2. Logging and Printing Messages to Console
Printing messages to the log file and console helps to monitor overall progress of execution of your application and report errors which can be used in debugging. Log class makes it possible to print formatted string messages to the log file and the console. The code below demonstrates how to print various types of messages:
Source code (C++)
// auxiliary variables for messages
char *file_name = "file.txt";
int ID = 10;
// reporting an error message
Log::error("Loading mesh: can't open \"%s\" file\n", file_name);
// reporting a message
Log::message("-> Added %d UI elements.\n", 10);
// reporting a warning message
Log::warning("ID of the \"%s\" file: %d.\n", file_name, ID);
// reporting a fatal error message to the log file and closing the application
Log::fatal("FATAL ERROR reading \"%s\" file!\n", file_name);
Additional information:
Last update: 10.08.2018
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