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Getting Started
Migrating to UNIGINE 2.0
C++ API Migration
The Language
Core Library
Engine Library
Node-Related Classes
GUI-Related Classes
Plugins Library
High-Level Systems
Usage Examples
API Reference
Integration Samples
Usage Examples
C++ Plugins
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Unigine::Player Class

-virtual void setOldModelview(const UNIGINE_MAT4 & modelview) const =0 Sets the modelview matrix to be used as a previous frame matrix.
-virtual UNIGINE_MAT4 getOldModelview() const =0 Returns the modelview matrix of the player used in the previous frame.
-virtual void setUp(const vec3 & up) const =0 Sets an up direction of the player's viewport (i.e. tilt of the player's viewport).
-virtual vec3 getUp() const =0 Returns the current up direction of the player's viewport (i.e. tilt of the player's viewport).
-virtual void setView(const vec3 & view) const =0 Sets the viewing orientation of the player.
-virtual vec3 getView() const =0 Returns the current viewing orientation of the player.
-virtual void setVelocity(const vec3 & velocity) const =0 Sets a new velocity for the player.
-virtual vec3 getVelocity() const =0 Returns the current velocity of the player.
-virtual void setControlled(int controlled) const =0 Disables or enables the player controls.
-virtual int isControlled() const =0 Returns a value indicating whether player controls are disabled (player does not respond to them) or enabled.
-virtual void setControls(const ControlsPtr & controls) const =0 Sets a Controls smart pointer that will hold settings of input controls relevant to the player.
-virtual ControlsPtr getControls() const =0 Returns a Controls smart pointer that holds settings of input controls relevant to the player.
-virtual void updateControls(float ifps) const =0 Gets the current player's parameters (impulse, direction, velocity etc) according to user input.
-virtual void flushTransform() const =0 Forces to immediately set transformations to the player
Last update: 03.07.2017
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