum, in units.
Far Clipping The distance to the far clipping plane of the player's viewing frustum, in units.

Post-processed Materials

In the Materials tab you can add post-processed materials to the camera. They will be applied after all other post-processes (such as HDR, DOF, etc.) are applied.

A Materials tab

Add Add a post-processed material from the dialog window appeared to the materials list.
Remove Remove a post-processed material from the materials list.
Up Move a material up in the materials list.
Down Move a material down in the materials list.

Setting Persecution Parameters

In the Persecutor tab you can adjust the following persecution parameters:

A Persecutor tab

Control Parameters

A set of parameters, controlling persecutor movements:

Fixed Angles Indicates if the persecutor can freely rotate around its target or it is oriented strictly in one direction.
Controlled Indicates if the persecutor is controlled.
Collision Indicates if collisions for the persecutor are enabled.
Collision A collision bit mask, specifying which objects can be collided.

Anchor Coordinates

Setting coordinates of the anchor point:

Anchor point Coordinates of an anchor point along the X, Y and Z axes (in the target node local coordinates), to which the persecutor is bound.

Distance Parameters

A set of distance parameters:

Min Distance The minimum possible distance between the persecutor and the target.
Max The maximum possible distance between the persecutor and the target.
Min Theta The minimum theta angle (zenith angle, also known as pitch angle) that determines how far upward the player can look.
Max The maximum theta angle (zenith angle, also known as pitch angle) that determines how far upward the player can look.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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