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Unigine::DecalMesh Class

Interface for mesh decals handling.

To use this class, include the UnigineDecalMesh.h file.

Unigine::DecalMesh Class


static int type ()

DecalMesh type.

Return value

DecalMesh type identifier.

static Ptr< DecalMesh > create (const NodePtr & node)

DecalMesh constructor.


  • const NodePtr & node - Node smart pointer.

static Ptr< DecalMesh > create (const DecalPtr & decal)

DecalMesh constructor.


  • const DecalPtr & decal - Decal smart pointer.

static Ptr< DecalMesh > create (const MeshPtr & mesh, float radius, const char * name)

DecalMesh constructor.


  • const MeshPtr & mesh - The pointer to the mesh to be used as a base for a decal.
  • float radius - The height of the decal projection box along the Z axis, in units.
  • const char * name - The decal material name.

static Ptr< DecalMesh > create (const char * mesh_name, float radius, const char * name)

DecalMesh constructor.


  • const char * mesh_name - The name of the mesh to be used as a base for a decal.
  • float radius - The height of the decal projection box along the Z axis, in units.
  • const char * name - The decal material name.

virtual void setInitTime (float time) const =0

Sets a render initialization time value.


  • float time - A new initialization time value.

virtual float getInitTime () const =0

Returns the render initialization time value.

Return value

The initialization time value.

virtual int loadMesh (const char * name) const =0

Loads a mesh for the current mesh from the file. This function doesn't change the mesh name.


  • const char * name - The name of the mesh file.

Return value

1 if the mesh is loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

virtual int saveMesh (const char * name) const =0

Saves the decal mesh into a file.


  • const char * name - A name of the mesh file.

Return value

1 if the mesh is saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

virtual int setMesh (const MeshPtr & mesh) const =0

Copies a given mesh into the current decal mesh.


  • const MeshPtr & mesh - The mesh smart pointer.

Return value

1 if the mesh is copied successfully; otherwise, 0.

virtual int getMesh (const MeshPtr & mesh) const =0

Copies the current decal mesh into the received mesh.


  • const MeshPtr & mesh - The mesh smart pointer.

Return value

1 if the mesh is copied successfully; otherwise, 0.

virtual void setMeshName (const char * name) const =0

Sets a new name for the mesh.


  • const char * name - A new name to be set for the mesh.

virtual const char * getMeshName () const =0

Returns the name of the mesh used as a base for the decal.

Return value

The mesh name.

virtual void setRadius (float radius) const =0

Sets the new height of the decal projection box along the Z axis.


  • float radius - The height of the decal projection box along the Z axis, in units.

virtual float getRadius () const =0

Returns the current height of the decal projection box along the Z axis.

Return value

The height of the decal projection box along the Z axis, in units.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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