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Setting Up Properties

This panel is invoked by pressing the O key. It is used to modify and organize properties — sets of custom options, which can be assigned both to whole nodes and single surfaces. It consists of two panes: property tree and data related to the selected property and organised in tabs.

Properties editor settings

See Also

Properties Tree

The properties tree in the left part of the settings window has the following elements:

  •   List of preloaded property libraries — set load order, add, save or remove properties libraries from the list.
  •   Clone property — clone the selected property to the library with specified name.
  •   Inherit property — inherit the selected property in the library with specified name.
  •   Rename/move property — rename or move the property in the library.
  •   Remove property — remove property and all its children from the list.
  •   Assign property — assign property to the selected node.
  • Library filter — show all property libraries in the hierarchy list or filter the specific ones for displaying.
  • Search — search property in the hierarchy list by name.
  • Properties hierarchy list — hierarchically structured list of the properties giving property names and parent-child links.

Properties Tabs

The property-related data is grouped into four tabs:

  • The Common tab contains the options common to all the properties.
  • The States tab contains a set flags that define parameters.
  • The Parameters tab contains parameters associated with the selected states.

The details about type dependent property settings can be found in Property class article in the UnigineScript section.

Common Tab

The common tab has the following options:

LibraryA library for the current property.
NameA name of the property.
ParentA name of the parent property.
ChildrenThe number of child properties.
IntersectionEnable intersection test for the surfaces that have a property assigned. The surface will be tested for intersection only if both the property and the surface (Nodes options -> Surfaces tab -> Intersection box) options specify that.
CollisionEnable collision test for the surfaces that have a property assigned. The surface will be tested for collision only if both the property and the surface (Nodes options -> Surfaces tab -> Collision box) options specify that.
CopyCopy all property settings.
PasteApply the previously copied settings of the property to the current one.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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