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Unigine.WidgetTabBox Class

Inherits: Widget

This class creates a box with several tabs.

WidgetTabBox Class


int CurrentTab#

The number of the current tab.
Makes a given tab current.
set value - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.

int NumTabs#

The total number of tabs in the box.

string Texture#

The path to the tab icons atlas texture. this atlas is a vertical strip of square icons.
Sets a texture to be used as tab icons atlas. This atlas is a vertical strip of square icons.
set value - Path to the atlas texture.

int PaddingBottom#

The current bottom padding for the widget content.

int PaddingTop#

The current top padding for the widget content.

int PaddingRight#

The current right-side padding for the widget content.

int PaddingLeft#

The current left-side padding for the widget content.

int SpaceY#

The vertical space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border.

int SpaceX#

The horizontal space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border.

vec4 BorderColor#

Widget's border color.
Sets the border color for the widget.
set value - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

vec4 ButtonColor#

Color for the widget's button.
Sets the color for the widget's button.
set value - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.


static WidgetTabBox ( Gui gui, int x = 0, int y = 0 ) #

Constructor. Creates a tabbed box with given parameters and adds it to the specified GUI.


  • Gui gui - GUI, to which the new box will belong.
  • int x - Horizontal space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.
  • int y - Vertical space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.

static WidgetTabBox ( int x = 0, int y = 0 ) #

Constructor. Creates a tabbed box with given parameters and adds it to the Engine GUI.


  • int x - Horizontal space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.
  • int y - Vertical space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.

string GetCurrentTabData ( ) #

Returns the data of the current tab. The data can be used as a text identifier of the item (instead of using the number of the item).

Return value

Tab data.

string GetCurrentTabText ( ) #

Returns the title of the current tab.

Return value

Tab title.

void SetImage ( Image image ) #

Sets a tab icons atlas image. This atlas is a vertical strip of square icons.


  • Image image - Tabs atlas.

Image GetImage ( ) #

Returns the tab icons atlas image. This atlas is a vertical strip of square icons.

Return value

Tabs atlas.

void SetPadding ( int l, int r, int t, int b ) #

Sets widget paddings for all sides. Padding clears an area around the content of a widget (inside of it).


  • int l - Left-side padding in pixels.
  • int r - Right-side padding in pixels.
  • int t - Top padding in pixels.
  • int b - Bottom padding in pixels.

void SetSpace ( int x, int y ) #

Sets a space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border.


  • int x - Horizontal space. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.
  • int y - Vertical space. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void SetTabData ( int num, string str ) #

Sets the data for the given tab. The data can be used as a text identifier of the item (instead of using the number of the item).


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.
  • string str - Data to set.

string GetTabData ( int num ) #

Returns the data of a given tab. The data can be used as a text identifier of the item (instead of using the number of the item).


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.

Return value

Tab data.

void SetTabHidden ( int num, bool hidden ) #

Sets a value indicating that a specified tab should not be rendered visible. By default all widget tabs are visible.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.
  • bool hidden - 1 for the tab to be invisible; otherwise, 0.

bool IsTabHidden ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the specified tab is invisible.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.

Return value

1 if the specified tab is invisible; otherwise, 0.

void SetTabText ( int num, string str ) #

Sets a title for the current tab.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.
  • string str - Tab title.

string GetTabText ( int num ) #

Returns the title of a given tab.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.

Return value

Tab title.

void SetTabTexture ( int num, int texture ) #

Sets an icon for the specified tab.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.
  • int texture - Zero-based ID of the icon (icon number in the atlas column). -1 specifies that a tab has no icon.

int GetTabTexture ( int num ) #

Returns the icon of the specified tab.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.

Return value

Zero-based ID of the icon (icon number in the atlas column). -1 specifies that a tab has no icon.

void SetTabToolTip ( int num, string str ) #

Sets a tooltip for the specified tab.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.
  • string str - Tooltip to display.

string GetTabToolTip ( int num ) #

Returns the tooltip of the given tab.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.

Return value

Displayed tooltip.

int AddTab ( string str, int texture = -1 ) #

Adds a new tab with a given title and icon to the box.


  • string str - Tab title.
  • int texture - Zero-based ID of the icon (icon number in the atlas column). -1 means that a tab has no icon.

Return value

Number of the added tab.

void Clear ( ) #

Removes all tabs from the box.

void RemoveTab ( int num ) #

Removes a given tab from the box.


  • int num - Tab number in range from 0 to the total number of tabs.
Last update: 2020-11-24
Build: ()