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Unigine::PhysicalWind Class

Interface for physical wind handling.

To use this class, include the UniginePhysicalWind.h file.

Unigine::PhysicalWind Class


static int type ()

PhysicalWind type.

Return value

PhysicalWind type identifier.

static Ptr< PhysicalWind > create (const NodePtr & node)

PhysicalWind constructor.


  • const NodePtr & node - Node smart pointer.

static Ptr< PhysicalWind > create (const PhysicalPtr & physical)

PhysicalWind constructor.


  • const PhysicalPtr & physical - Physical smart pointer.

static Ptr< PhysicalWind > create (const vec3 & size)

PhysicalWind constructor.


  • const vec3 & size - Wind box size in units.

virtual void setSize (const vec3 & size) const =0

Sets the size of the physical wind node.


  • const vec3 & size - Wind box size in units.

virtual vec3 getSize () const =0

Returns the current size of the physical wind node.

Return value

Wind box size in units.

virtual void setThreshold (const vec3 & Threshold) const =0

Sets the threshold distance values along the coordinates axes relative to the wind node size (that is, inside of it). It determines the area of gradual change from zero to full wind velocity.


  • const vec3 & Threshold - distance in units.

virtual vec3 getThreshold () const =0

Returns the current threshold distance values along the coordinates axes relative to the wind node size (that is, inside of it). It determines the area of gradual change from zero to full wind velocity.

Return value

Threshold distance in units.

virtual void setVelocity (const vec3 & velocity) const =0

Sets velocity of the physical wind flow.


  • const vec3 & velocity - Velocity in units per second.

virtual vec3 getVelocity () const =0

Returns the current velocity of the physical wind flow.

Return value

Velocity in units per second.

virtual void setLinearDamping (float damping) const =0

Sets a value indicating how much the linear velocity of the objects decreases when they get inside the wind node.


  • float damping - Linear damping value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

virtual float getLinearDamping () const =0

Returns the current value indicating how much the linear velocity of the objects decreases when they get inside the wind node.

Return value

Linear damping value.

virtual void setAngularDamping (float Angular) const =0

Sets a value indicating how much the angular velocity of the objects decreases when they get inside the wind node.


  • float Angular - damping value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

virtual float getAngularDamping () const =0

Returns the current angular velocity of the objects decreases when they get inside the wind node.

Return value

Angular damping value.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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