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Sending Data with SharedData

SharedData Class

SharedData class allows for data to be sent over the network. The following data types are supported:

Standard types Special types





This class has the following members:

  • SharedData() — default constructor that creates an empty container.
  • SharedData(int array[]) — constructor that creates SharedData instance using a standard UnigineScript array (i.e. a vector).
  • void addField(variable field) — adds a field to the container. Field variable can be of any type that is supported by SharedData.
  • void setField(int index, variable field) — updates the field specified by its index. If there is no such a field, variable is added to the end of the container as a new field.
  • void setField(variable field) — updates a zero field (if the field does not exist, it will be added).
  • variable getField(int index) — gets a field by its index.
  • variable getField() — gets a zero field (this is convenient if container has only one field).
  • variable setNextField(variable field) — updates the next field (for sequential update of fields).
  • variable getNextField() — gets the next field (for sequential reading of the fields).
  • void setArray(int array[]) — fills SharedData with data from a specified array. If SharedData contains some fields, they will be overwritten.
  • void getArray(int array[]) — fills the specified array with SharedData data.
  • void getArray(Variable array_id,int start_field_num,int end_field_num) — fills the specified array with SharedData data from the range [start_field_num,end_field_num).
  • void addArray(int array[]) — adds the specified array to the end of SharedData data.
  • int getNumFields() — gets the number of fields in the container.
  • void resetCurField() — resets the pointer to the current field (to reread the fields once again).
  • int getCurFieldIndex() — gets the index of the current field.
  • void clear() — empties a container.
  • void copy(SharedData src) — copies data from the specified source src container into the current one.

SharedData Serialization

When sent as a timestamped RakNet packet, SharedData is serialized into a bitstream in the following way:

  1. Packet timestamp ID ID_TIMESTAMP (unsigned char)
  2. Packet timestamp value (uint64_t returned by RakNet::GetTime())
  3. Packet type ID_CUSTOM (unsigned char)
  4. Number of fields in SharedData instance (uint8_t)
  5. For each field in SharedData instance:
    1. Type of the field (uint8_t). For example, for Unigine::Variable::INT, it is 0 and for Unigine::Variable::STRING, it is 13.
    2. Value of the field. For example, 60 or "text".

For example, if it is necessary to get lower-level RakNet packets after they were sent by the Unigine client application and read SharedData from them, they can be deserialized on the server side in the following way:

Source code (UnigineScript)
if(packet_type == ID_TIMESTAMP) {

int num_fields = 0;
int res = stream.ReadCasted<uint8_t,int>(num_fields);

for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
        Variable field;
        res = deserialize(field,stream);

After that, a custom packet is accessed in the following way:

Source code (UnigineScript)
int custom_packet_type = shared_data.getField(0).getInt();

Sending Data Functions

  • int network.send(SharedData data, Variable target,int send_mode) — sends data over the network:
    • data — data to be sent (see SharedData class)
    • target — an address of the recipient. It can be one of the following:
    • send_mode — a send mode. This is an optional parameter. By default it is equal to the SEND_MODE_NORMAL.
      The function returns 1 if the data was successfully sent; otherwise, 0.
  • int network.sendAll(SharedData data, int send_mode) — sends the data to all connected clients over the network:
    • data — data to be sent
    • send_mode — a send mode. This is an optional parameter. By default it is equal to the SEND_MODE_NORMAL.
      The function returns 1 if the data was successfully sent; otherwise, 0.
  • int network.sendAll(SharedData data, Variable exclude_target,int send_mode) — sends the data to all connected clients over the network, with the exception of a specified address:
    • data — data to be sent
    • exclude_address — a host address to be excluded. It can be one of the following types:
    • send_mode — a send mode. This is an optional parameter. By default it is equal to the SEND_MODE_NORMAL.
      The function returns 1 if the data was successfully sent; otherwise, 0.

Sending Modes

Possible send modes are as follows.

  • SEND_MODE_NORMAL - for each of the messages send with a SEND_MODE_IMMEDIATE mode, there will be sent one message with SEND_MODE_NORMAL mode. Such messages are placed into a buffer and are sent every 10 ms to keep the overhead low and to reduce the network load.
  • SEND_MODE_IMMEDIATE - such messages are sent immediately, without any buffering.


  • Example of sending messages between the client and a server can be found under <UnigineSDK>/data/network/samples/latency folder.
  • Example of simple network chat can be found under <UnigineSDK>/data/network/chat folder.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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