A grass_impostor_base material is used for vegetation impostors. It can be applied to grass objects that, in turn, can be used as impostors for trees.
Auxiliary rendering pass is used for writing an additional texture into an auxiliary color buffer. Detail information on the pass can be found in the Rendering Sequence article. The pass can be used for custom post-process effects.
Noise activates spatial color noise texture, so the grass is colored according to it. The noise texture can add irregularity to the color of the grass field or it can color the grass.
Ambient Occlusion
Ambient Occlusion enables the ambient occlusion that sets shading arising from the ground to the top of the grass blade.
AO Map
AO Map enables the ambient occlusion effect. This effect is used to modulate global environment illumination using baked shadows from environment probes. Enabling the option activates the ambient occlusion texture.
Normal Map
Normal Map enables the normal map for the grass impostors. This option is used to fake the relief on the impostor surface.
Shading Map
Shading Map enables the shading texture for the material.
Microfiber Map
Microfiber Map enables using of the A channel of the shading texture that stores the microfiber texture.
Specular Map
Specular Map enables using of the B channel of the shading texture that stores the specular texture.
Translucent Map
Translucent Map enables the translucence effect and activates an additional translucent texture.
Screen Aligned
Screen Aligned sets the impostor parallel to the screen plane. The option should be enabled for correct rotation of impostors when the camera looks down. We recommend you to use this option only when impostor rotation is required, as in other cases it may lead to visual artifacts.
Lerp enables smooth linear interpolation of sprites when the camera rotates around the object. This state should be enabled, if the grabbed impostor textures store low number of frames (i.e. the Phi and Theta values are small).
Up Direction
Up Direction makes impostors always pointing upwards.
When the impostors are oriented along normal of the parent node (usually - a terrain), trees grow almost perpendicular to the terrain slopes. To make the trees pointing up, the Up Direction option should be enabled. At that, the impostors normals remain the same. It allows you to get correct shadowing of trees impostors on the steep slopes.
Animation option enables animation for objects (e.g. for plants swinging in the wind). Available modes:
- None - animation is disabled.
- Animation - standard animation is used.
Standard Animation of Impostors
- Field Animation - standard animation is used together with animation produced by Field Animation.
Standard Animation of Impostors + Field Animation
Jitter Transparency
Jitter Transparency enables creating deferred transparency by using jittering. The state can be used when such result is acceptable and post-effects are applied to the material.
Mip Bias
Mip Bias activates an additional mip bias parameter. It is used to adjust mip mapping.
Visibility Mask
Visibility Mask activates an additional visibility mask texture and visibility mask threshold parameter. It is used to cut out grass according to the mask texture.
Post Processing
Material SSAO
Material SSAO enables screen space ambient occlusion.
Material SSR
Material SSR enables screen space reflections.
Material SSS
Material SSS enables subsurface scattering.
Material DOF
Material DOF enables the depth of field effect.
Material Motion Blur
Material Motion Blur enables the motion blur effect.
Material Sun Shafts
Material Sun Shafts enables sun shafts.
Textures available for the material. All of the textures fields have set default textures, which can be replaced by your own ones. Availability of some textures depends on the set States values.
Base Textures
Albedo Texture
An albedo texture that specifies the color of the impostor surface. To create an albedo texture for impostor, use Impostors Creator tool: the texture will be set automatically after generation.
The texture is 4-channelled (RGBA):
- RGB values store color information.
- An alpha (A) value stores transparency information.
Shading Texture
A shading texture is a container for four different textures:
- The R channel stores a metalness texture.
- The G channel stores a roughness texture.
- The B channel stores a specular texture.
NoticeThe texture from this channel can be used only if the Specular Map option is enabled.
- The A channel stores a microfiber texture.
NoticeThe texture from this channel can be used only if the Microfiber Map option is enabled.
Normal Texture
Normal texture of the grass impostor. The texture is used to fake the relief on the impostor surface. To create a normal texture for impostor, use Impostors Creator tool.
Additional Textures
Ambient Occlusion Texture
Ambient occlusion texture modulates the global environment illumination, for example, when an object is lighter at the top from sky above, and darker at the bottom from the ground below. The texture uses only R channel.
Translucent Texture
Translucent texture stores information on material's translucency. For example, by using this texture, it is possible to specify parts of the object that aren't translucent (the Translucent parameter won't affect them).
Auxiliary Texture
Auxiliary texture is used for auxiliary rendering pass.
Noise Texture
Noise texture is used to color the grass (for example, to match the colors of the terrain) or to add irregularity to the color of the grass field. In both cases, the colors of the grass diffuse texture and the spatial noise texture are blended in the overlay mode.
The texture is 3-channelled (RGB).
Visibility Mask Texture
Visibility Mask texture is used to cut out grass.
The texture is 1-channelled (R).
- R - visibility mask.
Availability of some parameters depends on the set States field values.
Material Mask
Material Mask parameter specifies a decal bit-mask. If the material mask of the decal material matches the material mask of the surface material, the decal will be projected.
Transform Parameters
This group of parameters determines coordinates transformation of impostors
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Transform Parameters
Phi determines the number of frames grabbed into the impostor texture (horizontal camera rotation).
Theta determines the number of frames grabbed into the impostor texture (vertical camera rotation).
Size size of the object for which impostors were grabbed.
Pivot Offset
Pivot Offset offset of the pivot point from the center of the object's bounding box.
Base Shading Parameters
Albedo is a multiplier of the base color of the surface provided by the albedo texture.
Metalness is a multiplier of metalness.
Roughness is a multiplier of the roughness of a surface.
Specular is a multiplier for the intensity of highlight provided by the specular texture.
Microfiber is a coefficient to scale the intensity of the microfiber effect (provided by the microfiber texture). This parameter creates an effect of the napped surface. The higher the value, the higher the microfiber effect is.
Translucent is a coefficient to scale the translucent effect, which permits light to pass through the grass blades, but diffuses it so objects behind the grass blades are not visible. The higher the value, the more translucent the material is.
Alpha Intensity
Alpha Intensity is a coefficient to scale the value of the alpha channel of the grass diffuse texture. The higher the value, the bigger areas of the texture are rendered.
Shadow Offset
Shadow Offset sets an offset of grass impostors shadows.
Orientation Normals
When the Up Direction option is used for impostors that are oriented along normal of the parent node (usually - a terrain), the normal map set for impostors is blended with the normal map produced by such orientation settings. Orientation Normals sets a coefficient of such normal maps blending. The default value is 1. The higher the value, the more intense the effect of orientation settings.
Mip Bias
Mip Bias is a coefficient for mip maps adjusting.
Animation Parameters
Stem Noise
Stem noise is a coefficient to scale a spatial noise that diversifies the direction of movement of the grass.
- 0 makes the grass move uniformly.
- Increasing the value makes the grass blades movement more random.
Stem Offset
Stem offset is a coefficient to scale an amplitude of horizontal movement of the grass.
Stem Radius
Stem radius is a coefficient to scale an amplitude of vertical movement of the grass.
Stem Scale
Stem scale is a coefficient to scale the speed of grass movement.
Ambient Occlusion Parameters
Visibility specifies how the AO has influence on grass.
Multiplier is a coefficient to scale the occlusion that sets shading starting from the ground to the top of the grass blades. The higher the value, the less shaded the grass is.
Power is the rate of ambient occlusion appearance on the grass.
Impact On Diffuse
Impact On Diffuse shows how ambient occlusion affects the grass diffuse texture.
Noise Parameters
Transform specifies spatial noise texture coordinates transformation.
Scale is a coefficient to scale intensity of the spatial noise texture.
Auxiliary Parameters
Auxiliary Color
Color is a color for the auxiliary rendering pass.
Visibility Mask Threshold
Visibility Mask Threshold determines the threshold of the visibility mask texture.