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Getting Started
Migrating to UNIGINE 2.0
C++ API Migration
The Language
Core Library
Engine Library
Node-Related Classes
GUI-Related Classes
Plugins Library
High-Level Systems
Usage Examples
API Reference
Integration Samples
Usage Examples
C++ Plugins
注意! 这个版本的文档是过时的,因为它描述了一个较老的SDK版本!请切换到最新SDK版本的文档。
注意! 这个版本的文档描述了一个不再受支持的旧SDK版本!请升级到最新的SDK版本。

Unigine::App Class

Major changes:

  • Added support for the window position.
  • Added support for multi-touch.
  • Removed support for DirectX 9.
  • Removed support for OpenGL ES.
int dialogMessage(const char * title, const char * str)int dialogMessage(const char * title, const char * str, const char * flags)
int dialogFile(const char * title, char * name, int size)int dialogFile(const char * title, char * name, int size, const char * filter, const char * flags)
int initD3D9(void * d3d, void * device)Removed. DirectX 9 is no longer supported.
int shutdownD3D9()Removed. DirectX 9 is no longer supported.
int isD3D9Initialized()Removed. DirectX 9 is no longer supported.
void * getD3D9D3D()Removed. DirectX 9 is no longer supported.
int initGLES()Removed. OpenGL ES is no longer supported.
int shutdownGLES()Removed. OpenGL ES is no longer supported.
int isGLESInitialized()Removed. OpenGL ES is no longer supported.

New Functions and Variables

Last update: 2017-07-03
Build: ()